in life •  7 years ago 

I'm not an american man, actually i'm not even live there. But i feel that i have to standing up for what Emma Gonzales and others are making right now.

It's an amazing thing to do, fighting for there future, this young womens and mens, are confronting a very tradicional gun law, that have been never even being in the discuss table. It's like, guns are intochables.


The access to obtain weapons, full automatic and semi automatic weapons are the problem here, it's not only the mental health of the people who go to the store and buy them.

The fact that a 18 YEAR OLD BOY have full capacity to obtain this kind of war and destruction weapons are the WHOLE PROBLEM.

USA and american people have to STAND UP and make a diference because the white house will not do it, because they have seen all the massive shootings not only the last week in Parkland, in 2006 in Richmond, in 2012 in Aurora Colorado, in 2017 in Las Vegas, in 2012 in Sandy Hook, in 1999 in Colorado in Columbine High School... and there is SO MANY MORE and all this in the last 18 years.

I personally ADMIRE this girl, Emma Gonzales, she's fearless against this senators and personalities that ONLY CARES ABOUT MONEY AND THE MONEY THAT GUNS SELLS MAKE.

What she, and all this kids are doing, it's just remarkable, they are making a diference, they are being a change for there country and for there future. They will make a change, and not only them, all the people who they're inspiring right now will make it too.


I'm not american, not been there, but from far far away, I have to say i am very proud of all of you kids, you are the future and a very bright one. You give me hope that the future will be the kind of future we need.

This kids don't want to wait to take the wheel of there future. They dont want, and should not have to wait to have 30 years old to take action to defines there future and make it SAFE for everyone, not only them.

Shooting survivor Emma Gonzales confronts NRA's spokeswoman Dana Loesch

Right here you can see the fearless and the conviction in all this kids, not only Emma... they are waking america up because it's time to do something, they have to and they want to... and no one will stop them, because they have the most encouragement of all... the view of the future. And when you want something for your future, when you need something for your future, nothing can stop you.

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It’s a really happy to see kids standing up to fighting for what they believe in. NRA if they still want to do business, needs to make it stricter for people to gain guns. Fuck easy access make it harder for the wrong people to access it.

Unless they don’t stop seeing every deranged shooter as a customer this problem will never be solved.

There is no better words my friend, "Unless they don’t stop seeing every deranged shooter as a customer this problem will never be solved" and that's the deal here.

They don't care who get this weapons and why or for, they only care to sell them, the money. Until the laws and the control don't make something to avoid that the wrong people get weapons, nothing will change.

This kids, are something very special and inspirational. I hope there conviction get reward.

Powerful machines capable of causing death and destruction should be well-regulated.

Regulate guns in the same manner that we regulate cars.

Of course there is more to it than just that; gun violence is just one symptom of a failing society. The disease being, income inequality. Income inequality is created by corrupt Governments, the only way to stop this, is to get big money out of politics. Which politicians are trying to solve the problem and which ones are trying to profit? Nothing will change until we vote in a Government that cares more about our kids than their lobbyist contributions (legalized bribery).

These kids are awesome!!!

i'm totally agreed with you, it's also a corrupt problem.

it's ridiculous, i think get in a plane it's way more harder than buy dangerous weapons.

People in america have to get one, just one, really good and worried goverment that take place in the real problems and solve them.

A group of leaders that put american people before money, power and their lobbyist contributions like you say. It's a very complicated journey but i think, with kids like this USA may find them and get what they deserves, safety.