The Role of Parents in Children's Self-Expression Ways

in life •  7 months ago 

Children may use distinct behavioural patterns to express themselves, even though their ways of self-expression occasionally develop in a way that is suitable for the moment and setting in which they find themselves.

This might sometimes take the form of the child biting, screaming, crying, or acting angry towards their family in an attempt to achieve what they want, or it can also take the form of a long period of silence, retreat, or reluctance to express themselves.

An indication of the child's tendencies of self-expression are both extreme reactions. In contrast to all of these instances, a child can express himself in a healthy and appropriate way if they are going through a normal and healthy developmental process and are able to build positive relationships as a result of a strong sense of trust with their family.


A child's interactions with their family and surroundings set the stage for the development of their communication abilities. Children learn and develop their personality traits, self-concept, and social perceptions during the delicate stage of childhood.

Children express themselves in different ways based on the stage of life they are at. A child will cry when they are a baby to beg for what they need; when they are in school, they may ask for something else; and when they are in their teens, they may ask for something else.

These transitory events in children's lives must be considered when assessing the methods in which they express themselves. The mother's and father's attitudes influence how children express themselves in the household, where they start to learn behavioural patterns and forms.

Children's social and personal development is negatively impacted by the incorrect ideas of their parents. For this reason, dads' and mothers' regular behavioural patterns are crucial to a child's growth.

Sometimes, children use weeping and screaming as ways to communicate their needs and demands. In this situation, if you react angrily to your child's yelling by yelling at them, you will have perpetuated the negative behaviour pattern in response to your child, and you will not have taken the appropriate action.

The best way to find a long-term solution for both you and your child is to talk to them in a calm, pleasant tone of voice while taking into account the stage they are in.

You can wait to speak with your child until they have calmed down if they are now really upset and would prefer to express their anger by sobbing or yelling. It's critical to make an effort to comprehend the motivations behind your kids' cries and yelling.

Let's take an example where your youngster demands to be fed harmless foods all the time and to be able to receive what they want right away by yelling and crying. When you respond to your child in this way, with a harsh tone, your youngster will become more aggressive and persistent in their actions.

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