Easier videos on how to choose high quality dividend stocks

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

For all who think that crypto is in a bubble, you might want to diversify

This is not advice, just my opinions:

  • Yield, if you chase yield you usually do take on more risk.
  • Payout ratios on the other hand are useful, because you know a company can keep paying dividends into the future.
  • 10 year growth rate, this is interesting as a metric.

What do you all think? This is a lot more simple than studying how to analyze securities using the Graham method.

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Great Video, I very like it!

I love this! Thank you.

Great stuff @dana-edwards ! I think cryptos are a bit bubbly yeah...definitely diversifying is the solution! Your videos were quite clear and helpful! Thanks a lot! :)

Yes! Get a basketful of them and put them away for a year or two 🙌🏼🙌🏼

Thank you for this important information, very useful for me....

I ask for permission to share to my twiter, oke?

I totally agree with you can increase somethings worth by how much you need and I think greed is what clouds our minds and that we want money quick rather than waiting it out and seeing prices bloom

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

If you're looking for dividend only, look at debt securities - bonds, notes, preferred shares... You' re portfolio will decrease the risk and increase the return significantly.

Great videos displaying more ways to diversify your money. People need to know there are a variety of ways to do it instead of just currency.

Great Info. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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@dana-edwards your post very nice friend

This is something that gives a lot of knowledge to us!!

Agreed you are not an advisor, but your opinions might help some of us.