Hard start of the RV is expected tomorrow, or Friday at the latest.
All the prerequisites have been accomplished during the Soft Start of the last week.
80 percent of the CMKX and other adjudicated funds have already been distributed, which is one thing that made the process ready for release now.
Zim rates are expecting to be at parity with the USD/USN, or perhaps higher, up to about 1.50 USD/Zim.
The Zim funds are EXPECTED to be used mostly for humanitarian, infrastructure and job producing projects.
IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A PROJECT and you redeem Zim, THE MAJORITY OF YOUR FUNDS WILL BE USED FOR PRE-SELECTED PROJECTS which have been assigned to banks, trust companies, governments, etc.
There is restrictions along with conditions and caps in the exchanges of all currency, including the Zim redemption.
Those will be related to your preparedness and deportment. and are negotiable, but arguing will not win favors.
A cap of 500T Zim has been discussed for the high rates. If you have more than 5 ea 100T notes, the balance may be released at a rate of around 50 cents each, instead of 100 cents.
All things are negotiable. If you have projects and preparedness which suggests you should receive more, it is likely to happen.
The GCR in most countries has been focused on currencies, and not on redemption of Zim.
As a result, there is a deficit of instructions and procedures for the Zim redemption in other countries, such as Canada.
This is apparently the reason for the questions which have come up recently about the Zim exchanges located in Canada.
You may benefit from exchanging Zim in a US bank account, in the US.
Information may be found in online web pages for the larger chartered banks of Canada, or by exchanging at HSBC.
JP Morgan/Chase Bank has been selected as the bank which brings the new GOLD-BACKED RENMINBI (YUAN) to the international financial world.
This brings there new "Black CARD" to international attention, following with American Express Centurion Card, Citibank’s card, a British card sponsored by the UK Royal’s bank, and a Mastercard from First Dubai Bank which is notable as being set with a diamond and gold trim.
These cards will be among the choices you have upon redeeming your currency/Zim/bonds.
The NDAs for currency exchange and Zim have been reduced, down to just a few (3-4) pages each.
This is related to legal adjustments to the change from Statute Law to Common Law.
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