Vlog 205: STEEM is the perfect long term investment.

in life •  7 years ago 

I had a nice comment on one of my post yesterday.

I was asked to look at an ICO on the Ethereum network that will specialize in game streaming.

I briefly checked it out and as usual the website looks amazing and they have a nice team as well. But my biggest problem with it is that it doesn't work yet.

Now, I believe most people invest in ICO's to make fast money. 10x, 20x ROI is not unheard of. But that's not really investing in the project. Is it? It's just a quick flip.

It got me thinking.

On the STEEM blockchain we already have a functioning Streaming service that is being monetised every day and it's called Dlive.

In fact they recently updated there mobile website here and I checked it out and it works fine.

I watched someone playing CS:GO for a couple minutes and monetising his stream. Perfect!

So I'm already invested in a game streaming service that is far ahead of anything else and therefor I see no need to invest in this ICO.

How am I invested in Dlive? I have STEEM tokens. It's that simple.

Now I usually look at STEEM tokens as tool that gives you more influence on the STEEM blockchain, which is true.

But there is way more to it.

It also makes me a long term investor in EVERYTHING that is build on top of the STEEM Blockchain because STEEM drives everything. Now and in the future.

I talk about it more in my vlog.

I am a witness with our developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support us I would appreciate your vote here.

We build Steemify a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.

Get it Here:

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Steem Blockchain has already got the features which most ICO's are proposing now... Instant fee-less transactions and the capability to handle huge volume on transactions quickly , are the USP's of this great platform. Don't just run after making quick money in fake ICO's, Stay invested long-term in potentially the best blockchain at the moment.


Definitely the best blockchain at the moment... and with a big first mover advantage in the fee-less transaction/social media space

amazing post my steemit friend wish you good luk

Always the safest investments are the long ones


Yeah that’s what I’m going to do. 🤙 So I do have a question though, knowing many got in when it was a buck, now it’s higher, have I missed the train 🚊??? Or is it still good for me to invest in Steem? I recently converted some of my bitcoin over to Steem, but just feeling it out...

Worked flawlessly on @blocktrades ... also is blocktrades the only way to get my money in and out of Steemit? ☝️🤔

yes friend steemit is a perfect n long time investment.😊

Dlive is part of Steem which I haven't really explored. Now you have moved it up my to do list.

Will add to my list of things I explain as to why Steem is the best investment out there vs all these pure hype "look what we want to do" coins.

If someone ask me about ICO again I will guide him/her to this article! You are absolutely correct and you explained it very well. We got the best, we got everything within it! Why we waste our money for something that did not birth yet :D Excellent thought friend!


My Brother @ishnuala is a game streamer looking for other alternatives to invest in this field besides being a slave to youtube. So I convinced him to take up steem and try out Dlive. I think if he puts the effor this will bring him great rewards and at the same time great content for the platform. I will mentor him in everything I've learned so far but I am quite sure he will pick it up in no time.

Good work, things might be slow at first but over time the rewards will be huge for the first adopters of dlive

I just updated you i love that comment. i made a video to promote steem on dlive but was not voted the the i wish. the project was a sincere one.

He should. Dlive is a great platform.

Dlive is very nice you dont need to get 10000 view before you can earn.
steemit is my open heaven for now. the best working cryptocurrency for now.

Excellent video friend and i totally agree with your thoughts that we all have to do a proper research before investing in any crypto or blockchain and at the moment investing eth ICO is pretty risky because they won't able to find the solution of scalability and also their tx fees is quite high while on the other hand steem has no scalability problem and it also has zero tx fees and one more cool thing about steem blockchain is that it won't consume electricity as it is mined with proof of brain and stake, so i think at the moment investing in steem is no doubt a wise decision, thanks for sharing your nice thoughts with us, it's really helpful for me, Stay blessed

Right now, crypto is a lucrative market. Most people are in it to make fast and easy money. It s usually a major crash where people start re-evaluating their intentions and reasons for putting money into any market. Once people calm down and are put in a situation where they aren't just thinking about money anymore, they will think to themselves, "hmmm, what can blockchain technology actually do?" This is the eureka moment I believe because it is the moment that people start seeing the crypto market as something that actually has utility. In my opinion, that is when people will realize the power of Steem. As of now, people are just chasing the money and pumps. In the future, they will realize that most of their investments are into projects that don't even have a functional blockchain yet.

My 2 cents.

Every other social networking platform that will start now, will be playing catch up to Steem because Steem is so far ahead and with the number of great developers working on different projects, it won't be long till Steem becomes the number one place for social networking.

People will start to ask themselves why they should spend time on the other platforms and not get any rewards. Will be super exciting to see how much growth Steemit will see in 2018. 5-10x growth in users doesn't feel too unlikely considering the amount of newcomers just the last 2 months.

Also feels like we will at least see 5 other platforms that will do the same as Steemit. Since the global population is so huge they may be just as successful as Steemit. Doesn't have to be so competitive since with decentralized systems the market is becoming open for so many others. Think it mostly will be win-win for everyone.

Mostly curious what the big guys like Facebook, Twitter and Google will come up with to compete. Would love to see a YouTube token! But we are probably still a few years away before the big platforms starts to pay attention. Steemit can get a big advantage because they are so early in this game. How it's driven by passionate people. The problem with the big companies is it takes longer time for them to make their moves. Small companies can exploit this by working faster and adopt new trends before the big fish.

I guess you're right. Steemit has a better foothold than these "upcoming outfits. I understand why you see no point in investing in that particular ICO. I haven't come across Dlive though but now that you mention it I'll look into it.

Smart points! Especially the point about DTube, DSound and SMTs (omg I just realized I know what SMTs are! :))) I only heard them referred to as smart media tokens, not as SMTs, and now I wrote the acronym and answered my own question :) )... anyway... I still wonder about the inflationary nature of Steem and how that relates to it as a long term investment. Any thoughts on that? Thank you!

STEEM inflation is 9.5% at the moment. And it will get less every year.

Yes, I know. But in terms of investment, does it mean that for every 100% I invest into it I will get around 90% back? I can't wrap my head around it... Would be helpful to see an example with actual numbers. Say I start by investing €100... and then what?

I thought it was 100% a year inflation rate?

Thanks for at least checking out my suggestion, Ill probably end up getting the tokens and just convert it to STEEM, i like this platform more than i like twitch

I agree with you @exyle Steem token gives one the advantage of being able to accomplish many things with it. In the near future, I believe more business and investment platforms will be built around Steem token. Happy holding.

Hehe the tree was gone! I knew it ;)

well spotted:)

We have a lot of working projects on the steem blockchain and it will be a matter of time until they get a lot of attention.
I expect many projects on ethereum to fail just because they will take a long time to come to fruition.

Steem block chain has covered everything from auctions to streaming this is way ahead of time blockchain time to utilise it fully

Good point, the STEEM token is VERY functional and versatile. It will be very interesting to see what things look like a year from now. To me it's baffling that many inferior projects have a higher market cap than STEEM right now, but I can only assume that the market will catch up over time. STEEM represents the majority of REAL blockchain use right now and it's still growing fast.

STEEM is ideal simply because it isn't just one app or use case. It can and is being used for multiple apps, and with the open nature and a growing pool of devs it's inevitable that the new wave of future social apps will be STEEM based. This is just the beginning.

nice, didn't know dlive had a mobile update. I agree on you that 99% of all crypto ico's, projects only have a white paper.. for me no new ico's anymore

I think that steem blockchain is diffrent then the others because you don't need to be in the steemit official building crew to upgrade it. Anyone can do it and that is the reason why we are improving so fast, anyone can be their own master and It's a inspiration to people to make a diffrence, in last two years we almost have became independed, we have our own youtube, soundcloud. Twitch.tv and so on and on. The only thing that is missing right now it the ability to payout your rewards direct from steemit to your deposit account in your bank or something like that, and I saw few days ago that people already started working on that project too. And they want to build it so there will be no fee! For now I think that the only problem is that its kinda difficult to find something you like, tags are a good solution but it kinda finds for you everything except you were searching because tags are a wide term and everyone can write any tag no matter their content has nothing to do with the tag. And also you were talking about streaming games. Me and @positivity420 started streaming League of Legends almost every night, so you are invited to look for us if you want to check our quality. 😁
Sorry for the long comment.

Because it did not have a well popularized (via YouTube), ICO... some do not see it as a valid crypto, I bet many here can definitely attest to the opposite. But without the initial playup, many overlooked it... but I see many more folks with larger YouTube accounts are talking more and more about Steemit. Our time will come.

In July I will be invested for 2 years. In those 2 years I have seen so much development and growth. I can only see that increase in the future.

I agree. Steem is turning out to be more valuable than most other cryptos and probably deserves to be in the top 5 on coin market cap.

You are very right @exyle. Almost all of these ICOs are projects they are still in someone's mind and don't have any physical project yet, and there's no guarantee they will always success. It's eaier to describe things and goals in blah blah way but things are different when you enter to the practical ground.There are some existing vendors coming to these ICO things too,what do you think about them?

I'm with you man. But perhaps it's fairer to think about it in a bit broader terms. The ICOs brought to the blockchain, or rather to society as a whole, a model for open sourced crowdfunding, much like Kickstarter did about a decade or so ago (or thereabouts). However still far less regulated. But more open and public, if you care to find the information. The problem here is the legislative restriction that the ICO tokens CANNOT be simply shares in a company, they MUST function as some kind of currency token or something (at least as far as I know in Australia and perhaps the US). Mind you this is a step up from when governments weren't even sure whether they'd call altcoins currency at all, or allow them. It's also a step up from altcoins literally only vying to be a replacement for Bitcoin, rather than bringing something entirely new to the table not just restricted to currency (like Ethereum did).

You're right in saying Steem works, right now, we are using it. It's not perfect, it needs some more polish but as it is it works solidly as a minimum viable product. If this is the minimum then we're looking at something really special.

As for funding ICOs that aren't even at the prototype stage, that is simply the name of the game with tech investment. It's ok if you don't want to invest, and I'm with you on the cynicism of wanting to invest only to make a quick buck a set time after doing so. The sad truth is that by far most of real world investment works that way. Both for good and bad reasons. When people say "why didn't I invest in Google / Apple / Facebook / Ebay / Paypal etc. etc. 10 / 20 years ago? What was I thinking????" the reality is, you didn't because there were like 10 other Googles or Facebooks, and you don't know at all which one is going to succeed. For every Google you get 100 or 1000 or even more startups that either fail in their first year, or fail after a few years, or launch something but don't get enough traction, or at best maybe get bought out by a competitor who then either puts that IP to good use or just throws it away because they just wanted the competitor eliminated. That's why they're called "unicorns", because they are very rare.

Some investors go for the really disruptive, epic long term movers and shakers and are more risky with their investment. Most want to invest $250k and in 2 years they want this doubled or tripled or whatever. This may well be before their product launches, this new money can well be from the next funding round. In Silicon Valley we see this all the time: Investor A gives company 200k seed fund, wants 300k back in 1-2 years. Company tries to get more investors at the same time and maybe secures 500k in total, 300k from Investor B who is a bit more loose with the return on investment. Company then bends over backwards to build a working prototype as quick as they can, and do more market and legal research, come up with more new ideas and so forth. Then they go and make some hype, talk to more investors, play up the fact that they raised all this money to inspire confidence. Say they luck out and next year Investor C forks out 2 million and demands a bigger share of the company, but also brings experienced legal people or project managers or market researchers or engineers or whatever to the table. Company then goes to investor A and B like hooray if you like you can cash out as per your initial request, or stick around. Or they might force the investors and say look we have a deal, here's your 300k I want my shares back. Investor A doesn't really give a shit and says hell yeah thanks for the 100k extra. Investor B says they want to stick around and see where this goes. You can repeat this for many rounds (I believe Uber is STILL in funding rounds, like D or E or something, can't remember but they are still not "launched" in the way that Google or Facebook are). And sadly this kind of food chain like behaviour by far dominates Silicon Valley, because like it or not there will always be many failures for every success. I'm a scientist by trade and trust me things not working is the natural state of affairs lol. Making it work is the truly special thing.

This is usually called the "Greater Fools Game", because fool A bought something and the only way to get rid of it and make their money back, or make some more on top, is to sell it to an even bigger fool who got sucked in on the hype, who then looks to fool C to buy it off him and so forth. Sadly the world of cryptocurrency right now is, and I'm not joking or mincing words, 100% greater fools only. The "money you make of bitcoin" is the money that countless suckers put in the economy hoping to also make money, doubly so when you're cashing out before a big slump. The whole time people are buying and selling. But sadly the bitcoin bought is simply not obtained for use but for hogging it because there's 12 million or however many and banking on the fact that in the future it'll be "worth" more. Well yes if you bought some when it was 20 cents and sold it a month ago, you'll be laughing. But that wasn't the point of that project, at all. The point was to provide an open source payment platform the rivals the financial tech systems of banks and credit card companies. The same goes for altcoins too, which frankly went nowhere even for all the hype.

With Ether and ICOs it's a bit different because they are more tied to something resembling the traditional startup funding economy. I honestly think it should be even more geared towards the startups and real products in the real world, rather than yet another app targeting another bullshit first world problem that no one really needs fixed. I can't say I'm unbiased because I myself am looking at starting an ICO around Nanotechnology research and science funding in general, but I sure as hell don't have money nor the time to keep up with the hundreds of ICOs that exist by now (and hundreds more every year).

I'd weigh in on the point about buying Steem that sooner or later, there has to be a real business case for people to actually buy Steem, otherwise no one on the platform will ever make any money. For now it's very much still part of the regular altcoin crypto trading shenanigans on the exchanges, driven by god knows who manipulating the market at any given time. But there needs to be a really good reason for someone, anyone, to have to buy Steem. Something I can think of is similar to Reddit Gold, basically tipping people directly. Or buying funny badges for people. Or buying gifts. Or advertising (yes I hate advertising but the money has to come from somewhere). Or who knows what. But it needs to happen or we're boned lol.

I agree with you and as any of my long term investments I'm buying small amounts consistently and reinvesting my earnings!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hii @exyle well said that steem is long term investment, i fully agreed with your thoughts.and your advices. Thanks a lot and lots of love for your worthy guidelines my Friend.

"Now I usually look at STEEM tokens as tool that gives you more influence on the STEEM blockchain, which is true."

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

great thoughts about investing on the blockchain! !.. u made me think :) U are right streaming its on Steemit now as well its DLIVE ... almost everything is on steemit now... I wish I bought some STEEM before when it was 1 $.. because now its around 5$ per Steem token... its hurting my pocket lol... but its really good investment. .

Here's why investing in the long run may be beneficial:

To sleep peacefully. Knowing that the main part of your assets will not be used soon, you only have to do with the daily volatility of the stock markets. You know full well that time becomes your ally and that in the long run, the risk of loss magically vanishes. No need to consult nervously every day your earnings. A thorough analysis of the results every three months or six months will do the trick.

steem is the only project i feel i contribute on the blockchain technologie, i will say hold your steem guys

Wow @exyle invested in a game streaming service is really amazing. We hope the Ethereum network gets to work soon. You doing well dear and a great motivator to many in this community.

Do you think it's problematic that steem has no capped supply and will continue to inflate indefinitely?

No, inflation will get less every year.

is that true? do you have a source for that? does that mean that less steem will be given out in rewards, and to witness nodes, every year?

Yep you're right, I forgot. That makes me more super bullish on steem than i was before. Which was a lot already.

For reference if anyone else is interested:

"Starting with the network's 16th hard fork in December 2016, Steem began creating new tokens at a
yearly inflation rate of 9.5%. The inflation rate decreases at a rate of 0.01% every 250,000 blocks, or
about 0.5% per year. The inflation will continue decreasing at this pace until the overall inflation rate
reaches 0.95%. This will take about 20.5 years from the time hard fork 16 went into effect."

Still, it technically will keep inflating forever. Just not at a very fast pace. Seems fine to me though.

And it's interesting, it means the amount of steem paid out is decreasing every year...rewards early adopters, I suppose :-)



yes that's 100% true im have also strong feeling about it , the way it growing and being popular by steemit community it will be the best long term investment... it's not just a crypto it's became a strong social blogchain community @exyle

You are so right. Most blockchain you buy you just buy it as an investment but never really use it or see the value in it. With steem you see the value, the community, the other apps being built on it. You see the value and you feel good about your investment.

We believe STEEM long term.
We gotta HODL it FIRM!!!

Very true indeed.. Dlive is very active and easy to use unlike the ICO.

For me, steem has grown beyond just a token o.its an investment for a bigger future!

steem is future.
thanks for your valuable post

I think Dlive needs a lot of restructuring. I am not a developer but anyone who ever used a website can see that it is not very well designed. My point is, it is too early to tell which project will flourish in the long time.


I`m new to this, maybe I can get the hang of it and try to do some profit. Thanks for the tips!

Dlive finally stepping up with their platform with updates - considering if i should jump on it to vlog about south korea life :P

anyways yes i see Steem as a long term investment - I think with btc and steem being so down i think i'm finally going to make a jump

Very true

Yes it true that steem is a long term investment I agree with you I resteem your post

I'm going to watch ALL of your Vlogs and thumb them up as I go. Thanks for making these great videos :)

wow awesome buddy

Will be holding my steem. Thanks

Wow @exyle invested in a game streaming service is really amazing. We hope the Ethereum network gets to work soon. You doing well dear and a great motivator to many in this community.

i agree, its the perfect long term investment
returns are crazy lol
God bless crytos!!!

The development has not reached the demand quite yet! Once the development takes off a little more, I think we'll see the whole crypto world explode! If you look at the past three years there has been a dip about this time of the year, and it always comes back even stronger than the year before! Great post!

good video

Steemit and d.tube is very good options for Young people.
I interesting your blog. So fan.
Good job.

Wonderful story:0 Nothing to say about this story


I never knew this. So, Dlive via steemit service also offers some amazing benefits for every prospective investor.
That's really great !

Yes long terme , ready to grow :)

I am still trying to understand the whole implication of steem in the near future of social networking but I have a very excited feeling about all this !

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

thanks, happy today

The long term investing in this community is what drew me in and why I am staying!

This post is a good add-on to the last post where you had ribs with your brother, thanks for the clarity. Do you know of any future projects in the pipeline that is STEEM based?

Yes steem is, and I hope it stands the taste of time. Nice writeup

I have some coins in my portfolio, not too many but some. What should I get rid of to bring on Steemit?
ADA, LTC, CND, TRX, and sadly XVG
Thanks for sharring!

For me I'll say that

The Steem Blockchain is the greatest growling engine of change.

It surely is revolutionizing the world. Although I haven't used Dlive before, I think from your post I'll go use it and see how it works.

Steem tokens are necessary and powering up will help in the future, rather than quick cashing out. Just in my own opinion. That's why most of the time I try to power up with the little I have and only cash out when needed.

Keep the great work going. Remain blessed.

thanks for the #dtube video for details, I also do believe #steem is the perfect long term investment plan.

Interesting things that you are pointing out..
thanks for sharing with us..

Sangat bagus jadi pencerahan buat saya selaku pemula

Yeah..Steem is better long term investment i think. Steem down some today. But I always trust steem tokens.Maybe look at it from another angle as well, that is tell as many people as you can, I think that if more people get on it and use it that will increase the value far beyond just putting money into it. You will be investing in yourself and the community. Steem ready to gain. Steem on...

many ico's are coming in fast speed i wonder how many of them are legit people now just want to get rich in few days lol they better need to start investing in steem

I tryed dlive and i had some problems with streaming LOL, but HON worked fine. It' realy easy to use and it make no sence to stream on twitch or youtube while dlive is oppened. :) enjoy

Steem blockchain is proven, these new coins are totally untested.

Steemit is more than a blog... It's about the future! Thanks
Let's keep steeming

Since I am on Steemit the course has constantly dropped. Yesterday it fell about 8% (related to bitcoin)
But yea, in the long term perspective it may increase, stabilize ..

But I also heard the founder of DTube say that they want to decrease Steem to the price of a dollar. Hopefully that will never happen!

Yeah agree with the point you have made... Steem is one the best investing place i know. It is in my opinion safe place to invest your money...

Basically Steemit is the platform that is changing many lives in this world and i am pretty sure that it will go to its peak in 2018 as the year goes on...

i have not seen so much development anywhere else but only happens on steem blockchain where the developers come first to create something from their will

I agree mate. I am keen to get more steem power at this stage.

Very good point, it's all about seeing the bigger picture with things like this.

Useful sharing

very very good story!

Instead of investing in ICOs,we just have to invest in STEEM...this is the best insight I've got today. Thanks sir @exyle

Projects and apps that are made on the steemit blockchain remind me about ICO's that are made on Ethereum or Stratis. They give more value to the blockchain and its tokens.

This is all true. I find that Steem is more of a long term investment compared to ICOs. I think it's because of the ROI you'll get in the long term with Steem.

What’s better than earning feee income? Steem is growing pretty fast and I’m shocked that it jumped from $1 to $9 high. Imagine what 2018 will bring or even further

Can't wait to get the full info on your vlog.
Great post.

Happy steeming

If you compare some cryptos with each other, steem is strong. I think it is indeed a good investment.

I'm all in here! Starting to transfer all life savings into Steem.

Exactly 👍👍👍

you sound dutch, are you dutch?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

yes, I am.

This is very true.

Now I usually look at STEEM tokens as tool that gives you more influence on the STEEM blockchain, which is true.
I’m going to invest in steem

Steemit to the moon. It's hard to imagine how many different projects are already connected to steem. And much more in the development phase.
When I finish my studying session in business school I'd love to become a fulltime blogger. This community is special.

Smt's launching and the steem blockchain will emerge as an winner for sure this is the best time to be on this platform and for long this journey will be amazing

I even had a little argument with someone who doesn't think steemit is here to stay idk why people think that but i have a great feeling about steemit.


it will go for long no doubt about its potential we are in the beginning so we should be more than happy about it :)

Thank you friends for sharing the interesting things I like with your post

It sure is and it does makes quick money in ICO's but they are indeed risky if one gets caught up in a scam one !
But sure Steem is a very good investment !

steem has got way more than we think the great thing about this is it keeps getting better with time only just like the fine wine

It is true that steem is growing up rapidly. It is excellent investment of 2018.

It already looks pretty dope, everyone's free to share and everyone starts at fair ground so literally anyone could get popular.

Good update, thanks for sharing @exyle

great post sir!
i want to know about the fishbank blockchain game?
if you can help me sir??

steem is the future !!!