Living a Full Life

in life •  6 years ago 


In an ever fast changing world today, do you find it hard to keep up with what’s right and what’s wrong? What to follow or believe? Am I eating well, exercising well, meditating? Sharing too much or staying private?... Wouldn’t it be helpful if we had a Life Manual?

I was born in the 80’s and raised by a super loving family in a relatively small country, I believe I was lucky enough to live my childhood with very clear sets of rules and beliefs. Then as every teenager, I questioned everything in life and came up with my own set of life rules. In my early 20th I decided to migrate by myself to start a new life in a new county and study further to be able to change career as I wasn’t satisfied enough with my life and wanted more. I guess the reason I’m sharing this with you is to show some credibility before I can ask your permission to share with you some of my advice and beliefs about Living a Full life these days.

If you’re still reading by now, it means you’re intrigued to read what in my eyes makes a life worth living. Here’s my advice:

• Experiment and Play; don’t take life too seriously
Did you ever watch a kid playing? Do you remember when you were a kid how much life was easy and enjoyable? What happened? Why as adults we start taking life too seriously?
If you stop to think for a second that life could end at any minute without any warning, would that make you start enjoying life more? Just realising that and remembering it daily will help us put the only purpose in living is enjoying life as a game. No one have the ultimate answer so just live and experiment new things and never be afraid of failing cause after all it is a game!

• Be selfish, think of yourself first to be able to create good relationships
Yeah that’s right! To be able to have good relationships with a partner, family and friends, you’ll need be able to think of yourself first. When you know your passions and what makes you tick in life, people around you will support you and you’ll be a better person to be around. We often make the mistake of changing our self to suit others but that will only make a relationship worse in the long run.

• Make it a journey to know yourself; keep learning
If there was only one advice to give you, it will be to keep learning. Learning for me is another word for growing. It’s essential for everyone to keep evolving and not stagnate in life. Learning is not just through books and university courses. Learning can be done through travelling, opening your mind to different perspective and keep increasing your knowledge. I try to learn one new thing every day. What about you?

• Surround yourself with good friends & family
Did you know that the longest research done about what makes people happy discover that “having healthy relationships” is the answer for happy living? These days we tend to be busy all the time and we found no time to connect with friends and family. Everyone is different but for me a face to face quality time with a person I cherish is enough to make my day. Do you make the effort to connect with friends and family frequently, not just through social media? If happiness is what you seek in life then making the effort to connect with loved ones is all it takes!

• Stop comparing yourself to others
Constantly comparing our life to others can leave us feeling depressed. Unfortunately, these days we spend a lot of time daily browsing our feeds on social media sites which unconsciously make us just do that. Someone told me one day “Each person writes its own story, stop comparing your chapter 1 to someone chapter 20”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying not to be ambitious in life and strive to better yourself constantly but make sure you don’t compare your current journey with someone else at all time.

After all, the most precious gift we have is our own life. There were my advices to live a full life as of today according to the experiences I’ve had so far however we’re constantly evolving and growing. It would be good to look back at this in few years from today and see if my perspective about life will be different

Thank you for taking the time to read my point of view of what makes a Life Full and worth living. I’d like to hear about your advice in Living a Full Life, please add your advice & comments below…

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Welcome to steemit @enlighted I sugest you make a Introduce post with tag #introduceyourself usualy get lot os votes. Always credit the source of your images or photos or texts with the origin link.

Thanks for your advice! I will work on an intro soon

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Hi @enlighted,
Great advise!!only for that you deserve a rose..


Thanks :) Really appreciated

Wellcome to the best social media plataform!

Thanks :) Enjoying it so far ..

Bem vinda!

Thanks :)