Flash Flood takes out my Parent's Driveway: Manual Labor and a Brewery: Part One

in life •  7 years ago 

There has been an unusual amount of rain this summer in upstate NY, in fact I think I even heard the words record breaking at one point, and because this is a region of lakes, we've had quite a bit of flooding throughout the area.

Now my parent's house, while being just across the street from one of these lakes, is actually several flights of stairs above it (I realize that there is a different way of saying this, such as 'so many feet' above the water, but for me it has always been measured by the three long sets of stairs, broken up by decks)


Because they are up on the hill, they never had cause to fear flooding from the lake...but as it turns out while they were looking to the front they forgot about the back, where a creek cuts through the woods and goes into a tunnel, under their driveway,


then empties out of a pipe in the embankment beside the deck stairs and flows into the lake.


Or at least that's normally what it does. Occasionally there's enough water rushing through the ravine that it picks up debris and the pipe gets blocked, so rather than going under the driveway it goes up and over the bank and down the driveway. And depending on just how much water, it has the potential to carve a path in its wake, carrying the blue stone away.

And that is exactly what happened this past week.

Shortly after this occurred we got a phone call from my very anxious parents that went something like: We are going to have to order more stone!! Then we are going to need some able bodies to spread the stone with shovels and rakes!!

And by able bodies they meant myself, my husband, my two teenagers, my brother and his wife...

Have you ever seen twenty tons of gravel in a pile before?

You have now.

Needless to say when we first saw this ginourmous louad we were a tad concerned that the six of us, and perhaps a couple others we might round up, were going to be in this driveway for days.


But all praise and give thanks to the God of Good neighbors! For one such good neighbor happened to see these hills of stone along with a line up of shovels and rakes, and took pity upon us poor souls, arriving with his tractor.


For a few happy moments we thought perhaps all of the work would be done without us lifting a finger...alas the tractor blew a hose before it could carry the rocks between the garages, so we weren't entirely off the hook.

But now with the six of us plus my brother in law and my kids' best friend, we stood a chance of completing the task by the afternoon.







The Spectators:

My dad lost the use of his legs a few years back, and while my mom is still as healthy as a horse, she's not a young woman. Also being that she's my father's primary caretaker, she really can't risk injuring herself, so the oldest and youngest among us hung out on the sidelines and cheered us on.

Um, Nope, that's not my dad's cheerleading routine, that's his attempt to make his newest grand baby smile.


A valiant effort- for which he was rewarded with a new phrase: Mean Mugging

It is a well known fact in our family that for some reason babies do not take to my dad when they're under around twelve months of age. His monkey antics and Donald Duck imitations are more likely to bring on tears than laughter.

In fact, other than his own children, there was only one exception to this baby-no-likey rule in all the years of his life;

Ethan. My son, now fourteen, adored my dad from day one.(I'm secretly convinced that even as an infant his brain was so advanced that he knew to butter up to the 'scary old man', a tactic that has served him well ;)


Putting on the finishing touches:




Annnd, it is done!


What are you so happy about, you're not the one with blisters...

...okay, I'm not the one with blisters either, (poor Howie and Zoe).



Now that the work is out of the way, it's the time of day for play...


A bit of an About:
The Lucky Hare Brewing Company, located along the Seneca lake Wine Trail, had its humble beginnings in the barn above. This year they are proud to have expanded, converting a two story house into a bar/restaurant....


Be sure to look for Part Two, coming this evening!

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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We had rain all summer as well, and now we're having a very wet winter. Though today we have some sun, yay! But don't worry, the next week is forecast to be wet every day. Glad you got enough people to get the job done in a day. It seems easier with a group, having that moral support.

I wonder what our winter will be like this year. Weather has become entirely unpredictable. Used to be some basic rules, if there was a mild winter one year, there would be a horrific one the next, likewise summer. Also, the seasons used to be more balanced. We barely have a fall anymore, which is terribly sad because it's my favorite.

Definitely easier in a group, even with our neighbor's help if there weren't a number of hands that would have been a monumental task.

Whew! Here I am happy that Mama Dreemit and Papa Dreemit weren't injured at all! What a relief! It's awesome that they have able-bodied laborers to fix it for them. It must've been quite the day. At least you guys got to bond while doing it. Sucks about the tractor blowing out before it even started, that would've saved all of you the trouble. That way, Ed could've just sat back and sang a song. Sing, Ed. Sing!

Me, I'm the opposite of your dad. I'm the baby whisperer of the family haha! Even strangers' babies take a liking to me without me giving too much effort haha!

I'm just glad everything worked out, and not much damage was done. I guess the lesson that can mined here is...to stop going to vineyards for the meantime, since every time you go to vineyards, rain clouds always follows.

Funny you should mention Ed singing...lol, part two awaits :)

Hm, so true about the vineyards...maybe I have better luck with breweries? Or at least when I'm with my brother :)

Just starting to get caught up on responses, then I'll be making my rounds to posts- see you at your place :)

I just commented on part 2 a while ago haha!

It seems like the weather keeps getting worse and more barbaric as the years go on. Always getting record breaking rainfalls or temperatures as many people wallow in pity as they slowly drown or as they suffer a drought.

I'm glad that everyone is okay and that this even has pulled the community and family together to form a stronger unbreakable bond between everyone.

My prayers go out to you and your family as well as all those who were affect @dreemit

Whew, good job! Now hopefully the rains are over and another flood won't come and wash all that away...
(And their grass is gorgeous btw!) :)

Seriously, I definitely wouldn't want a repeat of rock shoveling anytime soon! It's all good though, in the second part we enjoy ourselves :) Yeah, the grass is unbelievable right now, one of the perks of all the rain mixed with sun, super green.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

many prayer for u and ur region @dreemit..may god save u and ur sweet parents and all of peoples from flood and bless all of u and give u a brigthest day...also ur parents home is a good location on the lake but maybe it effected from flood

Thank you @shencoin, that is very kind of you :) All is well so far.

Looks like a lot of hard work, we have had a lot of rain here in the UK

It definitely was, but it made the beer and pizza taste that much sweeter, lol.

A great and a benefits post @dreemit.
Your post is very amazing
Nice work .

Thank you @blackcoffee, I appreciate your comment :)

Wow! That's family work. Awesome!

Have you ever seen twenty tons of gravel in a pile before?

Now I did, haha!

It is a well known fact in our family that for some reason babies do not take to my dad when they're under around twelve months of age. His monkey antics and Donald Duck imitations are more likely to bring on tears than laughter.

Hahaha, I loved that one!!! Well done though 😄

These beers were more than deserved then.


You are strong enough to make such an awesome job. You have cute baby looks like a happy family. By the way thanks for sweet upvote you had casted on my post. Have a great day.

This post was so refreshing to read ! You've got a nice family, and this event helped building stronger bonds :)
I hope your parents will be fine now ! And their house seems very well placed.

That driveway looks huge in terms of shovels and wheelbarrows, I'm glad the neighbor helped, love those voluntary exchanges like that, the way the world should work.
There was a thing called The Blob in the Pacific Ocean for a few years blocking the weather, but it disappeared earlier this year, now we're getting a lot of rain too, and it's been a cool summer so far. The Blob, according to Cliff High, was put there as a geoengineering device, generated by HAARP probably. This has been your conspiracy weather update!

Man that was a lot of stone!

Its such a cool location for a house you can forgive the lack of rear thinking!

Lol so many things to comment about! That baby is soo cute! And the Donald duck reference haha. Glad to see Ethan (I don´t know if you have posted about him but this is the first one I see with him). Is the one in purple you daughter?

The spectators title got the best of me hahaha I bet you were also a spectator! Why didn´t you include yourself on that part? Take the bullet! haha

So glad to see how you all unite and help out your parents :) As always, so jealous of that family routine you have yourself going, I hope one day I can do that, when the nomad spirit setlles that is haha. I went through your posts and my, a lot of unvoted ones, so sorry, just fixed that :D

I just have two words—goo goo, gaa gaa.
I thinks that's more than two, if they even count as words. Your baby is cute and so is your family, you guys did good together. Well done!

She's actually my niece, though I definitely agree she is cute! Thanks!