The Great Enucleation (The Twelfth Chapter; Part I)

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

If one were to ride a horse bareback and without a bridle, what would there be to hold onto? The mane. One reigns over another by physically or metaphorically pulling on the mane. Removing this option is the logic behind military men shaving heads.  

A ‘mane’ is defined as “a head of distinctively long and thick or rough hair.” This is connected to the German noun ‘pony,’ which can mean “pony, fringe, or bangs.” In English, a ‘pony’ refers to “something small of its kind,” usually a horse. But in Indonesian, the phonetically similar ‘poni’ means “bangs.” In Dutch, ‘pony’ is a noun that refers to “a pony or bangs” but also “a hobby.” 

This can be done with this very word in about twenty other major languages so I’ll spare you, but they are all similar. This is how connected everything is. What position, in the world of Commerce, is the most common indicator that it is a slavery system? A ‘manager.’ 

If you answer to a manager, you are not free. A ‘manager’ is “a person who has control or direction of an institution, business, or of a part, division, or phase of it.” Therefore, if one who has a manager is not free, then he or she is a slave.

But what is a person? In a status quo dictionary, most definitions of a ‘person’ will convey “a human being, adult or child, as being distinguished from an animal or thing.” However, we will see, when we cover the blackest of all magick, that a ‘person’ is also “a corporation that has the same rights as a human being,” and a ‘corporation’ is “an artificial person, a legal fiction or dead entity,” hence its phonetic root word: ‘corpse.’ 

The word ‘person’ comes from the Latin word ‘persona,’ which is “a mask, figure,” and since actors wore masks, they showcased a different ‘persona,’ which is "a character, part, or person represented.”  In English, the very word ‘persona’ is “a person’s perceived personality or character, their public image.” 

Actors ‘impersonate’ people because they “assume or act the character of” them, which is why slaves are not really slaves. They are “human beings assuming or acting the character of a slave,” hence the reason people in the legal system use the term ‘bad actor.’ They really mean “bad slave,” or a “human being not acting like a good slave.” 

More often than not, you will find that a person’s public ‘persona’ is nothing like his or her natural character beneath the mask, and this is the critical element of illusory magic: perception. In the world of Commerce, the true nature of a person, whether natural or artificial, is nearly irrelevant so long as it can be masked by a public ‘persona.’ 

What is another word for ‘slave’ as far as the language that is concerned when your freedom is on the line, the Roman laws that you are governed by? An actor. In legalese, an ‘actor’ is essentially a “slave who tends to his or her master’s business affairs.” You will see this conveniently covered up in most legal dictionaries, but it’s there as an egregore, if not as an actual definition.  

When the nature of a person and a slave is enucleated, the rest of the system will be much easier to comprehend. In the 1924 7th Edition of Jurisprudence, which is composed of Civil Law decisions by courts, not based in Common Law, it is stated that, “In the law there may be men who are not persons; slaves, for example, are destitute of legal personality in any system, which regards them as incapable of either rights or liabilities. Like cattle, they are things and the object of rights; not persons and the subjects of them.” 

This entire philosophy or “science” is Satanic on its face, based in moral relativism, because nowhere in Nature, the only real and authoritative system in this world, will you find a natural born slave. Therefore, in reality, there is no such thing as a slave, and thus no such thing as men who are destitute of legal personality, rights, or liabilities. This is where black magick is implemented to affect perception by creating personas, masks, where there are none.  

However, in the heat of the moment, it does not necessarily matter what is real or illusory, because if someone can be made to believe in the erroneous Social Darwinism dogma, that there is such thing as a slave, and he is willing to act on his beliefs to steal freedom for a paycheck, then all the knowledge in the world will be of no use during the actual confrontation where the thief manifests the harm into the plane of effects by violating one’s inherent rights through the use of coercion, whether it be physical violence or violence through Mentalism. 

The status quo definition of ‘actor’ is “a person who acts in performance art,” or simply put, “one who participates.” Formally, a ‘manager’ was “a theatrical producer” in British lingo, therefore, if not a master, a manager could certainly be seen as a handler or a taskmaster.  

Where did theater originate? Greece. The first performers were tragedians called Hypocrites. The Greek Tragedies were gospels performed during religious festivals, hence they were God-spells. This is why theater is the perfect term for them. 

Theós’ means “God” in Greek, the feminine name that encompasses this spirit being Thea, but ‘thea’ is also “a seat in a theater,” or “a viewing, seeing.” ‘Theater’ comes from the Greek word ‘theatron,’ which is “a place for viewing.” However, ‘-tron’ is a Greek suffix that denotes an instrument, therefore ‘thea-tron,’ the origins of ‘theater,’ denotes “an instrument of beholding, of God, of God’s Spell, the gospel, or the hex of God.”  

Who were these Hypocrites, these Greek tragedians? The priests, of course. What did they wear while performing tragedy and being Hypocrites? Masks, different ‘personas,’  the Latin word for “masks.”  

What is a ‘hypocrite’ in English? It is “a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion!” In other words, a ‘hypocrite’ is “a person who puts on a mask, a persona, and pretends to be something that he is not,” i.e., an ‘actor.’  

What are the priests of religions if not hypocrites? They’re a bunch of silver-tongued deceivers, pretending to be pious, while in the meantime they’re raping, murdering, and cannibalizing children, orchestrating mass ritual blood sacrifices known as wars, destroying and plundering nations, burning books, and eradicating whole peoples under the pretext of prophecies and service to God. 

They have enslaved the world with their black magick for perpetual remembrance thereof, and instead of uniting against them, the masses attack everyone who tries to point out the obvious, that the priests, the hypocrites, are waging war against humanity. If you’re not crying or laughing out loud right now, you don’t appreciate the Divine Comedy of this Greek Tragedy we’re stuck in. 

We’re all a bunch of tragedian hypocrites playing the part of slaves in a theatron, a theater, a place for viewing, hence the Shakespearean expression from As You Like It, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts.” 

To be continued... 

The above was an excerpt from my latest novel, which is not available yet. If you'd like to delve into my fantasy series, they are available at most online stores. However, there is no magick like that of the spoken word. If you'd like to get the audiobook for free during a trial with Audible, visit here to give the sample a listen:

Book 3 will be invoked in 2017

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That was excellent. Thank you

Thanks for reading. Feel free to build of that knowledge in your own work. In order to get rid of this system of slavery, we have to undo all the knots that gave it form :)

Thank you for saying that I definitely will