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I name him R2D2

If you feel it burning your throat, it’s either too much nicotine or your running your rig a little too hot. I quit smoking cigarettes about 3 years ago. Started vaping 12mg and now I am down to about .5 mg. So ya it’s kinda pointless. I make my own juice which is super easy to do. I noticed it is much easier goin long periods without vaping than it ever was smoking.

'Smoke to get high not just to die.' That's what I say. Good luck on that my man!

It doesn't relate to the #ophumanangels tag.. we are spreading love and positive vibes.. not blood and guts..

Not that I have a issue with blood and guts.. but I prefer them to be in a #hunting or #taxidermy tag... not a #ophumanangels tag


Ok , Fair enough.
The user using a wrong tag, also the first tag.
Lesson to learn for the user.
gtg , lot of work to do.

ahh those killed my throat after about 6 months I started waking up like I'd been screaming at a concert all night and smoked 2 packs of butts on top of it! I hope you have better luck! I went back to regular cigarettes, unfortunately but I'm working on quitting again.. LOL I'm down to maybe 1 a day but I split it up - a few drags here and there.. slowly weening. It's hardest after smoking a bone.. always want that cigg to follow B-)
Good luck !

Right on!! I recently quit tobacco myself. All my years I’ve been addicted to all the above and tobacco is by far the hardest. Hang in there 👍

#vaplife good luck dude

is that a vapor? what chemicals does it contain?

Right on man. Good luck! The vape pens hurt my lungs more than cigs. 😫

Good one

I just bought you a Birthday present lol.