Can Humans Really Conquer and Settle in Mars

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Thousands of people are going to settle at Mars. And Mr. Stephen Petranek is saying you that they're going to do this in less time. Some might end up doing their professions and some of your children may live there.

That probably sounds ridiculous, But by his(Stephen Petranek) presentations, I will share with you how this will probably happen.

To begin with, I would like to share some captivating facts about the planet Mars. This image below actually shows the true size of Mars when compared to Earth. Also, It is far less in size about half the size of the Earth, and yet inspite of the reality that it is smaller, the surface area of the Mars which you can observe is identical to the surface area of the Earth that we are living, obviously, because the Earth is covered by water with large quantity. The atmosphere on Mars is considerably thin approximately 100 times thinner than on Earth. Furthermore it is not breathable because it has 96 % carbon dioxide. It is very cold there. The average temperature is - 81 degrees, despite quite a range of temperature. A day on Mars is almost a day on the Earth, but with 39 minutes extra. Seasons and years on Mars are two times they are on Earth. Mars has got not much gravity than on Earth.

There are large group of communities that are planning to settle at Mars. And Mr. Stephen Petranek is saying you that they're going to do this in less time. Some might end up doing their professions and some of your children may live there.

That probably sounds ridiculous, but by his (Stephen Petranek) presentations, I will share with you how this will probably happen.

To begin with, I would like to share some captivating facts about the planet Mars. This image below actually shows the true size of Mars when compared to Earth. Also, It is far less in size about half the size of the Earth, and yet inspite of the reality that it is smaller, the surface area of the Mars which you can observe is identical to the surface area of the Earth that we are living, obviously, because the Earth is covered by water with large quantity. The atmosphere on Mars is considerably thin approximately 100 times thinner than on Earth. Furthermore it is not breathable because it has 96 % carbon dioxide. It is very cold there. The average temperature is - 81 degrees, despite quite a range of temperature. A day on Mars is almost a day on the Earth, but with 39 minutes extra. Seasons and years on Mars are two times they are on Earth. Mars has got not much gravity than on Earth.

The major problem could be Mars is very far from us, a 1000 times farther away from earth than our own moon. The Moon is 402336 KMs far away from earth and it took approximately Apollo astronauts 3 days to arrive in Mars. Mars is 250 million miles far and it will probably take us 8 months to arrive there that is 240 days. And that is only possible if we launch on a particular day, at a particular time, that comes once every two years, when Mars and the Earth are lined up then the distance that the rocket could have to travel can be the shortest that is 240 days.

What we need to survive on Earth: the main things we need are food, water, shelter and clothing. So take a look at the most significant thing on this list. Water is the basic thing of all life as we know it, and it's so heavy for robots to carry water from the Earth to Mars, so we need to find water if our life will prosper on Mars. The soil itself on Mars contains up to 60% water. This is a device invented at the University of Washington back in 1998. It's actually a low-tech dehumidifier. And it will change the atmosphere in Mars. This machine can take all the water out that humans needed from the atmosphere of Mars. Next the thing we breathe. A scientist at MIT named Michael Hecht developed the machine, Moxie. It is a reverse fuel cell, fundamentally, that draws in the Martian atmosphere and leave oxygen out and it has an ability to produce sufficient oxygen to keep one person alive.

Next, what are we going to eat? We can use hydroponics to grow food, but we are not going to be able to generate more than 15 to 20 % of our food there, and we basically have the probability and the capability of growing crops. In the meantime, large quantity of our food will get from Earth but with little modifications I suppose. And then we want some shelter. In the beginning we can use inflatable, pressurized structures.
But this basically works only during the daytime. There is so much solar radiation and so much radiation coming from cosmic rays. Therefore, we really have to look or underground structures.

And finally there we need clothing. On Mars there is barely any atmospheric pressure. So Dava Newman, a scientist at MIT, has invented the sleek space suit. It will block radiation and keeps us warm all the time.

So are you ready to get there??

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They created several wars on planet earth with all neuclear weapons and now planning to run to safe mars. Lol amazing.

later on, people on Mars create weapon to destroy Earth after bringing all the water to Mars =)

I agree with you @richguy, but exploring some planets may always be a good idea I suppose. atleast for future generations Isn't it?

I am sure that it is impossible to land on Mars by the human. if he go there, he will be destroyed.

This comment has received a 0.05 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @qasimwaqar.

Nobody is going to Mars. The lies....the lies...the lies they tell. Lol. They need to start fixing the planet that we live on instead of going out and trying to destroy another one.

True, well said. We are destroying our own planet, exploiting it to death and then planning to conquer Mars. These are all publicity stunts. Elon Musk is awesome but why try something crazy like this than making your own planet beautiful again. Need to look inwards than outwards to find solutions.

Its human nature to do this tho, sadly. Instead of fixing a problem or finding better alternatives we tend to just move on and start at a new spot. Evident by the amount of rubbish that builds up and the food that is wasted.
I feel Elon Musk is at the forefront of both waves though, yes SpaceX is about going to Mars one day but its doing so with re-usable rockets, and the Tesla and SolarCity projects are about clean renewable energies.

props. could not agree more. can't just abandon this and be like, ok we will try again.

It is a good idea to fix our planet with the money that are being used to explore other planets. But sadly people are heading in other direction.

If anyone thinks that humans have technology to get people into mars in the next few years is quite misinformed.
Why hasnt there been any trip to the moon in the last 40+ years?
Or was there any to begin with?
Not that easy, and sending a bunch of people to such a long distance now without any recent trip would be mad IMO.

we can't control problems on earth and dream about conquering mars? is it possible?

Very informative post on mars. Have you looked at what Elon Musk has proposed with his plans for Mars? He seems to be the most likely for success because he wants to pay for the trip via SpaceX (or it atleast appears that way). Again great post!

He also has interesting ideas about how to terraform Mars, which involve thermonuclear bombs at the poles. I don't personally know enough about the science behind it, but there's more information here -

I feel SpaceX is a interesting project. They have large scaled proposals for future space travel.

We humans can be very determined to conquer. Just hope we dont fill it with bombs first.

Well said

Hell, given the opportunity I would go at the drop of a hat. Setting it up for future generations of explorers, so much could be learnt even if the first few attempts were to fail.

We are millions of years far from advancing like extraterrestrials. And maybe Mars has already been taken by these advanced ETs


Great topic!!! If they need someone to sign up to be sent over to mars I am their man!

Imagine that! Great Post!

this was a nice post. i don't want to go to mars. i'd be happy to get to europe for now ;) - also, did you see the new tech regarding lasers that nasa are playing with to propel things? - - PHOTON PROPULSION, let's go!

@teamhumble Yes, It is time to begin this inevitable journey beyond our home.

Sounds like hell.

I can`t beleave ppl up-voted this ... has no1 seen that no1 has gotten to the moon !? look it up it was fake

they faked it all ...

btw, can the extra 39 minutes be for sexy time. that's all i want out of this transaction.

I would be down to go but I have an irrational fear of having to eat my own poop-potatoes like Matt Damon.

Aaaah, What a beautiful art looking in the 1st and last images

I think it's hilarious people think they know all this stuff about space and other planets when everything Nasa has ever said is a lie. I don't believe the reality of what space is, is a part of our cultural narrative

Really interesting post. Good reading. I dont think we'll ever get to live on mars no matter how much they trying to find ways 😊
We should take better care of our earth so we can keep living here.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think nothing is impossible for human being. I swear only 30 years will need to conquer the whole planets by human being.

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Thanks @zubett I will do the same...

"We need to colonize Mars and other planets. If we don't, we may not survive." Stephen Hawking

if they go there. they become martians.. nd Air of mars is painful :)

Do they have star-bucks?

hahah, you know they are gonna be there first. . ;)

Of course...It's in their name :)

That's an opportunity right there. Let's go there first and open one...

I really feel that business men is always first and try to be there to suck our blood. Capitalists...

I like how Elon Musk and other eccentric billionaires have totally given up on the earth.
But hey who knows maybe we can try not to fuck this one up with it being a wasteland already and all.

It is still not possible or viable for humans to move to mars. I think more research and work has to be done. No human has landed there yet so we cant be 100 % sure of conditions there. Who is willing to risk their life travelling 240 days not sure if they can ever come back. Its just too much

Yes I was born ready! 😉

I think i'll prefer to live here on earth @dommaraju
Human beings are rather ambitious.

Thanks for sharing and do stay in touch.

Who agrees that we are on a still plane and space is fiction?