New Life Starting... (Hustling & Grinding)steemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

Today officially marks the beginning of a new way of life for me.

After being self-employed for the last year and a half, I found a system-job that I will use in order to generate as much STEEM as I can.

Obviously, system-job is something I was avoiding and for that purpose I'm extremely passionate about STEEM.

While it is possible to survive solely from crypto right now (for me), at the same time from investor point of view it's not profitable. I inputted way too much work in order to attain the crypto-assets I do have now...

Would it make sense to just spend them gradually month by month? Obviously not! The reasons are numerous, but one of them is the fact how I accumulated STEEM while it was at various price ranges - some of the STEEM I even earned while it was at 8$ (and I didn't sell LOL)

Most of us here do understand how STEEM will reach 100$ and that it makes no fucking sense to waste potentially the best investment of my life. Right?

That hodl4life philosophy backfired at me and now I need to work in the system! Wish me fucking luck.

Work in the system is an understatement to be honest since I'm going to college as well, and have side-grind of my own. When combined with sports and a bit of sleep, I barely have time for myself anymore. And that's perfectly fine... if only I got enough sleep last night! I fell asleep at 3 AM and woke now at 8 AM :D Luckily I'm super-human so I'll handle it somehow!

Currently I'm preparing my Source water combined with lemon and grapefruit, combination that is extremely potent when it comes to alkalizing your whole body! At the same time, I'm making sure to do some beneficial morning yoga stretches and I am rubbing iodine on my right hand! Haha

You are probably wondering why? Well, not only it's great for endurance & strength, as well it collects heavy metals from the body and detoxifies them. Fucking strong combo if you ask me.

Wish me fucking strength in my first day of new way of life. I will need it in every kind of way, be it physically, mentally or spiritually at the end. I'm sure this will bring many challenges, when completed, will make me a lot stronger and my position as investor much more beneficial.

Thank you so much for being my fucking audience and it means so fucking much. And yeah, I'll continue to write this short blogs since I managed to make around 5$ with them lately, and that's huge!

I'm 100% powering-up every single one of my posts, so that equals to around 12.3 STEEM power when converted! Holly-molly! Basically, I'm earning thousands of dollars for these short blog posts! Obviously when STEEM reaches 100$ 😎

Need to continue my yoga now... no matter how much I love STEEM! Real life is important and being flexible & stretched while whole day on the feet is super-duper-extremely important! I can't stress it out enough.

Continue making me rich ladies & gentlemen. Thank you very much.

Peace the fuck out.

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Back in system and the time is running the moment it is the smartest way to go. I am convinced that Steem would thrive.

Source water with lemon and grapefruit is a great thing for detoxing. Has iod a special meaning for you to rubb it on your right hand?

Wish you all the best for your first day! ;)

Yeah it does. You wanna rub it on the spot where motherfuckers usually give you vaccinnes.

Its easiest to absorb that way!

Posted using Partiko Android

I didn´t know that our skin is absorbin iod. Seems to try it out now;)

I think it's simply in the air now, the last revisit of a dying structure before we let it go completely, knowing where we are going finally. Who knows, maybe this job is not about you and your needs at all but about someone else who needs to meet you through this pathway.

Best of luck to you brother.

It looks like it brother. Thank you so much for the words of encouragement

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Pazi. Ja sam prosle godine kupio ripple kada je bio 0.4$ prije onog ludila. Prodao kada je bio na 2$ i zaradio neku sicu. Kupio si novu Razer tipkovnicu, misa i slusalice i ostalo potrosio. Ulog mi je bio od zarade na youtube i ne zalim niti lipe. Prije 3 mjeseca mi je youtube ukinuo monetizaciju jer sam stavljao neki materijal koji nisam smio i sada moram cekati 3 mjeseca da mi obnove. Imam 2 kanala koja su mi aktivna i drugi ima 760 subova pa ne mogu na njemu pokrenuti monetizaciju. Sada se mucim ali polako ide prema 1000. Sto se tice Steem-a, ne vjerujem da je odrziv ovako kako stvari stoje u njihovom poslovnom planu. Moraju imati neki prihod a samo od stalnog printanja novca nemoguce je da ne potone. Svi ovi postovi koji su tu nemaju apsolutno nikakvu vrijednost. Zasto? Zato jer nitko ne donira nikakve novce. Jednostavno ne vjerujem da ce biti nesto od toga ako ne promjene poslovnu politiku. E sad. Ti si sakupio dosta iskustva, pricas Engleski, video obrada itd... E to ima vrijednost ali to samo ti mozes unovciti, ne platforma. Trebao bi imati kombinaciju svih tih platformi i ako jedna ode u kurac imas ostale. Ovisi sto te zanima i sto bi htio raditi. Ja sam u Tajlandu i super mi je. Ako te zanima vise, mozes mi se javiti. Tu sam. Pozdrav.

Svjestan si da pricas o Steemitu a ne Steemu?

Posted using Partiko Android


Steemit je privatna kompanija a ne blockchain. Znaci i da propadne to ne znaci da Steem propada.

Umjesto sa siris negativu okolo bolje si kupi koji STEEM. Na 15 si vec godinama 😉

I ne znam iskreno sta si monetizirao s tih 700 pratitelja... 50 lipa? 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

yessssss........this spirit is contagious....and i'm sooooo with you bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! peace the fuck out!