Pizza and lots of wine on our second Blockbrothers monthly meeting. Steemify numbers are in!

in life •  7 years ago 

Sometimes I almost can't believe that it's only been 2 months since my friends and I decided to become a witness for the Steem Blockchain.

And what two months it has been!

We have set up two witness servers (a main + backup) and also created our own app Steemify for free for the community.

Steemify is a notification app for the STEEM blockchain for iOS.

Personally, I have been working hard on promoting the witness and can now proudly say we are currently in spot #70 on the witness list.

Today we had our second monthly meetup and this time all of us were present.

We first had pizza and then the wine flowed freely and we got lots of work done!


Steemify is downloaded more than 10 times a day!

First, our dev @bennierex had a surprise for us. He told us tonight that Steemify is being downloaded by Steemians around the globe at a rate of more than ten times per day!

What a fantastic result for an app that's this young. I'm over the moon.

The idea is to also utilize this app, in the future, once SMT's come out. I'm personally expecting to see lots of communities that will want to use this app for notifications.

So in that regard, is providing a fantastic test case for us.

We have gotten great positive feedback from the community so far!

We bought a STEEM Blockchain Seed node.

We finally ordered a seed node tonight.

A seed node helps distribute the blocks that are created by the blockchain to other nodes in the network.

In other words, the more nodes the more stable the network will be.

We want to help stabilize the network as @blockbrothers as much as we can.

We ordered the server again with @privex. They accept SBD's and STEEM!

Everytime we used them they helped us very well!

Voting for witness

It has come to our attention that at times it's difficult for Steemians to figure out how to vote for a witness. @eqko our designer has made a nice instruction video to show how it's done.

You can find the video on dtube here


In two months we have accomplished a lot and every day we are working on things to add value to the STEEM Blockchain.

My personal Steem journey has been pretty incredible since I joined.

From starting as a minnow to becoming a blogger and investor and now a witness.

I'm very grateful.

Thank you.


I am a witness with our developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support us I would appreciate your vote here.

We build Steemify a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.

Get it Here:

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thats very great news that node, you are dong realy great!

Congrats to all of you guys.
Working together sometimes is a challenge or a blessing when goals are clearly defined and followed.
Keep on steemit and witnessing !

I think the timing is perfect for having such party and I think more such occasion will come in future as well and it is just the beginning.

Thank you and have a great day.

@exyle I am so Grateful for you and the BLOCKBROTHERS for what you guys have done to make STEEMIT the Premiere Social Media Site on the Internet. You Guys are exactly the people that are dedicated to the GROWTH of this Platform. My hat is off to you Gentlemen !!

This is awesome. I too am bringing solid minds into steemit. An engineer who is big into technology, a graphics designer and 4 highschool kids. Sharp minds but are stuck on twittet and instagram. Hopedully their minds can grow an learn a few things besides silly things.

Excellent progress my friend, it's great to see blockbrothers comes into top 70 witnesses and that's fantastic progress in such a short spade of time and i hope the way you guys are working we soon see blockbrothers in top 50 witnesses list and personally i love steemify app it's amazing development and steemify really help me to stay updated regarding the activity going on in my blog and in this way i am getting messages in time, thanks for creating such nice app for us and wish you all the best for all of your future endeavors! Stay blessed.

looking good guys... and the app is great..

You are on your way to top 10!!

Thank you guys so much for this awesome app, i will be giving it a try for sure, congrats on the success and i'm always happy to see great developers having fun in one place , cheers

I hope you like the app!

Oh yeah, your meeting showed that you are on the right path to perfection of the Steemify and especially I'm sure it will come out when the SMT comes out. To you personally as a witness, and my voice is yours, I wish more progress and good luck in the community, after all, 70th place, this is a serious result! Thank you @exyle and keep us informed of what's happening!

Thank you, man!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

is this app provided on google playstore? and also great to see block brothers in ur meeting and enjoying this great party and meeting and hope u all give the more best ideas and things steem and also best of luck ur own steemify @exyle sir

No, it's currently only for iOS.

Your app is a wonderfull thanks mate :)

Glad you like it!

Great work as a witness keeping it up and running 24/7 must be hard :) but you all are doing great at this lots of cool things and updates thanks for sharing

The most exciting blog on Steemit is yours BAR NONE!

It was awesome! Looking forward to more great projects in the future!

Well sir even it's just a two month of your witness, but you are doing great and also the app that you had developed is good interface and helpful for us . Keep continue you good effort .

From your post, it can see great team spirit. An organisation with a good team spirit is on its way to a successful path. All of you are doing this because of the passion in you and I do share this even though I am new. Have been getting into steemit more than once since I joined.

Steemify works quite well. I utilize several accounts to keep content better organized and it’s helped me better keep up on audience interactions, particularly on older material where new commenters can go unnoticed. Thank you guys for the useful app!

Thank you, man! That's awesome to hear. Glad you like the app.

Keep up the good work guys. I’ve downloaded the Steemify app already and I’m very happy with it.

Cool! Glad you like it!

2 months as gone past really quick but well done with the progress @exyle oh my all that pizza hmm cheers indeed but congrts on spot #70 and the amazing Steemify download results.

Thank you, Simon!

At first Congratulation to your team.Full team looking confident.I think you must success in your life.All are smiling.Fantastic idea.I like your concept.

@exyle Pizza and wine are well deserved man! Enjoy yourself, you've provided us with some useful information and predictions. Steem's price skyrocketing for instance. I believe there's more to come.
Keep putting effort into adding value to the Steem blockchain, you've been doing great so far.


It' nice to see you had SMTs in mind when you designed you app. I'm happy it is such a success for you guys. Have you thought of a way to "monetize" your app? like for example.

No, this one is for free for the community. Monetizing would not be possible anyway because no content can be created with our app. To monetize we would have to 'sell' it in the app

I see, my hat goes off to you guys :)

please make this app for android users also....and now you are added as witness.....

what a strange combination but definitely a new one

Congrats to all of you men.
working collectively now and again is a task or a blessing while goals are honestly defined and accompanied.
keep on steemit and witnessing !

Nice job, good luck

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is the first time I heard about BlockBrothers! That would be an awesome too indeed! Hope you will build PC version of it too! And more tools can be here too! Wish you all great of success! @exyle

Excelente reunion de hombres de negocios

that looks fun can i join in and have pizza and wine with you guys? lol

Nice App keep it up 👍

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

quite successful. It should be for Android.I haven't got Apple . :(((( @exyle

wow all the steem expert enjoyig together also good to hear that u all work on steem more hope this app will helpfull ans sure now i will install it,, wish u more success in ur meeting and in steem softwares programs @exyle man

enjoy and keep up the good work!

It was wonderful! Anticipating more incredible tasks later on!

This post upvoted and resteemed

You have to enjoy the meeting very much
Will you have another meeting?
In addition, this was the result of your great efforts and as the saying goes for every hardworking share
Thank you for sharing with us the best moments of your life

Looks like a beautiful place and photo........///////////

Fantastic information, I was not aware of this app. I will be downloading it as soon as I am finished leaving this post. Awesome job guys!

Here you had talk about you app I think downloaded 10 times a day is a good rate.
May as you had describe your app I also think to give a try to it. And yaa the pizza party is good yaa. And enjoy the moment with friends and beer.

I will start to use this app.

your post is very good, very useful, your post is so inspiration for me and all users of steemit, I am proud of you .I am amazed to you, you are very fantastic in making a post, hopefully triumph in the work .. Thank you

Thank you your steemit post friend is very useful for me ... continue ...

Now I wish I had one of them Smartthingymabobbers; alas, I do not use them. Can it be made to work on my Linux desktop to run in the background? It looks great! Groetjes oet Twente!

add a lil more to your hard work and your definitely climbing higher on the witness list so you guys are easier to locate, with the steemify app being so young and so much you guys are working on... I dare to ask that you please create a similar app for Android, thank you in advance. I'm sure with all your efforts however the size of the value added, it will be well appreciated. Best wishes with your work.

Dear brother, this publication has continued to inform us of the new

omg I need this app, thank you so much.

I tried downloading the app however my iOS software is outdated,would keep saving to get a better phone lol. I love your content and want to say thank you for all you do.

This is just the beginning! A long journey to go and I know you and your team will made a huge success there! As you always say, keep faith on STEEM and it will change our lives completely!
Excellent review of your 2 months witness journey!


That's a nice post. I always pay attention to your posts, because your post contains many important information that is very valuable to me. Thank you very much for sharing this valuable post with us. I hope that you will be with us for many more valuable posts like this. I hope you will be successful, work like that. Be good
thnx friend @exyle

This is awesome! You look so happy and proud. Keep up the good work man! :)

wow great team this is constantly working hard :) good to see that all the best

Well done let's all aim high.

I would check out stemify later, looks like the app that i need to provide me the notification everytime my favorite author post.. i was searching for this tool to improve my commenting time to my favorite author but couldn't find any to my grasp, but hopefully stemify solve my issue... :)


Excellent meeting great reviews and work for the community you all are doing my best wishes keep inspiring others too :)

Congratulations on your success. Looking forward to using the app.

Nice work guys, seems like the group would make a really great witness! All your posts are friendly and uplifting and you're doing a ton to help grow and improve the platform. Voted

Pizza and work the best combination ever you have done really cool work :)

Great job! Excellent work on your app! We love using it!

Awwww! My head! Boy! What a night it was! :) :)
I'm downloading the app

The steemify stats are mind blowing its on a roll daily :) congratulations

Hi Exyle ! Merry christmas :) This my gift for new year :))

Greatman .!!! great @exyle

You are really making this moment special and why not when steem price is appreciating.

enjoy ur time.

My all the best wishes for you people to come in top 10 and you all are doing good @exyle

thank u ...steem on and stay blissful.

I like the last picture. Happy people enjoy the first seeds of their work! Good job guys!

Hello,,, All of you are looking really nice... Hope all of you are enjoying group meeting with tasty food and drinks.

Hello, great work, i liked your post and reward it with upvote.

I'm running budget proposal campaign on Steemit for funding my future STEEM Windows and Android app - STEEMER. If you would like to contribute, please visit my post for details:

wow good job dear.Nice working.Keep going on that.Upvoted and Resteem.