101 Ways to happiness - #50 Feed your soul

in life •  7 years ago 

Does it ever happen to you that you are even more exhausted, after talking to certain people, than after running? Is it more tiresome for you to shop, see the chaos, and mess around you, then a workout in the gym? The causes of fatigue are more than just physical nature. Let's see what's taking us all the energy.


People who are too negative

It can only be one hour of socializing with negatives, but you will be completely powerless. If you want to live an easy life, don't be in the circle of people who radiate too much negativity. They'll just pull you down. Circle yourself with people who support, motivate, and make you happy.


The same applies to the information we are exposed to. If you are listening to news that only speaks of bad things, you will be exhausted.

Disorder and chaos

Although it's hard to find time for cleaning up, especially in the morning when you are in a hurry and leave clothes, dishes and things disordered, it's worth it. The fact is that when you come to a clean and orderly home, you will feel better and the environment will help you relax and relieve stress.

Noisy music

Sound also affects our well-being. Because it works with a delay, we do not associate exhaustion with sound, music, and noise, which we may have been exposed a few hours ago or even days. Carefully choose the sounds!

Grudge and anger

If you carry out resentment and anger within you, this will only bring you more pain, negative thoughts and feelings, and you will be exhausted. Although it is difficult to forgive, it is the only way to get rid of the bad and heavy energy that you carry inside you.



Everything that lies in your soul, and you don't say out loud, it's exhausting you. Say honestly, even if you are afraid - the feeling will be liberating.


The delay and rush are exhausting. Wake up early, leave your home a few minutes earlier. Be accurate, and stick to a deadline.

Processed food

Food that is dead and processed is more burdensome to the body and completely exhausts us, as it consumes all the energy for digestion. Eat more light and fresh food.

Too little time for yourself

Most of what you can do to make yourself feel good is to take enough time for yourself. To move enough, eat quality and balanced food, spend every day just a little time in meditation and silence, and do things that please you. Only in this way can the mind, body, and soul be in balance.


This weekend was so tiring for me, that I just needed to write this down. I was in such bad mood and now I really feel guilty.But I have to let bygones be bygones. Maybe I will try to stick with it next time.

So my advice to you is: Choose books, music, movies, and friends that feed your soul.

Nice rest of the weekend!

Photos made by me and my smartphone Samsung SM-A510F.

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This is the​ first Post I​ read from you.
And I like your style. It's similar to mine.

invisible things are affecting​ us strongly and often we are neglecting them because we don't​ see the bad effect immediately​y. All those points you mentioned​ are robbing us our energy.

And yes, it's important that we fill up our tank.
Thanks for your advice :)

Thank you @modernpastor for everything. Your opinion means much to me and I'm really glad you liked it. I couldn't add much to it, just the fact, that if someone is capable of realizing all above, he is on a good way to be happier.

Negative people and news are really key in my opinion, also love that you bring up the notion of processed food.

How certain foods affect our microbiome and furthermore out emotions and mental wellbeing are not frequently heard about but is a serious matter I think will get more attention in the coming years 🙏🏼

Good post format, enjoyed the read!

Otherwise, if you're into travelling, vlogs, fitness, self-development etc feel free to check out my channel, in any case keep up the good work and I'll see you around!😁

Thank you.

this post very nice..and great photography...i appreciate your contest..carry on my friend!!!!!!!!!! @emmamia

Thank you, I am happy to see, that you like it.

Processed food

Food that is dead and processed is more burdensome to the body and completely exhausts us, as it consumes all the energy for digestion. Eat more light and fresh food.

Yes!!! I tell this to all of my clients! Where did you get all of this information? I’m following you, as I am new to steemit & we seem to have the same interests with thus post!

Believe me, I have experienced almost all in last few years. It wasn't hard to write everything down.

I like to see, that I have things in common with others. I hope you will find interesting posts and people behind them. Have a nice day!

Thanks for sharing this high quality content with us !
Appriciate that

Thank you.

I am very impressed with your articles. and I agree with your words, because aloof only adds wound in the liver, we should be able to arise from the problem and move on to the front. sibukkan ourselves with positive thing so that we can quickly forget our problem. I also love with a Photo you share, it is very interesting.

I'm happy to read, that you agree with me. Although thinking positive is sometimes really hard, I think that if we really try we can do it. I wish you a nice day.

thanks @emmamia already liked the comment from me. ssya also feel happy to share with you. hopefully for the future we will still greet each other like this. best regards from me @yessy.

If we only read and listen to these life tips,we would be bored after a certain period of time.But if we implement these, the results are magical.

Exactly. Reading motivational and inspirational posts, articles, books is worthless, if you don't believe in what you read. And if you are able to implement these, like you said, everything is easier. We only live once.

Yes bro, One should be always happy and keep smiling
Adds up on living a peaceful life. :)

:) Bro? I'm a "girl"... But oky, good that you agree with me. ;)

Many ways to happiness depend on us

I think almost all depends on us.

Nice words. If I may add, our way of thinking may also affect us negatively if we allow the things stated above to overcome all the positive things this world has to offer.


wow post a good friend
the picture is amazing steady steady
I was very inspired by that photo

Thank you. Great to see, that not only the words but also the photos inspire others. Have a nice day.

Beautiful and chillie shots :) Definitely agree that you have to be careful with those stuff draining your energy, last year was the first time I started thinking on how to start saving my energy instead of using it all up, exhausting myself and making negative choises to please everyone around.

I haven't started reading book's yet, meinly because school made me hate them, but I had about three of them that I know I must read one day. You really have to chose the right ones, thats the key.

Thank you. I'm glad you like them. Only when going through the list above, someone can really understand the feelings I had. And making the difference in life is essential for our wellbeing.

I used to read a lot, but now I just don't find the time to do it. Maybe because Steemit is my second life or maybe because we just find the time for stories and fairytales.😉

Yeah at least Steemit is the one making me read more and more if nothing else does. :)

One step at the time.😉

"Friends that feed your soul." It's hard to find, maybe it's an impossible mission.
And these beautiful images improve mood giving energy. Thank you, @emmamia for wise and experienced thoughts.

It's difficult, but when you do you wouldn't want to let them go. Wish you all the best!

Hello dear emmamia, I totally agree with what you have just stated; there are points, that although we know that affect, we always falls into that vicious circle. How good that you made me review them! Paricularly I like to get to my home, I love my home, and if it is clean and tidy is marvelous, because after having such a hard and hectic day at work, I can breathe peace and order in my home with my family ... Greetings

Exactly. I know that being full time at work sometimes I don't have the energy to tidy up. But still, if I do it, I feel more relaxed and I can breathe in with ease. Thank you for coming around!

It has been a pleasure