*The Portraiture of God*

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Since the remotest times, Mankind has always believed in something beyond human understanding, something transcendental that he idolized no matter whether there was question of personified or unpersonified conceptions of God. Anything man was unable to understand or to comprehend was imputed to the powers above such as his intuitive virtue admitted them. In this way, all the deities of mankind, good and evil ones have been born. As time went on, gods, angels, demiurges, demons and ghosts have been worshiped irrespective of their ever having been alive in reality or their having existed only in fancy. With the "development" of mankind, the idea of God was shrinking especially at the time when, with the aid of the sciences, phenomena were explained that previously were ascribed to the gods. A lot of books would have to be written if one wished to enter into details of the various ideas of God in the history of the nations.

To the plain man the idea of God serves as a support for his spirit just not to entangle himself in uncertainty or get out of his depth. Therefore his God always remains something inconceivable, intangible, and incomprehensible to him. Many belief systems over time have concocted all sorts of recipes for connecting to the Divine, with God, all done by people with varying intentions towards their followers, be they in their sincere desire to help them realise the Divine or otherwise.

So, What IS God? Today, that question is going to be answered and properly dealt with once and for all!

Defining God

Before delving into deeper explanations of God, what the word itself denotes needs to be defined. It is most important from the very outset to note however that in using the word “God” we are not in any way referring to the deity as personified and worshipped by many orthodox religions such as Christianity and Islam.

The True God has many names in accordance with individual cultures and the way universal truths have been taught to followers the worldwide. God has been frequently and indeed most appropriately referred to as; The Universe, The Source, The First Cause, The Ether, The One, The All in All, Spirit, The Mother Goddess, The Akasha, The Great Spirit, Prime Creator. and by many other names. Again, this is the great and overall God who exists, has always existed and always will exist beyond the limited confines of space and time, the same God of which we are all integral aspects each having our own existence in the Mind of God as individuated, immortal, spiritual beings, the same God who is in every single one of us and we in God.

I now give a few definitions I believe together give an accurate picture of the true nature of God:

The Source: Everything in the Reality, all energy, vibration and light flows from The Source. Everything in the Reality is an integral part and aspect of The Source. Nothing can exist outside of or separate from The Source. The Source is at once omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. The Source is everything that is.

The First Cause: The Source is the very first cause of everything in The Reality. Everything in The Reality was and still is being created as a consequence of The First Cause. It was The First Cause that brought the entire Reality into being in the infinite mind of The Source. The Source is the First Cause, the Primary Creator of The Reality, the Macrocosm. We Ekken Humans as expressions of The First Cause made in the true spiritual image of The Source are co-creators within The Reality, we are therefore secondary creators or causes within our local reality, the Microcosm, realities we create with the power of our minds just as The First Cause creates The Reality within the infinite mind of itself.

The All in All: It is all there is inside all that is. Every single part of creation without exception, from individual souls to energy levels are all God inside and outside. It is the All (Spirit) in everything (creation).

God: God is The Source and The First Cause, The All in All. God is a name that, although subject to creed and dogma and often even personified in Human form, is nevertheless one that almost everyone in the world can relate to as the Supreme Being of The reality, an aggregate of all creation, the underlying consciousness and the potential for existence. This is a name therefore that is entirely appropriate in that context, in a “universal”, non-dogmatic form.

The Nature of God

Many a time, people all over have had the wrong notion that The Source, God is of a particular gender owing to certain belief systems, which of course is out rightly wrong.

As you have now learnt, The Source is everything and as a result is expressed in all creation. To observe/study/know God is to look to all that is. Creation is a threefold act, in the sense that three aspects are always present in creation, the male uniting with the female to birth the child. This process/model of creation is immutable and is expressed in every single part of creation without exception. God is the Heavenly Father who sowed the seed for The Reality with the thought of creation and with desire as the Mother Goddess birthed The Reality, The Forever Child which it is.

The people of the Ijaw kingdom in western Africa for example, understand this well by viewing God from two perspectives. There is no single name for God in their language, but instead use “Tamuno” when referring to God as male and “Teamerau” as the female prefix.

The concepts of The Godhead and The Trinity

Now let us regard the idea of God from the magic standpoint, according to the four elements, the so-called ” Tetragrammaton” (Tetragrammaton literally means “the four-letter word”. It was a subterfuge to avoid the sin of uttering the sacred name YHVH (Yahveh) or Jehova as it later became when the vowels of another word were combined with the consonants of YHVH), the unspeakable, the supreme: the fiery principle involves the almightiness and the omnipotence, the airy principle owns the wisdom, purity and clarity, from which aspect proceeds the universal lawfulness. Love and eternal life are attributed to the watery principle, and omnipresence, immortality and consequently eternity belong to the earth principle. These four aspects together represent the supreme Godhead.

The Trinity is simply an esoteric model representing God in its most primal form and aspects, and is well represented in the mystery teachings of Khemet (Egypt) with God and the act of creation as Ausar (Osiris) which is the thought/the idea, Auset (Isis) which is the emotion/drive/feeling and Heru (Horus) the action that results in creation. This Trinity is important to remember when anything desired is to be brought into your reality, because every time people are not able to achieve their dreams, one is always missing from the Trinity. Only through alignment of The Trinity can anything be brought into existence.

Also in the wisdom of Hindu, the Trinity is amply and appropriately expressed as Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and Shiva the Destroyer, called the Trimurtem.

Remember the old saying “A snake gives birth to a snake”, as a child of God (which you most certainly are!), what does that make you?

From now, let us tread upon the path to The Source practically and step by step, beginning from the outermost spheres, to arrive at the true realisation of God in ourselves, honouring the divinity within ourselves and revering the divinity in others, having a sense of belonging, great value and power with unconditional love for all creation knowing that we all are one in this infinite sea of consciousness. Let us be joyful, make merry and praise the happy man who will reach this still in his earthly existence. Completely banish fear of pains or doubt, for all of us shall reach this goal!

Light and Void

pic source: Google images

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waiting for more from you eluemina! keep motivating!

Thank you very much for the support! @five34a4b I'll keep them coming!

You're welcome! please do!

Great post!

Thank you very much! @hamiz Much appreciated!

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@eluemina you did a wonderful article on the concept of God/Source. Thank-you for your wonderful education! I am getting better each day so I will try to write a little more. I probably won't do Steemit everyday. I hope you are well and doing great! Please take care!

Thank you very much for your kind words as always @cabbagepatch Glad to know you're doing better. Take care and stay safe!

As you can tell, I don't go onto Steemit as often but I am really much better now. I'm trying to write more as it helps me to keep active. Hope you are well and very happy!!