No More Power Down :) [Hell of a Year]

in life •  7 years ago 

This is my story about my last 15 months and read it all before making your own judgement. My followers love me or hate me, there is nothing between. If you like the story you can give me your upvote, but if you don't like it, I will be very happy if you read it and comment!

When I came on Steemit in July 2016, I had awesome job.

I didn't need any additional source of money and I just wanted to pump my Steem Power. I always believed in Steem and blogging here became fun to me. I discovered that I have skills that I never knew about, Steemit helped me to understand the crypto world and think about future. In that period of life, everything was great about me. Me and my girlfriend (now wife) started to renovate our apartment, a little nest just for two of us. I had some savings and I invested in music studio equipment for needs of my band. Tokens that I got by blogging here were not seen as money at all. Great feedback and growing number of my followers was the most important thing for me.
Life is all about unpredictable changes.

Sometimes, it will drain the last drops of your blood, sweat and tears just to test how strong you are.

In October 2016 things started to turn bad. My band made self-released album and it was on local radio stations for some time. I was too honest during some interview on local radio station and spoke publicly about some delicate things, so tomorrow morning I lost my very precious job. I took a free week to get some rest and clear my mind.

At that time, the price of Steem became very low.

It was always between 0.11$ and 0.17$, so when you got 10$ reward for your blog, you would get 4 SBD and more than 30 Steem Power after the payout. Kinda hard to imagine that now, isn't it?
It was very difficult for me to find a new job, so I worked things that were below my education and status. I was a substitute teacher for few weeks and a substitute educator for grownups for a month. I didn't work longer than 4 hours per week and those salaries were really funny. But my life didn't wait for me to gain financial stability again, shits started to happen very fast. It was like "shit season" a chain reaction of bad events. A trouble never comes alone, so I had to change brakes and tires on my car. Our apartment still wasn't finished, we had to change some plumbings we were still paying for our furniture. My dog got health issues and veterinarians are not cheap here. Then I had to pay the technical inspection of my car and I didn't have enough money to pay my phone bill. I signed the contract with telecommunication company for that phone while I still had that awesome job and had to pay the most of those monthly installments after I lost it.

My girlfriend got pregnant in November 2016.

If you are familiar with conditions in the hospital in my city, you would know that the best choice is to go to private clinics for this kind of examinations. So we had to pay the gynecologist every two-three weeks. After nine years of relationship we decided to get married and guess what: it costs as hell!
Then I made one of the biggest mistakes in my life:

I took a loan from the bank!

And I couldn't pay it every month. The bank closed my account and I bankrupted. The last New Year's Eve was the poorest in my life.
We got married in February 2017 and got some money from our guests. Would you believe that in February 2017 the price of Steem reached it's bottom of 7 cents. If I was clever, I would invest all that money in Steem and in June I would be a rich man. But who knew what will happen in next months?

We used the money that we got to finish all works in our apartment.

At least we succeeded to finish one thing that we started. But many new expenses were just showing up day by day. We knew that we will need baby stroller, cot, many other things that will be needed wen baby comes... We desperate needed new car also, a bigger one that can fit for a family.

I was very eager to find a new job and things started to get better for me but the job found me.

I don't know which spiritual force made me to knock on doors of that office in April 2017, but I am still in that office, at the moment, I am writing this post from that office! I was very happy with my new job, with my new bosses that are actually normal people. My work is serious and important, I met many people here and learned some useful things. And I started to get good money for that job, but my bank was always taking 33% percent from me because of the loan and bankrupt. We had enough to live normally but not for baby stroller, cot, new car, some things for a baby that was on the way...

I was very worried about our future and I talked to a friend and he told me that I don't have any rights to complain since I had 10000 Steem Power!

And the price of Steem started to grow, it reached almost 3$ in June 2017... and I clicked on that Power Down button...

I hated myself because of that! But we needed a lot of money and it had to be done. I couldn't sleep by nights watching my Steem Power going lower and lower. I lost some people that constantly upvoted me, even some that I considered as my Steemit friends. Some started to think that I stopped to believe in Steem and that was wrong! Steemit went trough many changes also, many new users came and they started to get rewards every day and I was on the way down.

The half of my Steem Power helped me to buy a car, a new computer and all that we needed for the baby.

On this morning I finished with all of my debts.

I am so happy that I am out of the bankruptcy now, my bank account was re-opened just two hours ago!

And I stopped Power Down!

And there is no reason to start new Power Down again!

I finally brought my life back top normal and I am staring to blog here from the beginning! It will not be easy like a year ago because the price of Steem is much higher and I don't get so awesome rewards every day, so... please, don't think bad about me! I work much harder on Steemit than the most of those who get much higher rewards than me. I still believe in Steem and I love Steemit very much! I will continue with my hard work. Now is the time for me to save my Steem Power and try to earn more!

I can't say for sure what future will bring but I will definitely not Power Down for at least next 9 months. Thank you!

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Your followers love you..
I am so Sad after I read your story..
Happy that you are out of the bankruptcy now and you stopped Power Down!

One of your steemit friends..

Thank you! You became a type of Steemer I always knew you will!

With your support and advice.
By the way your post was resteemed for the great content.

Thank you again, I appreciate it!

I was the first steemain that I wrote
"Happy to be one of the Big Steemit Family"
"You are never left alone"
and I mean it and I hope that your steemit friends to feel how I feel !

Hey man that was quite a story. Sorry to hear you went through bad times : (
Funny and not funny how bad times come all at once. To lose your job over a comment on a radio interview was really a shitty thing.
Followers abandoning you is also shitty. Sadly, it does seem we are living in a more fickle world these days.
PersonalIy I think you are a great guy and Steemit should be glad to have you.
I might not always vote on your post my friend but the only reason is because I have not been on Steemit for a few days. Otherwise I always look out for your posts because they either make me think or then make me smile.

I am rather touched by your honesty in tell of your story my friend and be sure to know that as long as I am on Steemit I will alway upvote your posts.

I too have experienced followers who used to upvote me and then abandoned me when I was not on Steemit for a while because I was ill in hospital.
These days I am on a mission to fid genuine folk who have a bit more to them than merely wanting to make a quick buck

Be my good fellow, you did not give up. Whatever does not destroy us makes us stronger.
100% upvote

I don't know what to say on this kind of comments :) Thank you for that, but thank you more on understanding my words and sharing my opinion. I hope that your health is fine now. Regards from Croatia

Powering down really helped you when you were I need, so you shouldn't regret.

We all do mistakes along the lines but at least we've learned our lesson. I was one of the few people who knew about bitcoin since December 2009, I had thousands of dollars that I can use to but it because I believed in it, but unfortunately I didn't because I was discouraged by friends. Now I buy nearly every coin I believe in. Lesson learned.

Your baby looks awesome.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Thank you! And never let the environment to suppress your decisions

Thanks,lesson Learned.

Why would anyone think bad of you, for doing what you had to do?I am starting to feel I'm wasting my time in steemit lately. I have almost 400 followers and very few drop into my blog. I just posted a personal story about how I got my 3 cats. Only got 3 up votes, you @dumar022 were one, thank you. Seems to me I have shit content or most of the 400 only care about themselves. I think it's mostly the 2nd reason. I know, must keep trying. Just hitting a low spot, but very discouraging. Gl;ad things have turned around for you. Your daughter and wife are the best things in your life. They would be for me.

Yes they are!
Many people here has much worse content than you but they do good networking and post promotions on and discord channels... that seems to be the half of the work. the same if you pay randowhale or booster in first few minutes of posting can attract others to upvote you! You are doing fine work here, but you have to be patient, your time will come.
I see many bad posts here with huge rewards and so many great and funny posts earning cents... you are not alone, but everything change many times and it can be easy to get from the bottom to the top if you are persistent enough.

I understand it's not so much what you know to get ahead but who you know. I never was one to join clubs just to make friends to gain favors. @dumar022 it's not the money for me. I'd rather have 19 upvotes and 10 cents. Than 1 upvote and 10 dollars. You would think out of 400 so called followers I could get 10 people just to look at what I posted. I think I'll reply more and post less. Thank you for caring enough to reply.

I started similar way as you. So I will support you because you are not a complainer, you hate that way of self promotion and upvote beggars as much as I do. All I made here, I made it only on Steemit. By posting my thoughts. But today is different and it's easier to new ones because they didn't get used to the old system.

So good to hear you fought through this and am now out of bankruptcy
As for powering down thatvwas your choice and what you needed to do at the time and really should be no one else’s business


I prefer to let people to do what thjey want with their money... but they also choose whom to upvote! Thank you!

This was a pretty touching story, I like knowing that you found yourself at a low point and Steemit was able to help you back up. The fact that power downs can be stopped is reassuring to know that we can choose, and change our minds when we find our situation has improved. The fact that the Steem price was far lower back then again reinforces how well us new guys actually have it.

To get your Steempower that high must've taken a lot of effort, more than I can imagine, and powering down in a way made you feel like you were watching your accomplishments vanish.

That's good to hear that things are going better and the debts are paid. Have yourself a great day c:

Thank you, this is a nice comment! Happy steemin

i did not know that bro - i assume having a new baby would have made some of those previous heartaches hopefully seem maybe less relevant - i love reading your posts about your life - onwards and upwards buddy

Thank you @kiwiscanfly! I appreciate it!

Sve je to život! :)

Balkano vs ovrhe

I don't see why anybody would have a problem with your story. I imagine things were hard for you all, but you made it! It's great that you had the Steem money to use when you needed it so bad. The only thing that really matters is that cute baby of yours!

I thought that nobody has nothing to do with my power down but my experiences showed me that I was wrong. Thank you

Good job @dumar022


i am happy i didn't power down despite the difficulties i had.

I'm glad that you are on the level ;)

I'm on power down now even in my small amount of SP.... sometimes, we just can't help it especially when things in real life needs to be attended... I'm glad you're finally oit of it... Hopefully, when I solve my financial problem by the end of this year, I'd be able to power up again... ^^ Thanks for sharing your story... and your baby is such a cutie... what a great gift you received!

Thank you for the comment!

Sure... and thanks for sharing your story... :)

Wow such a story... sounds like from the movies!
Its is good that somehow things got better and dont worry your followers like you a lot.
You power down because you power down now dont worry i sow a lot of members do in it... at the end of the day everything happens for a reason its just we figure out after a long time..
I wish you only great moments from now and please always Steem On!

Thank you very much!

Our biggest treasures in life are our families and you been blessed as well with a beautifull baby girl. I am as well a father of one daughter and i can say she changed my life in so many ways in better... you will see as well!
Have a great day and i hope only good news will follow from now from your side!

that is so touching story. I am glad that you are now able to reopen your bank account. Because of your story it make me believe that one day things might go to the better way also for me.

anyway, 30 SP for $10 payout post. I wish i started earlier on steemit. 😃😃

It was good and bad at the same time. Steem was cheap but you could do nothing with 10000 Steem Power. Thank you

Very nice completion of post! @dumar022

Thank you!

That was a powerful post. Life tested you and you passed with flying colors!

Thanks bro

Great post @dumar022 not once did I read about contemplating failure in there either. Congratulations on the debt clearance and good luck to the future👍🏻

Thank you

Thanks for a very honest and compelling read! Life is full of ups and downs like that, but you are proof that you can overcome! I am still trying to grasp the full meaning of Steem and Steem Power etc. I don't pay attention to it much. I Upvote what I like and sometimes I know I do that too much. So, Powering Diwn can lose you Upvotes and followers? I had no idea that people paid that much attention. I have a lot to learn. Your baby is adorable!!!

People with much steem power will think twice before they upvote someone and check their wallets. Thanks

I don't power down for a long long time now as well.
I will be very patient.

You better be. Thank you

I'm happy things are getting better for you now...
I'm following you for a while now (here and on my real account) and I discovered you are someone "real and honest"...
Life can be a real b*** sometimes...
Wish you and your family (and the dog ;-)) all the best for the years to come!!!

Congratz, your post has been read, approved and resteemed by a human!

Check The Daily spotlights of 16 October 2017! You missed one? ----> #dailyspotlights

very nice baby

Yes she is :)

Ako ovo nije zaslužilo 100% upvota ne znam sta je. Hvala što si podijelio svoju životnu priču s nama i drago mi je da ne moraš vise koristiti powerdown. Neki followeri su ti možda otišli, ali novi dolaze, as you can see :D
Drži se!

Hvala ti, Steem On

Amazing post my friend @dumar022
Thank for sharing

Hey I am robot everyday i will upvote you and comments you so now follow me and upvotes my all posts,,,,
Thank You so much

Make a good post and if I accidentally find you and only if I like it, I will upvote it! No other way!

I eat up BOT. This one looks YUMMY!

Have a nice meal

beautiful story, thank you very much because your post and your experience I say success with steemit encourages me and makes me want to multiply the effort on what I trust and go all the way

I was sad reading this, but, in the end, when I got to see that beautiful baby... it all went away. There can be nothing better than the gift of life. Everything else is just a bonus.

You'de be rich, but, that won't buy happiness. And look at that beautiful babe. I think you made out like a bandit!

This is great, thank you

That is a touching story and thanks for sharing it with us.

I believe in Steemit also. They just need to get it working good again.

Yes, some repairs are definitely needed. Thanks

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