What happens during and after 'death'

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


What happens when we die? Before I delve into answering that here, I would first off love to emphatically state and for many people, it would seem to be a surprising or even shocking statement there is, in reality, no such condition as ‘death’!

What many people believe to be the finality of death is in reality no more or less than a transition, or change, from one state of life, a physical state of life characterised by the physical body, to a nonphysical state of life within a much finer, more subtle, non-physical body, existing at a much higher vibration and lower density sphere of the Reality known by many names, but often known as the afterlife, Astral planes or the beyond. The name really does not matter however. The fact is, this phase of life really does exist and becomes the new home for most people after departing the physical phase of life of that Inner-Self incarnation. Some people, will, their Inner-Self having completed the cycle of physical incarnation, or who came to Ekken on a special mission from the inner spheres of life and reality, the true realms of Spirit, will transition beyond the Astral planes, inwards to their rightful place of residence in accordance with their current state of Spiritual evolution.

We are all multidimensional Beings, each of us having infinite bodies corresponding to our many states of being within the multidimensional Reality. Although we have an infinite number of bodies in one body at a time in accordance with our state of evolution, and therefore vibration. These bodies very broadly consist of the physical body, the Etheric or Energy body, the Astral body and the Mental bodies. We have an infinite number of Mental or Spiritual bodies, all relating to the infinite degrees and states of vibration, density and being, ranging from the very lowest to the very highest approaching the highest vibration of The Source. The Astral body is often referred to as the Soul, and the Mental Body is often referred to as the Immortal Spirit. It is the Immortal Spirit that is made in the image of God, not the physical body as is commonly supposed.

God is pure Spirit, and ultimately every single person exists as pure Spirit beyond all concept of form, an illusion of the physical and Astral worlds. The seat of our very being or consciousness is the Immortal Spirit. The Astral body or Soul actually consists of both the conjoined Astral and Mental bodies and can, therefore, be more accurately referred to as the Astra-Mental Body. These subtle bodies are composed of Energy vibrations which are completely unique for everyone, each individual possessing a particular Energy signature. Within the inner spheres of reality or the Astral and Mental planes, people exist at the level of vibration of the Universe corresponding precisely to the level of vibration of their Astral and Mental bodies, respectively. The level of vibration of the Astral and Mental bodies depends in turn upon many factors, including the individual degree of ennoblement or perfection, the degree to which the Ego has been refined, the realisation of Spirit or God within and of the oneness of All, unresolved karma, and the realisation of the most powerful force in Reality, Unconditional Love.

It should be briefly discussed at this stage where the Inner-Self fits into this picture. Our Inner-Self is the base of all physical incarnations on Ekken. Because most people cannot gain sufficient perfection in one single incarnation, the Inner-Self, our Complete Self in the world of Spirit, representing the totality of all incarnations, sends numerous aspects of Him/Herself to Ekken until sufficient experience, perfection and wisdom is attained, at which point the Inner-Self assumes the identity of the final incarnation, and moves on to greater things. The Inner-Self is therefore also made in the Spiritual image of God, in that God is also experiencing by means of the same process, but as the ultimate Creator/Creatress.

So, what actually happens when people experience the change known as death? Regardless of the precise circumstances at the end of physical life, what follows is substantially the same in all cases. At the instant when the physical body ceases to function, a large amount of Energy is transferred to the Etheric body, also known as the Energy body also including the Astral and Mental bodies. The Etheric body will usually then become the new temporary body of the recently deceased person. Sometimes, however, the recently deceased person will transition directly to the Astral worlds. It is the Etheric body that some people, in particular those with psychic or clairvoyant abilities, can see, and is the basis for the paranormal phenomena known as a ghost.

What happens next varies from person to person. Those who do not transition directly to the Astral worlds will, immediately after physical death, find themselves very much alive in their Etheric body, feeling more alive than they ever did in their physical body. A person after death will often fully observe everything happening around them, including all people present. What the person is actually seeing is not their physical surroundings as such, as they no longer have any physical senses. What they see, now through the mediation of the Astral senses is a very close Etheric reflection of those surroundings which for all intents and purposes, are identical.

If other people such as doctors are present, the person might well see and hear himself or herself being pronounced dead. The deceased person can then, if desired, stay and watch what happens to their old body, observe the actions of the people present or immediately go elsewhere. In this much finer state of existence as pure energy, it is quite possible to travel anywhere in the world or the entire Reality in an instant literally at the speed of thought. The Etheric plane, like the Astral and Mental planes is a Mind world, an extension of the Astral planes and of the Reality as a whole, existing beyond the boundaries and restrictions of physical space and time.

The deceased person often remains very close to the physical world while the level of Etheric Energy in their Etheric body remains sufficiently high. They will very often make the most of this opportunity to visit and say goodbye to family and friends and perhaps to visit their old home and favourite places from their physical life. Of course, living people cannot, with the exception of psychics and clairvoyants, usually see the deceased person, and any attempts by the deceased person to communicate with living people usually fail, often becoming a source of frustration. Very often, the deceased person will also attend his or her own funeral, not only to see all family, friends and other people they knew and loved in physical life gather to pay their last respects, but also to realize the finality of that particular physical life on Ekken. Soon after this their reserves of Etheric Energy will dissipate, and they will make the transition to the level of the Astral worlds corresponding to their own unique vibration, being dependant on many factors including Spiritual evolution, character, materialism etc., and where very often previously deceased relatives will be waiting to greet and assist the new arrival in their latest home.

The deceased person can make the decision to transition to the Astral worlds at any time simply by desiring and willing it to happen and by thinking of being there, but only if they realise the possibility exists, otherwise, the transition will usually take place naturally once the supply of Etheric Energy in their Etheric body is depleted, at which time it will dissipate, giving way to the finer vibrations of the Astral body.

The other extreme occurs when a newly deceased person transitions directly to the Astral world almost immediately after physical death. Sometimes, they will be aware of their physical death, but very often, the first thing a deceased person will be aware of is what is often described as a tunnel of light into which they are pulled at great speed before emerging at the other end within the Astral worlds, often to be greeted by family and others with an interest in the newly deceased person which I will be discussing as we move on. In other cases, the scenery will simply seamlessly fade away from the physical world and melt into the Astral world.

There are however cases where for example people died very suddenly, or are bound to Ekken by strong emotions such as guilt, or by grossly material attraction, when the person does not realise they no longer inhabit a physical body, and will linger around their familiar surroundings, not understanding why they cannot communicate with anyone. This individual is often known as a ghost, which we will discuss later in this post.

Irrespective of how the deceased person arrives in the Astral worlds, they will never be alone. Other Astral residents, frequently previously deceased relatives and friends, will be there to greet and help them to settle into their new home. Very often, the newly deceased person will be taken to a place in the Astral world which is effectively a reception area for newly arrived Souls where, they will be met by a host of helpers with the task of assisting new arrivals. Such helpers specialize in all manner of cases and are able to assist with the transition process regardless of the circumstances surrounding physical death, having experience with a wide range of conditions associated with transition, ranging from the natural to the traumatic. There are billions of people living within the Astral world, having previously experienced physical life in the past, present and future of Ekken, in fact each person may well have hundreds or even thousands of him or herself living in the Astral worlds concurrently, each of which is an individual incarnation of their Inner-Self that has not yet evolved sufficiently to leave the Astral to return to their Inner-Self.

Every eventuality is fully accounted for, and no person is ever left alone in the Astral worlds after physical death. For most decent people who have led a life with no strongly held religious or other strong beliefs, the environment is always extremely peaceful and harmonious and otherwise quite similar to Ekken. If the physical death was sudden, violent or due to some self-inflicted disorder such as alcoholism, or if the person was ill for some time before physical death, there will be the Astral equivalent of hospitals with doctors and nurses on hand to assist, people who might well have been doctors and nurses in their own previous physical life. At these levels of the Astral everyone contributes out of a desire for service, and, unlike the physical world, with no expectation of reward. As mentioned before, in the Astral worlds anyone can create anything they wish for, so the concepts of work and money do not exist, and the people living there accordingly have no need of it.

Because the Astral worlds can appear to be almost identical to the physical world in appearance, some people do not believe they have actually died. Such people can become confused and disoriented and might require attention by specialist helpers until they can come to terms with their new nonphysical existence in the afterlife of the Astral worlds.

Children and infants especially require a great deal of care from Astral specialists. In these cases, a nurse or designated helper, often a previously transitioned family member if available will look after the child until he or she is old enough to join a family or make their own way in the Astral worlds. There are many such families who will gladly take on the responsibility of looking after young children or children in need of guidance who arrived before their own Ekken based parents. Older children will often join a family as soon as they have come to terms with their new home in the Astral worlds.

Children can usually adapt to the Astral worlds much more quickly than adults, largely because they had not yet been fully indoctrinated into the ways of the physical world, and children are generally much more adaptable than adults.

Upon arriving in the Astral world‘s most people settle into their new home very quickly and create a new life for themselves.
They will, sooner or later, completely lose interest in the physical world and their previous physical life. However, people living in the Astral worlds can, and very often do visit the physical world whenever they feel the need to, often to visit loved ones left behind. There are numerous cases of bereaved family and friends suddenly feeling the presence of their loved one, and in these cases, it is very often truly their loved one visiting for a time from the Astral worlds.

It should be mentioned that deceased people living in the Astral worlds will often watch over their loved ones still living in the physical world, guiding them by mental influence and protecting them from inner dangers whenever possible. Because Reality is Infinite living Mind, thought is a very powerful primary energy. Therefore, it is relatively easy for people in the Astral worlds to influence or impress the minds of people still living in the physical world. Such influence can suddenly arrive in the minds of people on Ekken as intuition, inspiration or ideas that appear to come from the individual‘s own mind. Pets, such as cats and dogs, can often sense the presence of their deceased Human friends in a very powerful way.

It is also possible for people living in the Astral worlds to visit people in their dreams. This happens more often than people realise. Dreams of meeting deceased people are often very real, and such contacts should always be taken very seriously and any messages remembered. Everyone in the physical world leaves their body at night while in deep sleep, and Astral residents sometimes take this opportunity to meet with their loved ones face to face in the Astral worlds. These meetings are then often remembered in the morning as a vivid lifelike dream. Again, these meetings are often very real indeed and should be remembered to the best of your ability. This can easily be accomplished by keeping a dream diary by your bed, and writing down everything you remember about your dreams as soon as you wake up in the morning. Sometimes, important information is passed along this way, as well as reassurances that the deceased person is very well, happy and content in their new Astral home.

Although it is perfectly natural and healthy to grieve for a deceased loved one, it is important to realize that these people are not really dead and have not ceased to exist. The loved one is now living in what is actually a truer reality than the physical world. Assuming they are living in the mid to high Astral worlds or within the Spirit worlds, they will be experiencing an existence of pure love, light, bliss, peace and happiness on a level beyond the comprehension of most people still living on Ekken. They can and do often visit loved ones still living on Ekken, often endeavouring to make their presence felt in order to reassure the grieving loved ones that they are happy.

Whilst grieving for people who have passed on is understandable, it is also important to understand that the deceased person can feel these emotions and hear the thoughts of those grieving in a very powerful way. It is best therefore to feel happy for the deceased person for completing their life on Ekken, and to send them love safe in the knowledge that someday you will be reunited.

Specific Fates in the Beyond…

Now that we have discussed what generally happens during and after ‘death’, let us now take a look at some more specific cases

Belief Systems and Religion

There are various levels of the Astral planes, located between the outermost Astral planes and the mid-Astral planes. These intermediate planes include what is known as the belief system territories. Although the belief system territories do not have the same hell-like qualities of the very outermost Astral planes, they can seem like a hell to people who transition to these territories after physical death and become trapped in the Energy of those particular levels of vibration.

Many people still maintain strongly held beliefs at the time of physical death, and these beliefs become a part of their experience after they die. These people often find themselves in an outer level of the Astral planes in an environment that is a complete reflection of the religion or belief they practiced and were so influenced by on Ekken. Belief is a very powerful vibration, and one which attracts to us those things in which we strongly believe, and of course belief systems, including religions, are no exception, especially as many people are so passionate about their religion. Beliefs do not necessarily imply religions, but rather can be any strongly held belief about anything at all.

The people in these belief system territories have created entire worlds in which everything revolves around the absolute devotion to a particular belief. Although life in these worlds can be pleasant or at least tolerable, it in no way compares to the serenity of the mid-Astral levels and inner Astral planes, where everyone has the complete freedom of choice to do as they please in an environment of complete peace and harmony

The main focus of the inhabitants of the religious belief system territories are their churches and an absolute unconditional devotion to the religion prevailing in these worlds. There are levels of vibration for every type of religion, belief and cult from the past, present and future relative to the Ekken concept of time. People who live in these belief system territories very often initially believe they are in ‘Heaven’, experience precisely what they expected to experience, and are often quite content to continue to live within a devoted religious existence within these environments, usually completely oblivious to the freedom and splendours of the inner Astral worlds.

As in the physical world, the leaders of some of these religious worlds, as with religion in the physical world, maintain a very close control over their congregations, often using the emotion of fear by threatening to have them cast out into the darkness, and even cast down to purgatory if they do not adhere to their rules and regulations. Again, these threats are similar to the threats of being cast into hell and damnation of a religion in the physical world.

Sooner or later, as with the outer hell worlds, the residents of the belief system territories begin to see the reality and illusion of their situation and eventually desire to escape these outer planes and progress inwards and onwards. People living within the inner levels of the Astral planes remain vigilant and ready to guide such Souls to the inner levels of more peace and harmony, corresponding to their own level of vibration.

It should also be mentioned that there are large bands of people in the mid to inner levels of the Astral planes who are actively involved with assisting those trapped in the outer levels of the Astral planes and close to the physical world whenever such assistance is appropriate and not contrary to the freewill of the people involved. Such is the way of life in the Universe, Beings of the inner levels always assisting those in the outer levels on the great ascent back to The Source.

Due to freewill, a helper from an inner level of the Astral worlds cannot assist someone in an outer level unless they specifically request that assistance directly or indirectly. Like all communications in the worlds beyond the physical one, such a request or plea for help will be sent in the form of a focused telepathic thought that will be received in the inner worlds. Once this thought request is received, helpers from the inner Astral planes can then descend to the outer vibration/higher density of the outer belief system territory and lead the person to their new home in the peace and harmony of the mid-Astral planes.

The Between-Lives Area

Unfortunately, as is the case with our physical surroundings at the moment, our Astral fields have been hijacked by a hierarchical group of negative entities who took the liberty of extending their system of re-incarnation, soul-reaping and energy-harvesting there. In the very or even most common situations where a person experiences the tunnel of light, it will be observed that nothing but complete darkness surrounds this tunnel of light, this darkness is Void; which is the element and where everything in creation is birthed from. In the case of anyone who has just died arriving here, he/she will be in a drunken state and it is in this state that other poor souls who have been deceived by the image of the tunnel, belief and the custodians of it themselves invite the person to ‘go into the light’. This tunnel and the space it leads to is what is referred to as the Between-Lives Area which is the false Soul-cycling area set-up as part of the false reality that Humanity has been trapped in, meant to enslave her. To give such a person a sense of security and maintain his/her doubtless belief in this system, the custodians will take on the image of the main figures of the person’s religion, if they have any. They will then along with the person review the life that just ended. If for example the person was a wicked nobleman who kept slaves, they would then make him come as a slave in his next life to atone for his sins and if he was a slave, they would make him come back as a nobleman who will enslave his slavers in the life as a slave. It is important to note that other life memories take a while to surface to a person’s conscious mind, so this whole process is done very quickly. The nobleman might have been enslaved by the same people he did in that life and their Karmas were now equilibrated, so there was no need to keep that series of events alive. But their (custodians) intention is to keep creating karma in endless cycles of relatively meaningless lives to keep recycling Souls that aren’t the wiser back here to continue their slavery in this physical arm of their system. If the person cannot be re-incarnated right away or soon enough, they are put into hibernation and are suspended in some sort of black cube along with other Souls who are yet to be re-incarnated by this system.

People that are in the know, usually wait for their wits to be around them, ignoring the beckoning of deceived Souls going into the light and resist its magnetic pull, afterwards turning their back on it all and going into the Darkness, the Forever Void, the true reality. But, the custodians won’t let you go that easily. They will try to stop you by creating illusions of deceased or maybe even living family members, angels, calling you with assuring faces to join them, if you ignore, they’ll begin screaming your name, if you keep on, crying and wailing, they may even seem to try and hold you until finally, if you show unwavering resilience, they will dissipate like the phantoms they are. They may try intimidating theatrics like a loud sonorous voice bellowing your name along with or an ominous message directed at you or a large figure or group of figures standing on your path. They may try different things but ultimately, all their efforts are futile because as we live in a Reality of Freewill, it is ultimately and solely your choice whether to give in to them or go into the Forever Void, the true reality.

Into the Void

This is where Souls on and off our planet naturally return to. Here in yet another case, the Soul will meet his/her Nayak (the Creator/Creatress of the race the person belonged to in the life just finished) and after reviewing it and any other life or lives as a member of that race, decide whether to continue existing as a member of that race or not. If no, the Nayak and the person will severe the racial parent-child bond, so he/she can proceed to take on another form.

Special Cases


A ghost is a person who, after the change known as death, remains firmly attracted to the physical world, from which they originally departed, having for some reason been unable to make the transition to the next phase of life. This attraction to the physical world motivates and enables the ghost to draw Etheric Energy from their surroundings at will, thus keeping them grounded in the Etheric body rather than making the full transition to the Astral worlds. The reasons for this apparent preference of some deceased people to remain close to their previous Ekken environment are many and varied.

Very often, a person simply cannot accept the fact that he or she has died and no longer has a physical body. Such a person continues to live in their familiar environment, such as the home in which they once lived, as if nothing had happened, often believing that they are still living in a physical body. A house where such a person lives is often considered by paranormal researchers to be haunted. In other cases, the person is so engrossed and attracted to the material things they enjoyed during physical life that they simply cannot stand the thought of leaving those physical addictions behind. Such addictions might include power, drink, drugs, food, or sex.

In other cases, the person might harbour guilt over some aspect of their past life, lingering around to reconcile the situation, but which is simply not possible in a non-physical state, leading to a situation where the person becomes trapped in a loop where they continuously endeavour but fail to correct the perceived situation that concerns them, but are unable to do so. The ghost will have no concept of time, and this behaviour can continue for centuries relative to the Ekken concept of time.

Sometimes, a ghost is a newly deceased person who is frightened by the unfamiliar circumstances and does not want to move far from the familiar environment they once knew. Other recently deceased people might wish to stay close to their loved ones, believing that remaining close to the physical world is the only way by which to accomplish this.

If the death of someone was particularly violent and sudden, the deceased person may also become trapped in a loop, continuously enacting the same sequence of events leading up to his or her untimely death. Frequently, such people do not even realise that they are dead and therefore simply cannot understand why living people cannot see, hear or communicate with them.

When the Soul of a deceased person remains in a particular locality, the Soul is known as a ghost, and the location inhabited by the ghost is considered to be haunted. To a physical person living in a haunted house, the ghost will often seem to carry out exactly the same series of actions every time it makes an appearance, such as stepping on a creaky floor board, walking up the stairs, rattling door handles, moving items around, and even switching lights and other electric appliances on and off. This is possible because the Etheric body is relatively dense by comparison to the inner Astral and Mental bodies, and a ghost can sometimes achieve the necessary density required to influence physical objects.

There have been numerous cases throughout history where ghosts have actually been seen with physical eyes, often as a billowing white shapeless cloud or even in the form of a cloudy human shape. This is possible due to a particularly high concentration of a substance known as ectoplasm. Ectoplasm is produced by the Energy body of living humans and is normally exuded as a completely natural process of living. All humans living in the physical world continually exude ectoplasm to some extent. Many mediums, particularly during a séance, are able to produce particularly high concentrations of ectoplasm, often with the assistance of the Spirits present. Very often, the sitters present at the séance also produce ectoplasm to some extent under those same conditions, thereby creating the ideal situation for Spirit communication and perhaps even full materialisation to take place in the presence of the ectoplasm. A characteristic of all mediums for materialisation and the direct voice séances are the natural ability to exude a high volume of ectoplasm in the séance room through which the Spirit communicators manifest to the sitters.

The concentration of ectoplasm in any particular location is not particularly high, especially in relatively new buildings. Very old houses and buildings where many people congregate over long periods of time, for example old theatres have concentrations of ectoplasm that are much higher than normal. In such circumstances, the Etheric body of a ghost can interact directly with the high density of the whitish-coloured ectoplasm, bringing about a partial or even full manifestation in the form of a visibly discernible apparition. This is why apparitions are frequently seen in old, public buildings.

Although ghosts are very real, they are almost always completely harmless. A ghost is simply a normal but deceased human being living within a more subtle non-physical body after having experienced the change known as death. A ghost can often be assisted by people still living within the physical worlds who are experts in these matters.

The Etheric plane is an extension of the Astral plane where space and time simply do not exist. Some ghosts will play out exactly the same sequence of events leading up to physical death until they can be rescued. Such rescues are often carried out by people residing in the Astral worlds, sometimes with the help of Astral projectors who are still based within the physical world. When rescued, the ghost will be escorted to the Astral worlds where they can finally come to terms with their new situation. It should be noted however that this must happen in accordance with the freewill of the ghost. The rescuers cannot force the ghost person to go anywhere against their will.

Sometimes a person trapped at the level of the Etheric plane close to the physical world will eventually arrive at their own realisation that they are no longer living within a physical body. Others will eventually come to realise the folly of their actions in remaining close to the physical world, and then willingly make the transition to the Astral worlds without any assistance, simply by deciding and intending to do so, resulting in a raising of their vibrations making the transition possible.


Suicide is without doubt one of the most tragic situations, not only for the shocked and bereaved love ones left behind, but also for the person who took his or her own physical life. When a person takes their own life, contrary to what they might believe at the time, they do not escape from anything at all except the physical world, and any chance of resolving the problems from which they sought refuge are lost. The issues that caused the person to terminate their physical life in all of their original magnitude are brought to the Astral worlds where they still have to be fully faced and reconciled.

Bereaved friends and relatives are left agonizing and confused as to why their loved one felt so compelled to undertake this seemingly final act. Frequently, they will feel guilt, believing they might have been able to do something to prevent the tragic situation if only they had been more diligent about watching out for and recognising the signs.

The reasons for suicide are many and varied. Suicide rates have been increasing over the last few decades due to the perceived and increasing pressures of life and the current state of the world and Humanity in general. Only when Mankind fully understands the true meaning and purpose of each life on Ekken and the true destiny of all mankind can these events cease.

When a person takes their own life, it is extremely important for family and friends to realise that, understandable though it is, grief and emotions can have a profound and detrimental effect on the transition of the Soul of the deceased person to the Astral worlds, the afterlife, and new home. The greater the grief and emotion projected by those left behind, the more difficult it will be for the Soul to fully transition to their new home. The Soul of the person who has passed on will receive the full effect of these emotions and will know exactly what family and friends are thinking and experiencing. Although entirely understandable, these emotions will weigh heavily on the Soul of the deceased person, often bringing about intense emotions of guilt and regret. This will sometimes cause the Soul to remain very close to the physical world effectively as a ghost, rather than transitioning to the Astral worlds where they can rest in peace and harmony, and receive assistance in their transition from the Astral residents, some of whom specialise in assisting people to make the transition from the physical to the non-physical life.

Even when the Soul does successfully transition to the Astral world, strong emotions emanating from the people left behind can be felt in a very intense and direct way, often making the transition difficult. Bereaved family and friends should always endeavour to send the most positive feelings possible of understanding, compassion and pure Unconditional Love to their deceased loved one, knowing that they are actually alive, safe and happy in their new home.

Although people still living in the physical world regard those living in the Astral and Spirit worlds as dead, to those people who passed on to the Astral and Spirit worlds, it is the people still living in the density of the physical world, with all of the trials and tribulations it brings, who actually appear to be dead by comparison, dead to the splendours, glories, peace, harmony and liberation of the inner worlds of life and reality.

‘Death’ should never, ever be feared. It is rather something to anticipate and celebrate when the time comes as a completely natural aspect of individual evolution and a transition to glorious worlds of pure harmony, bliss and beauty where no hardships, trials or misery exist. The transition of passing to the Inner Realities (Astral and Spiritual Worlds) is a joyous time for celebration!

Light and Void

pic source: Google images

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My gosh @eluemina, you wrote a book. I read half but have to go back and finish it. When you talked about the spirit rising after death, it is interesting because while I was working in a hospital, some of my heart attack patients talked about how they did rise above their body and could see and hear what was going on while the doctors were working on their bodies to revive them. The all said the same thing about not fearing death and that they had a great send of peace. But they all needed to return to finish up what they felt they needed to do.

Thank-you for all your hard work! Wishing you happiness and peace this week ahead! Always, Cabbagepatch! :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you very much! @cabbagepatch I love you so much! It is imperative every Human on the planet knows this because the majority of Ekken Humanity seem to have forgotten almost everything. It is really important as it will put a stop to all those unfortunate circumstances that occur after 'death'. Showering you with love and blessings, wishing you all the happiness in the world!

Light and Void

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Enjoyed this post VERY MUCH! The sooner our human being friends realize there is nothing to fear in what most people refer to as "death", we simply carry on to another level of being. A freer being, a safer being existing in pure love. Very happy to meet you @eluemina

Exactly! My opinion/feelings on this in a nutshell! Thank you very much! @vickiebarker Nice meeting you too! :)