in life •  7 years ago 

What life offers sometimes tends not to be what one really needs. Giving chance to life challenges to make one adapts to life's situation is therfore a great hullabaloo plus havoc to he that blend with that which life offers.

It is therefore expedient for people to draw life nearer to their own personal taste. Thus, don't allow life to mend your ideas, intentions and target beacuse dancing to the tune of Life will eradicate, trauncate or eliminate the glorious level to be accertained but instead, let life blend with your own notions and ideology, that at the end, mission accomplished would be said rather than "if I had known."

A bitter truth is that "life does not wish the one who wishes to be great greatness, it doesn't wish the one who intend to be educated education, life does not want he who wishes to be successfull success and the one that wants to be powerful power but "the A-Z of life" is an amazing video to watch in order to set a pace in life.

Watch this video and stay connected.

To download and for reference, cliq on this link

What makes a successfull man is not in words or epistles but strictly the successes he acquires through his actions and inactions, giving in and not to what life sometimes offers as the case may be,not minding the difficulties attached to the success but the so called success itself.

A-Z OF LIFE as expressed in the video
A- accept challenges
B- believe in yourself
C- convert your tought to hope
D- determine to turn your hope to dream
E- expect some obstacles on the way
F- fight, be faithiful and finish the course
G- get God on your side
H- have a mantle of leadership
I- inspire someone else
J- take Jesus your journey
K- keep on, keeping on
L- be a leader
M- make everyday count
N- never give up
O- overcome your obstacles
P- put your best forward
Q- quit quiting
R- run the race
S- strive on
T- trusting in the Lord
U- use your talents
V- vow you have a time
W- wake for understanding
Y- yearn to retrieve all with physique
Z- zig exellence with reaching the top.

@minnowsupport @treeplanter @greetersguild

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