Depression may vary from what type it is or what causes it, or even the person who has it. But one thing is for sure, depression is a serious matter. One way or another, everyone of us may have felt being down, getting tired of the world or somehow being depressed yet we tend to ignore it. Lucky for us who were able to freely ignore and forget this feeling with ease, but for those who suffer with some disorders on regards with depression, it's a completely different story.

For us being depressed over something can be easily dealt with, but for them it might just cause them their lives. One of the many thoughts that they have to handle over and over again is "do I matter". Simple phrase isn't it? But this simple phrase might cause a huge effect to one’s life with this thought continuously crossing their minds.

It starts from little things until it corrupts the entire life of a someone. From seemingly being always tired for no reason, to just loosing every motivation there is. Although from other persons perspective, it is very hard to distinguish if someone is depressed or just having a bad day. It may even be that other may see it as though the appearance is nothing out of the ordinary. A face with a classic smile. That is why many of the suicide victims were very uncalled for. Also it is very tough to deduce if someone might be having some trouble dealing with depression.