A Wandering Mind On History's Timeline - No.5 - Looking at the bible, history, law, and the world with a new set of eyessteemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

He helped make billions believe it.

Yeah, that makes me sick.

Reality hurts sometimes, especially when learning what facts fit. 

When I think of where to go next, it's hard to pick.

Knowledge flows through my brain like chimes.

Always sounding off turning things into rhymes.

Writing inside but ultimately thinking outside the lines.

People call themselves presidents of a country, but I know they are just a companies president.

As I have showed with my perspective, I go by what's evident.

It's like who call themselves commander and chief. 

It just means commander of armed forces, they all start with U.S. so owned and manipulated by evil sources, good grief.

If you didn't already know, that's why the medal of honor is an upside down pentagram.

It's also why they keep people distracted with GOD in and throughout language.

Why they have Satanism hidden in symbols, monuments, and on the land.

Just remember, as I cover these things it's only meant to bring clarity not anguish.

Anyways, I know my company wouldn't need an army. 

To me it's a self centered need, full of greed, and a fearful mentality.

Please don't become a casualty to the insanity of society.

Like the Roman invasion of Britain. 

Where the deadly snake had bitten.

Just like in the bible, serpent manipulating a perspective.

Tree of knowledge was symbolic to learning words of wisdom, we shouldn't be distracted by the fruit and the tree.

Let's enlighten our perspectives and break things down like detectives.

To no longer follow the directives.

Providing ourselves with clarity so we can become free. 

When exploring the depths there are new things we find and realize.

We stop falling for all the smoke screens and lies.

Looking at the bible, history, law, and the world with a new set of eyes.

Seeing how movements slowly worked their ways around the world.

The more we research the easier it is to know and believe.

Handed down, generation after generation more improved thoughts were conceived.

Similar to that family I covered in the last one and the information that swirled.

E.T. Nate

     Eating from the tree of knowledge Is symbolic to learning or feeding on words of wisdom. To me and my perspective based on everything I have researched and come to understand. If one feeds on words of wisdom they have a chance to enlighten their perspective. Figure things out. A chance to lift the veil. No longer be blind, developing eyes to truly see.

     When I said "People call themselves presidents of a country, but I know they are just a companies president." Well, if you read my other work or follow, I referenced a few things about U.S. being a corporation before. Shown here.. https://steemit.com/truth/@elevatedthinking/a-wandering-mind-on-history-s-timeline-no-3-u-s-and-the-flag-are-not-what-most-think  

and here..  https://steemit.com/anarchy/@elevatedthinking/a-wandering-mind-on-history-s-timeline-no-4-the-nazi-salute-before-germany-used-it

However, next thing to do would be look into what a companies president actually does.

     This is speaking relative to power - "Presidents, on the other hand, generally act more as top-tier managers with power over personnel, but lack the power to single-handedly alter the course of the company or manage other executive officers. This is, however, a generalization, and power dynamics vary among different corporations." Found here.. http://www.diffen.com/difference/Chief_Executive_Officer_vs_President Also has other great material for perspective if never thinking about it before. I'm sure if you paid attention to politics at all in your life you would notice some symbolic things in there.

     Anyways, on to "That's why the medal of honor is an upside down pentagram." Take your pick..

     Reason why this symbol is chosen was to mix the good with bad and vice versa. Biggest reason though is to show the material world is ruling. That's what it means inverted. They are rebellious in nature. They do what they can to not lose their material possessions and gain things from others. When it's right side up it means divine ruling. We are clearly far from divine, when speaking as a whole that is. A low percentage understands and practices such lifestyles.

     Groups have worked against this for more than a couple millenniums or longer. So it's best not to have emotions besides being amazed, if choose to have any. The five points of the pentagram are to represent Fire, Water, Spirit, Earth, and Air. 

     Divine ruling is ruling over the world of matter. Right now it's done in a prideful and egotistical way. Why material is truly ruling, but why the ones that know also use the pentagram correctly. They believe they are divine and the rest are not. To be living in harmony and knowing your rights, how to protect yourself, secret knowledge, which could be that of the kings is where we need to go. Divine ruling may make more sense later. This would ultimately help humanity evolve beyond where we are and have been for some time. Way back when, kings say they derived their right to rule directly from God and were not accountable to their subjects. That is true, but not with the mindset most are thinking currently about God. Will break more of that down about God and kings later because it goes with other stuff I have yet to talk about that is important to know first. Good to keep in mind until then though. Will be easier to grasp and conceptualize later.  

      "Have Satanism (or material ruling) hidden in symbols, monuments, and on the land."

Washington D.C. - Material Ruling

     "It maybe cannot be ignored that what has been designed on Earth at positions of power and influence have a background of ancient knowledge that goes even beyond the borders of this planet" This person from https://timenolonger.wordpress.com/2010/05/13/washington-dc-ancient-vision-of-a-new-age/ was on the right track. Will go into that stuff more as well later. Need to know other stuff first. Just important to keep in mind. 

    If that one was too big of a jump, lets back up a little. To my poem, "Worked their ways around the world". Here is a break down below from Dublin.. a place less expected from what I will be sharing. Found here.. http://pearlsofwar.blogspot.com/2013/01/dublin-lbrp.html


     He says and wonders.. "Perhaps the most well known of the secret geomantic pentagrams is the one that points to the White House in Washington DC. Does this mean that the layout of Dublin somehow foreshadowed the creation of the American Republic, and did the pentagram makers take their trade to America with them?" 


     The best thing said based on everything I have come to understand already was "The symbol for Spirit is a circle, whereas the symbol for base matter (or salt) is a circle with a line through it. This seems to suggest that matter is the negation of Spirit. Does this mean that the creators of the geomantic pentagram, whoever they may be, are trying to replace Spirit with Matter? And if so, why?" Why is pretty deep. A lot more needs to be covered before that.

     When he said.. "Did the pentagram makers take their trade to America with them?" I would say they didn't take it with them and bring it here but sent others to develop it further. As the case is with any self proclaimed country when it infiltrates an area. "Like the Roman invasion of Britain." Pushing a way of life upon people. Evolving a place or taking from it what they want or have envisioned.

Rome Britain from - http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/romans/questions_01.shtml has some great information from then. Mentioned below is what I feel is important, or fits into what I have been talking about or sharing.     

     "Caesar seized the opportunity to mount an expedition on behalf of Commius. He wanted to gain the glory of a victory beyond the Great Ocean, and believed that Britain was full of silver and booty to be plundered. His first expedition, however, was ill-conceived and too hastily organized. With just two legions, he failed to do much more than force his way ashore at Deal and win a token victory that impressed the senate in Rome more than it did the tribesmen of Britain. In 54 BC, he tried again, this time with five legions, and succeeded. Yet he returned disgruntled and empty-handed, complaining in a letter to Cicero that there was no silver or booty to be found in Britain after all."

     "The second exploitation of Britain - by the Emperor Claudius. He was to use an identical excuse to Caesar for very similar reasons. Claudius had recently been made emperor in a palace coup. He needed the prestige of military conquest to consolidate his hold on power. Like Caesar, Claudius seized his chance. In AD 43, he sent four legions across the sea to invade Britain. They landed at Richborough and pushed towards the River Medway, where they met with stiff resistance. However, the young general Vespasian forced the river with his legion supported by a band of 'Celtic' auxiliaries (FROM SPAIN), and the British were routed."

     "It took another 30 years to conquer the rest of the island. Once in, Rome was prepared to defend her new acquisition to the death. Yet Britain was originally invaded not for its wealth, not for strategic reasons, not even for ideology, but for the plain and simple reason that it furthered a politician's career. It has been said that Rome conquered an empire in a fit of absent-mindedness. Britain is a case in point."

     "The Roman empire was based on two things: lip service to the emperor, and payment to the army. As long as you acknowledged the imperial cult and paid your taxes, Rome did not really care how you lived your life."     

     Audience hall where speeches are given look like a... snake?! Most believe so.

    It's next to the Basilica.. Where St. Peter was supposedly hung upside-down on the cross. Oddly enough.. basilisk means little king, serpent in Latin (important to know). What did the snake do in the bible... turn perspectives around?! Not to mention if you zoom into a persons skin it looks like the cobblestone that's throughout the road or street that's there. Some have also referenced them as scales. From the air if we look at the front of the Basilica it looks like a snakes head with a hat on it and the round street looks like it ate something. Maybe it ate peoples perspectives?! 

     This is all the beginning to evolving. It's like a key for humanity. Kleck, a man who has pushed end times shared those pictures. Which was a good catch. However I disagree with his beliefs because they are just that. Opinions and beliefs mixed with facts. Not opinions and beliefs based on facts. He really seems to push for, or fit things into, his agenda of end times. Manipulating not only peoples consciousness, but universal consciousness. There have been groups known to do this throughout history. I know if enough are taught the right things and secret knowledge people can change and bring about a voluntary system that works completely different. I actually know of a case in the courts right now that can change everything. Will be covered with the other things mentioned earlier. They all sort of run together in a weird way. Like some would say about this stuff.

     Until the next post...

     Thank you for stopping by!




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I've been pointing out for a long time that the Medal of Honor is an inverted pentagram. Glad to see there are others who've noticed as well.

Another thing, since I really love Symbology and symbols in general. Have you ever noticed the new(ish) logo for the Army? The Star in a box?

5 pointed stars are representative of Man, and the 5 forces we embody. A square represents the imposition of order, and control. Boxing in the chaotic forces. I find it striking that the Army's logo basically shows: Our Goal is the domination of humanity.


Yes, great points. I agree. From what I know.

Also, when you said.. "Boxing in the chaotic forces. I find it striking that the Army's logo basically shows: Our Goal is the domination of humanity."

SO RIGHT! Has actually happened through paperwork and law for a long time. Not by those that are educated though.

Also, the court case I said I became aware of at the end, or know about. People figured out the paperwork side. Totally, not just partially. Bringing to light all the lies and manipulation done to us. Using their own tricks against them. I will be working it in here soon. Need to keep things easy to follow and understand for the time being. Can't just through it out there like I want to unfortunately. There is a 30 day stall (revision period) so got plenty of time to get it worked in. This way more people can become aware of it. Not to mention believe in, and understand it. Hopefully I can get history and modern day deceptions described and broken down within two weeks. At least the way they intertwine to make this case significant.

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