Inspiration for the week

in life •  7 years ago 

Inspiration for the week

I had a thought. The thought being; what will be my motivation this week, what is going to excite me to do new things, what would I like to accomplish this week?

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Every Monday I will share with you something that has inspired me, my thoughts and any images, stories or experiences.

Today I sat staring out into the mess that was before me. The waves were crashing wildly along the beach, rain blurring the ocean and sky together, bolts of lightning splitting the sky in two. Looking out deeper one could see how rough the sea was with all the white streaks.

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Among all this chaos, that was unfolding in front of me, something caught my eye. I peered longer in the direction and discovered a large group of dolphins playing in the waves. I continued to watch the ride the waves, I forgot all that was around me and them.

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Often we are so focused on all the mess and problems around us that we can miss these small moments of happiness. Only once we can look past it all will we be able to see these beautiful things within the hard times.

Even in the hard times and storms of life we can experience joy and have fun, not all is lost and hard times do not last forever. It is around 3pm here and the sun is now shining brightly and now the sea is calm.

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Just on a little side note for self improvement. I will be doing pushups, situps and squats for the amount of $$$ (ratio;$1:1) I earn on this post and will give a short feedback every day at the end of each post. This will be split in equally between all 3. Any not done will carry onto the next day.

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Life is so precious and we take for granted the little most beautiful things.

Like your post

you are one African steemian who inspires us to greatness... I love the dulphins enjoying the ways soo much... with no restrictions... borders... accidents... and worries see how little things we ignore are being enjoyed by other beings... thanks for showing us this and this post has earned my 100% upvote as always...
i also updated a new posts..pleas check it out

You're right. We often fail to notice the beauty of life

very correct bros... like your comment

We need more posts like this to keep people motivated and inspired. Social media lacks decent content.

very steemit we get a lot of good contents like this... nice comment

I like the witty way you used the closure to birth more motivation for your fitness goals. Good on you bro. The universe will be watching as your rein in the $ and the muscles.
PS: I am lucky to be able to testify that watching dolphins is an incredible experience. It gave me a lifegasm.

Even in hard time we can experience happiness. Very true. Have a good week.

you are right...even in hard times like most of us africans face...we can find good moments...nice comment


Find time to check my blog post of today...thanks

Ok. I would. check mine too. Im following you now.

ok dear...

This post is the best I've seen today. You really helped me just to remind the happiness comes from all my life, all situations, all things I see. Posts like that should be more. Thank you one more time. Be yourself do what you love. :)

Thank you for your comment. I am glad you found it helpful.

Followed you. I'm counting on more posts like that :)

very correct.. this post is very inspirational... nice comment

Nice post. From me upvote.

There is so many beautiful things in our daily lives that we tend to miss because we only look and see all the negatives.

wow @tanyaschutte
your comment is very on point... we miss soo many beautiful things daily because of being pessimistic... good point dear... keep it up

Training yourself to look past the negative takes time but can be done :)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

nice comment but there is no post of yours to upvote

Hiya @dragonslayer109 , thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic. I fully agree that we intend to chase what we don't have instead of taking a step back and admiring what is around us at the moment. Unfortunately, society has made us believe that we need to keep chasing the next big thing and not to be content...

If society will just change its ways things would be better

I fully agree..but thats going to take everyones mindset

upvoted&followed :)

good support... nice comment...

yes there are blessings around discovered only by the ones who focusing.
we see what we focus on. @dragonslayer109 glad to find this piece, bless up

This is so very true - we tend to just look at and moan about the mess - thank you for this - good inspiration

you are correct..
nice comment

thanks for awesome sharing inspiration @dragonslayer109

What a wonderful feeling I just went through after imagining the same scenes you have described above. Small joys can definitely help us all in defeating the big problems in our lives!

very right...small joys like these are needed to garnish life... nice comment...

inspiring, dont always look at the darkness and bleak moments of life, if we focus too much on that we wont be able to see the other beauties and happiness , light infront of us.

Nice post, really great.. there is so much about nature we don't know yet.. I see you from Africa... There is the best nature in the world.. Followed and uovoted you. @awgbibb is also from south africa.. do you know him? He makes great items.. I made one today also.. have a look if you find the time..

Inspirational... I now live t the coast (Best thing ever) and can relate to your photos.

That's a very interesting activity, ensuring that you still stay fit. So the more the you earn the fitter you will be

very right my prof... nice comment... life is meant to be enjoyed no matter how little...

full inspirational :)

La naturaleza siempre nos lleva a nuestro equilibrio, asi tan accesible como re refleja la paz asi deberiamos vivir nosotros tranquilos en equilibrio porque todo tiene solucion.

Beautiful content and images!!! ⛵😇 Thank you for the reminder and the inspiration dear 💓🎆

Such a motivational and inspiring post to start off the week on a positive note! I have always wanted to live near the ocean, as it is a place of calm and senerity where you can find yourself at the end of a hard day and brush your worries away. There will be good days just like there will be bad days. This is just how life goes. And as you said, nothing last forever! Thanks for sharing this dude. Its a great serie. xoxo

This is magnificent! Thank you for sharing!


Very good!

You make it look easy!

Great insight of the post