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Image:Pen & Prep - Cram Crew
It is not always about being lazy. It also depends on the combination of genetics and environment (some people work multiple jobs, work night shifts, others party until 4am, people in Alaska get 13hrs of sunlight in the summer, teenagers need more sleep, older people need less of it, etc). It is not always ideal.
We have Chronotypes, which genetically determines whether our body and brain is more alert in the early morning (lark) or at night (night owl). There are some of us that fit right in the middle, which means we have no problem getting up an hour or two earlier or sleeping an hour or two later than our normal times. In-between people can shift their body’s natural circadian rhythm or internal clock to their habits and still feel comfortable. However, for true larks and owls the body is boss. They can get the full conventional sleep cycle, but their brains are most productive/creative at their respective times. Which are you?
Some articles to look at: