I think it's way more lucrative to earn money with your money don't earn money without a job because with a job you have to put in a lot of time and the taxes are way higher. But in order to be able to make money with your money you got to have money. And in order to have money you have to work. So what I've done is working al lot to earn a lot of money, or at least a decent amount and then investing it. I kept on working but way less hours and by working less hours I had to pay less taxes. The whole system is quite unfair it allows the rich to get richer and the less wealthy to stay less wealthy but I figured the system is not going to change soon so I better play the system.
Earning money with your money
7 years ago by danny88 (44)
- Past Payouts $0.26
- - Author $0.25
- - Curators $0.01
15 votes
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