Positive morning message 1-19-17

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Good Morning! 

How is your morning/day/night?.. what ever the case may be. 

Myself I got into bed at my regular time but am having a really hard time getting myself motivated this morning. I don't know what it is but I'm feeling really disconnected today.  Even doing 20 mins of yoga this morning didn't really ground me....   

Today I going to take a active role in my own happiness for we all get caught up in the day to day struggles and forget to do nice things for ourselves. 

Take two minutes in the morning for a few positive affirmations

I  am strong

I  am brave

I love myself

And just say it to yourself in the mirror a couple time in the morning while your getting ready for your day...

 The little victory today be so sweet it it wasn't for all the times you tried and failed...

Success is were hard work and opportunity meet.

Believe in youself it's the greatest gift you can receive.

Have a great day guys/girls


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An mich selbst zu glauben, mich selbst zu lieben und zu Anderen auch mal "Nein" sagen zu können, hat mich das Leben in den letzten Monaten gelehrt. Die Lektion war schmerzhaft, trotzdem bin ich dankbar dafür.

To believe in myself, to love myself and to say "no" to others, has taught me life in the last months. The lesson was painful, but I am grateful for it.

resteemed by @germansailor