Lessons from a Fire Escape

in life •  8 years ago 

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Living in a 2-bedroom apartment ÷ 4 siblings + 2 parents + [xⁿ] pets:
the word “escape” in the term fire escape proved anything but a misnomer.

A few things I recall from my time suspended in mid-air:

People seldom look up.

Sometimes ambient noise is quiet enough.

Gravity is a force that cannot be reckoned with. What goes down stays down.

Loose leaf paper yearns to live up to its name.

Climb the outside ladder if you dare, just remember: it moves.

Life is loss. Be prepared to let go of small objects that fall through the slats.

You can do some great thinking outside the box.

Wind makes it harder to blow bubbles, but also makes them fly farther.

A welcome distraction is always just around the corner.

Iron bars cannot contain schoolboy crushes on the girl next door.

A rolled-up beach towel provides more comfort than one unfurled.

Even when you reach the end of the stairs, the journey to the top is not over.

The birds and the bees can keep you company.

If drops of water somehow fall upon passersby, looking up and placing your opened hand outward seems to allay suspicions.

A lap makes for a great desk or easel.

Being locked out by mischievous siblings really provides you the last laugh.

Reading in natural light is better on the eyes and the imagination.

It’s comforting to know you can always go home.

This originally appeared on Medium. (original photo by Aaron Birch)

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