in life •  7 years ago 

What do you think of yourself? More superior than others? Because you can do something that they can't? Or Lower than others? Because we can't do anything?

Well if we thought that we can do everything well think again...

Psychologists and neurologists uncover new mysteries about the brain every day. Some of these discoveries are powerful and impact our daily life and behavior. 7 of these mind-blowing facts for you that were recently found.
I didn't know anything until I read about this..

*Perceptual Blindness

Have you heard of Perceptual Blindness?
As humans, we usually don't notice the changes in the areas we see often. A lot change around us quickly but even when some of these changes are obvious but we don't see them unless someone mentions them to us. For example, you found your soulmate and fell in love at first sight. You wouldn't even know if you met this person before in a different context!
That's because the first time you met them your senses were focused on something completely different and ignored that person. Trying to be more aware of our surroundings and concentrate our senses outwards may be difficult, but it comes in handy.

*We make most of our choices unconsciously

Sometimes we spend too much time thinking before making choices and try to make logical decisions. But our subconscious has the last word each time. Even when we don't notice it, factors outside of our conscious thinking are much more powerful than the logical ones. A decision we make is unconsciously based on the social and egotistical benefits as well as our long lasting beliefs.
For example, imagine buying a new laptop. You did a lot of relevant research online, asked your tech friends about your options, and you know what you needed, your budget etc. But somehow, all the commercials you've seen, big brands that pop up on your social media and life, the biases of the people you got advice from, all have incredible power on your decision in the end.

*Did you know that you read larger text faster?

Research has found that we reach the peak of our reading pace when a line has around 100 letters. Most of the time we prefer reading lines with 45 to 72 letters when we have the choice. But if you want to work on speed reading or trying to memorize your notes faster, it would work better to write and read long lines of text.

*You can only remember 3-4 things at any given time.

Studies on memory and knowledge have shown that at any given moment we remember a maximum of 3-4 things. This fact may come as a relief if you are anxious about remembering so many things all the time. Save time by choosing only 3-4 things you think you need to remember among dozens that stress you out, like a big to-do list made simple and more efficient.

Don't forget that unless you are repeating these to yourself or concentrating, you can only keep the 3-4 things in your mind for maximum 20 seconds at a time. Just like how you repeat someone's phone number over and over to yourself until you have the chance to write it down, you need repetition to root some thoughts and ideas in your memory.

*We abide by a universal code when imagining objects.

This phenomenon is called canonical perspective. When we think of an object, we all obey a certain rule: we imagine looking at it from the side and slightly from above. You can prove this with a little experiment. Ask your friends to draw a tea glass or mug on a piece of paper. It's going to look something like the ones on the left. Why doesn't anyone draw something similar to the one in the right? This experiment works the same way with other objects, with similar results. Try this also, you'll see the results.

*We re-shape memories in our mind

Studies by neurologists and psychologists have shown that our memory does more than playing recorded clips to us every time we remember an event. Memories are actually just certain patterns of neural connections in out brain and every time they are activated, they change a bit and get reshaped. This means something important: we can reshape our memories for the good. Bad memories can only keep hurting us if we record and keep shaping them in a negative way. They can change for the better depending on our perspective. So we should not just stay in one memory especially those memories when we failed, got embarrassed and something bad happened. Let's forget all those problems and just live a life.

*We can't actually multi-task

Multi-tasking may be a productive goal for reaching success, but recent findings have shown that it's just an illusion; our brain has evolved to do focus on one task at a time.
You can use this knowledge by taking certain amounts of time in your day for each task and do them individually. Don't think that it will be a waste of time; if you try to do all at the same time you will take much less care in each of them and therefore produce a lower quality of work.

So what do you think? Another knowledge was revealed by yours truly millennial prophet, and I don't even know if I'm a millenial prophet or not, I still got have a lot to learn about this world, where were we, who are you? Why am I here? Joke, at least it's better to act crazy for nonsense things than being really crazy with your crush.

"Life is an Abstract art."images.jpg

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interesting read, didnt know most of these things

You just thought me something i would never forget in a hurry.... thank you @donkey


I can't multitask. I freely admit it, unlike some people I know. 😒

Great info.
On the point of multi-tasking, they are correct, we really don't but what we can do is many things in quick succession. And some of us are very good at it.
What we really do is task-switch. We just switch very quickly between tasks, and it feels like we're multitasking.

About mutli task..Yeah it's true ...someone told me about that stuff.. if you want to make things done properly multi task is a no no cause we can't firast I don't believe it but thwn I realized it's better to focus on one task and voila!okay done! so what's next..thanks for sharing this..