A Sovereign Response To The Coronavirus

in life •  5 years ago  (edited)


There are some things of interest tucked away in the meaning of a few key words, which we will unpack right now:

The first key word is CORONA, which means 'crown' in English.

A crown is worn by a 'ruler or master.'

Which makes now a very good time to consider WHO OR WHAT IS THE RULER OF YOUR MIND AND BODY?

There is only one suitable answer to that question.

YOU are the only person fit to rule over your mind, body, and life (presuming you are not an unbridled sociopath).

Any reality, system, or person that tries to master your mind or body is severely out of natural order.

Envision the crown of your head. Now, set a guard there, to keep out fear and confusion.

In astronomy, the corona is a luminous plasma that makes up the outermost part of the sun's atmosphere.

In anatomy, the corona is the circumference of the base of the glans penis in human males. It is the 'penis crown.'

These two different word uses -- astronomical and anatomical -- are consistent with the ancient idea that the Sun represents masculine/yang energy.

The second key word is PLASMA, which means 'moldable substance.'

In physics, plasma is the fourth state of matter, after solids, liquids, and gases. It is an electrically conductive ionized gas that accounts for most of observable matter.

In biology, plasma is the liquid component of blood that holds cells in suspension.

These two different word uses -- among physicists and biologists -- are consistent with the universal law: "As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul..."

(I think it's kind of astounding to find physical aspects of ourselves, strewn about the cosmos! Do you feel any reaction to that? Even if only wonderment...)

The third key word is THRONE, which is an 'elevated seat.'

​From that elevation, you see more. And the more you can see, the more you can be.

Coronate + Program Yourself, By Practicing Sovereignty From The Inside

With your mind's eye, see yourself ​taking seat on your inner throne.

Your elevated seat is always available to you... always able to show you a greater perspective, because it lifts you up, above the noise and chaos.

From there, you can hear the fresh influences of courage and creativity.

In that elevated seat, you can recover from the tiring choruses of fear and scarcity.

Take your seat upon your inner throne, so that you can re-emerge onto your personal scene full of LIFE.

While sovereignly seated, you can receive blueprints and designs of what can be built from the rubble of this fiasco.

The structures and routines that have been shaken -- and will be shaken -- give you the chance to do at least one thing you have previously felt too restricted to do, because of a lack of time or opportunity.

Here are both.

All cancellations can either be wasted in worry, or leveraged to finally make a go of something you have long desired.

Panic is not solidarity. As best you can, rule yourself and your circumstances from chosen calm.


This is cross-posted from my blog, where there is also an AUDIO version of this post, narrated by me:


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Highly rEsteemed!

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Hey sister! Miss you! 💕