Cod fish with potatoes, garlic and grilled vegetables from the oven. 100% steemfat approved (I think).

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

If anyone was wondering if we managed to resist the valley of temptation in the cinema last night I can tell you we succeeded.

It was rather easy though because we could not get inside :)

All the tickets machines were offline and there was a huge crowd of people being annoyed.

Funny that when technology fails everything comes to a standstill but it's good for Project Steemfat 3 I guess (no popcorn).

We went home and watched a movie there instead.

We just drank sparkling water, no food. A small victory.

We going to try again tonight to see the film 'The shape of water'.

Today I also found myself in the gym for the second time this week.

I had a chest session and it went very well.

In fact it went so well I did some extra core exercises just because I felt like it. That's always good sign.

For dinner I was craving for something pure and simple. A detox meal, I guess.

We opted for fish from the oven and grilled vegetables.

Let's cook!

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Ingredients: Cod Fish, onions, garlic, potatoes, parsley, bell pepper, leak, spring onions and black olives (not in the picture).


Prep the vegetables. Just give them a rough chop.


Add the potatoes to a pan of boiling water and cook them until almost soft.


Prepare an oven dish and line it with aluminium foil. I cut the fish in 3 equal pieces and put them in the center.


Add the almost cooked potatoes around the fish.


Add the onions, the leak and the bell pepper on top. Spread it out evenly.


Drizzle olive oil over the vegetables and add cloves of crushed garlic randomly over the dish. Also add black olives.




Preheat the oven at 180-200c celcius. Put in the oven dish. I thought 30 minutes would be enough for everything to cook but the fish was still a little bit raw so we ended up cooking it for a total of 45 min.


It looks burned but it's not. The vegetables turn slightly sweet when grilled. It's delicious.

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End Result! A very clean dish full of good yet simple flavours. The fish was cooked well and 'flaked' nicely, the vegetables were sweet and the potatoes cooked well and soft. All and all I was very happy with this result.


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That sounds delicious! But have you ever tried a "spinach bed" so it could give your fish a stronger taste?

What I do is place olive oil on the bottom of the pan and then cover the whole pan with spinach. Then I season both sides of my tilapia with garlic, salt, and pepper and then place it on top of the spinach. After 40 minutes of baking the fish is ready to eat. At this point the spinach looks soggy and charred at the same time but its okay since the fish absorbed all the flavor!

If you try this and it blows your mind like I think it will, you can thank me later :)

that's sounds like a awesome dish! Thanks man!

I never tried Cod Fish before! It seems delicious and how about if we add little more pepper to it?


Simply awesome...Cod fish is a good source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and also garlic , grill veggies makes perfect combination,makes it healthy and delicious, hence Steemfat approved!

Good to see you back on track. I love to see healthy food like these since in an Indian home food without too much spice n curry is unthinkable.

The shape of water is fantastic movie. I highly recommend.

It was nice film indeed!

Your fish looks amazing with all these veggies on top you just keep giving me ideas. It’s so simple what you do, but until now I have never thought about mixing fish and all these veggies together and put it in to the oven.
I hope you enjoy your movie.

wow amazing recipe indeed, i really like cod fish and especially grilled vegetables are my favorite because they increase the flavor and taste of the dish and they are also full of nutrients and vitamins, i note down the recipe and i surely give it a try and man the end result of the dish is no doubt superb and it looks so tasty too, thanks for sharing this recipe with us and wish you a very joyful and cheerful week ahead friend, Stay blessed.

I personally love cooking and I love a man who has passion for it like my dad. And you cook well too.
well done sir. you are getting really better at it.
It looks delicious.


Ha, ha, ha. I love how you take the success even though you couldn't get inside. Good for you!

Fish I always think of as a healthy meal. Even though I enjoy it I can never get excited about it. Except perhaps Thai Seabass. I always say to my partner (who cooks) it satisfies my body but not my emotions. 😁

where’s my plate!!

I do like fish from time to time. But nothing beats a good steak :)

I am getting hungry just looking at what you created. The sole is my favorite fish. Olive oil makes almost every meal tasty and what is amazing is that you haven't added in lard or heavy sauces to the mix. Very healthy indeed.

Sole is delicious indeed but I don' t eat it often. No sauces today, wanted something 'clean'.

It looks very clean and very healthy.


This is most certainly 100% steemfat approved!

Glad to see you are on course with your promise to the Blockchain man, enjoy!

with a small delay :/

Hahahahaha @exyle, I was about to congratulate you then I saw this

It was rather easy though because we could not get inside :)

Well, I'll sure wait to hear if you succeeded tonight.

For the cooking path honestly you challenge me. Thank God am with @godsnana here, I'll ask her to check your blog immediately. She loves cooking and just maybe might help me prepare this one someday.

We did succeed. Just got back. I checked out her blog, nice intro!

I Hope the movie was great. Ouch, am really grateful for checking out her blog. Took me a lots of talking to gets her to start writing. I hope this your encouragement will make her believe in the system and begin to give value to her voice. Thanks man.

Nice dish. I am glad no pop corn last night.
Like I said once in a while will not hurt.
Bake is the best way to cook I guess. Less oil to deal with and healthier.
We all know for now this is the body we have and got to do our best to keep it in shape.
Keep on steemin'

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Your step by step, picture by picture presentation of the preparation and cooking process is amazingly easy to follow. Thanks @exyle for demonstrating such a great prowess and skills. Bianca must be enjoying your delicacies.

That looks awesome and most important healthy. If you keep this up you will be killing it by steemfest 3 :)

I'm glad you finally approved with everything on the plate ;)

I really do this time :) I hope to be as pleasantly surprised in the future as well :D

This is really great to know you did some chest workout twice in a week, Great. Gym and healthy food are the core logic to remain healthy and fit :) I did not know that you're 6'6 that is why you look quite normal (Not Obese at all ) and yes your diet is really healthy and i am sure you are gonna lose your weight through the efforts you are putting @exyle :)

This is a very nutritious dish, tasty and healthy for the body, fish, many vitamins is ideal for a balanced lunch, thanks for the recipe and step by step.
I hope that today you can enjoy the movie.
I wish you a wonderful week dear friend @exyle

This is really gonna be wonderful to eat.steemfat.@exyle I see you love cooking but I wish you could create a platform for others to do cooking competition..I can teach you how to make some African dishes Nigeria to be precise..I guess you will like to try them like...egusi soup,amala,ogbona etc....

Why don't you blog about how to make those dishes?

I love this comment !

Prepare this dish on your Green Egg 😍

I'm now scrolling down @exyle 's feed to find that Green Egg recipe!!! :D

Luckily, the temptation was prevented yesterday😁😁😁... Lol
By the way, i love your food combinations. Such a healthy selection of ingredients.
Unfortunately, i won't be able to make such interesting delicacy. Here in Nigeria, those ingredients are relatively scarce and if by chance found, it will be very expensive. Available for the few elites in the country alone

Hi @exyle The cod fish Looks great but all your dishes do... you can be a proud men working out extra and not falling for temptations. Funny indeed that wen the machines fail we are helpless sheep...

I hope you will enjoy your movie tonight "The shape off water"

Kind regard

I think of cooking veggies and meat this way, but I don't know somehow I fear it will taste bland and give up on the idea. In Pakistan, mostly we cook veggies and meat in the form of a curry/ gravy using onions, tomatoes, garlic, ginger and some spices so we are used to our food tasting a certain way. Now I have realized that I have never really tasted veggies and meat without the supporting ingredients. In the U.S. and other western countries, I have seen people enjoy the real taste of a food because it is not always supported by other ingredients and that is a great way to provide more nutrition to your body. As much as I want to do that, I am a bit scared that I won't like the taste :P

If you are used to spicing things up with a curry than I understand that fear. The taste will be a little bit underwhelming at the start until you get more used to it.

Yes you are right and I think I need to conquer my fear because eating healthy stuff is what I really need to do right now. I am like 20kg overweight sighs

We love cod and have it baked frequently. I haven't done it with veggies like this, but am sure it would turn out amazing - just needs some garlic. We also serve it with a Thai chili-fish sauce that my wife makes. If you like spicy and Asian flavors I can share the recipe with you, it's especially good with a whole baked fish as well.

And good news on the gym twice this week. I've made it two of the past three days myself, and on the other day we took a nice 4km hike in the woods with the kids - they loved it and we got our exercise.

Congrats on two gym days and I reckon a 4km hike counts as a 3rd! Well done!

Yes, I'm a bit sore today, so it must have been a job well done. Thanks!

We will be lost if there ever is an event that crashes all electronics!

The meal looks good and really simple to put together. Nice to be able to toss the whole thing in the over and cook it together. Simple meals during the school week are so needed. Will have to try this once...will need to see what the Wife thinks as she really loves when I grill fish.

That looks to be quite the steemfat dish. I have had a terrible time lately falling off the wagon after my birthday but this week I am starting back on the trail!

I fell of the wagon after Steemfest only lost a week! you'll be fine :)

Hehe, as long as it's done before summer. That's always a good aim coming out of winter :0)

That's a real healthy food.
I'm a food lover and i always love to cook.
Thanks for sharing @exyle.
Worth to upvote and to be followed. :)

What a good looking dinner, and Sometimes indeed you need healthy food after sports, it brings 100% fullfillnes of the task to do your upmost.
What maybe also works, during the week, be aware of what you eat ( no snacks/eat healthy food) and in the weekend PARTY food and drinks.

Well done for ignoring the temptation of popcorn steemfat 3 on-wards, yea I often seen people get really upset went technology fails and they like to blame everybody else, just chill get a life and move on to something else, fish is always a good choice looks nice.

You can find the positives in anything.

Cod is a low-fat fish and is considered a lean fish. In general, regular consumption of fish can provide several health benefits.

Looks delicious. Its a simple dish to prepare!

I wish you are close. So I can borrow a plate when you finish cooking.

This Really nice one and true you always make a good post sir thanks for sharing sir

the look makes me salivate for it. yummy! yummy!! yummy!!! goes my stomach. this is quite informative. I will try it out one day

Oh yeah, it's an excellent dish, my friend and when on your table baked cod in vegetables, I imagine the taste of this dish and its smell! In addition, the addition of potatoes was a very good move and I am sure that it was excellent for fish! Thank you Mark for a great recipe!

It looks very delicious. Sometimes nothing happens but there are other beautiful things. That's what it is. you can not watch movies but you have made nice meals and they are all very nice. Bon Appetit !

Oh my God. It will be really yummy. 😊😊

Foods are looking nice @exyle

Wow... looks great! I look forward to your post everyday to get ideas for my dinner! I guess ill have to use another kind of fish. We dont have cod fish here.

Really? What part of the world is that.

very nice

great post...good food

Good job!

why the best cooks are men

Nice to watch movies at home with your comfort. You also good cook I can say. Have great and profitable week mr @exyle.

Good recipe, I love fish and his looks very appetizing

A man of many talents!!!

It is a wise course to resist temptation for you never can tell what it may lead to especially when people get angry. Failure in technology may at times help to readjust situations and redirect people's thoughts to focus on other useful things as you did.

cool bro nice write up

When you said cinema i thought you went for black Panther.. nice dish. Have always loved Irish potatoes and fish

lovely pictures....

I like this food..This food is delicious ..

Very colorful, very healthy looking. I usually go for rice or a risotto with fish, but should also try it with potatoes like you did. Buon Apetit @exyle !!

This looks yummy, can i get some? Please ☺ I must say I'm a bit surprised, great job sir

Jesus...i love this never stop suprising us with new stuffs
Simply awesome
Keep it up

the food is simple but very tempting, when I see this food picture, my stomach feels immediately filled with your food, it tastes delicious and I want to taste it and I will take it home to Indonesia recipe.

looks delicious already

Se ve buenisimo el plato, creeme que lo intentare! Excelente post y muy buena redacción, te has ganado mi voto. Espero seguir leyendote, saludos!

good plate, it looks very good

Wow wow wow, it looks so delicious . You describe it so briefly with such a beautiful series of photographs, i can't resists to try myself.

oh! My.
I thought I won't eat dinner this evening, but this just made me hungry.

I think am going to try this one day.
Looks expensive to prepare though.

Spicy, colourful, oh!
How I wish

Wow i love this, i did'nt know about you until @lordjames told me about you just now. I love cooking too

Tasty and healthy! thanks for the recipe and check my food blog :)


That looks so delicious @exyle great post, upvoted

Mann ManMan!! You got me hungry cod fish is love. Try some of Indian paper I bet you definitely develop the taste of it. 👌🏻✅

Looks delicious..
Goed bezig , keep on going and support eachother that makes it easier to hold on this way of living.

My favourite fish, cod! With grilled veggies too. Nice meal for Steemfat 3. I think you are getting better at plating. The food looked awesome!

This great story i appreciate your writing thanks for sharing this blog..Best of luck my dear friends..

It is look delicious. By using materials which we have at home we can prepare something delicious meals fo dinner. Thank you for sharing us this recipes. We wait for next delicious recipes more.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Se ve sano y sabroso @exyle

it looks like food it looks delicious :)

Interesting post Good food good life @exyle

Master chef @exyle in the house :D
this is superbly prepared got to learn a lot from you in cooking department and of-course in crypto too this looks pretty delicious :D

The Cod Fish looks really Delicious.
But Really?
It tastes well with the vegitables?

This is simple and so healthy great for steem fat too i think not so much heavy for belly lol :) and delicious too

Now that's how to make the day special it was fantastic dish beautifully prepared worth it :)

i can feel the delicious smell of it can't resist to try it by my self this is quite an awesome dish to prepare

Showing of your skills again I see, right place right time very beautifully prepared one of the best :)

Thanks for that trainning sir

Absolutely delicious it looks from the last pic i never tried this one out but your post suggest me to try it once

Wow delicious food....

grilled food is always my first choice because i am starving ;p

delicious food delicious mas ye ....
I really like...

In the tags. I noticed that you've gone with your handle (@exyle) --- and am wondering if you find it a better way for readers to keep track of your posts? (rather than subscribe to your feed?)


There's nothing wrong in eating any delicious food. It is a privilege! for some people doesn't have the opportunity to even taste it, but let just keep in mind that we need to be responsible on the actions that we're doing. Also remember that what ever we do, drink or eat, let's do it for the glory of God.


That's a really simple yet wholesome meal you made and the recipe is easy and simple enough for anyone to recreate. That's cool... What's project steemfat?

Pap lumo, bule di posting dicang bawang pih geuthat le awak votes. Diruboh boh gantang lom hahhahahaha