The mouse hunt got dangerous in more ways then one...

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Day 3 of the epic mouse hunt. (turned spring cleaning...)

Again I didn't catch a mouse last night.

But the container was delivered.

It's a 9m3 container. Much bigger than I thought it would be!

We started in the garage in the morning and I quickly found an unknown suitcase.

When I opened was full of baby clothes...

I tried to close that shit ASAP but it was too late.

Bianca saw it...

O man...I could hear ovaries ring like church bells.

For me old junk (the baby clothes, not the ovaries).

For her...Vintage baby clothes.

O, Lord...


I suggested we bin the whole lot straight away and make some room.

But no way.

This was staying.

I was instantly done with the garage.

Too dangerous.

I brought Bianca to her work soon after and decided to work in another room that day.

I must have thrown 20 boxes full of papers and other crap out.

I couldn't believe it.

The container is already filled up 1/4.


On a more positive note, I did find three dead mice.

But they didn't look very fresh.

They looked like carcasses from the 90's. Only the skin was left.

Ooo...The good old 90's.

A time when mice still ate poison and walked into mouse traps like they should.

Before they evolved into highly gifted mice that deceive me at any chance they get.

I contemplated spiking there grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand parents carcasses on little spikes and place them around the house as a warning.

But I decided against it, Bianca wouldn't like it.

I did find something cool though.

Uneaten and intact.


Pretty cool.

The undangerous right type of vintage!

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Spring cleaning to the fullest. While the weather is playing with us in South Florida.
Morning and night cold. Midday hot.
Keep on cleaning.
Keep on steemin'

Dude I think this mice has a deal with Bianca :D Look at you, you have to clean entire house and he knows where you spot traps lol :D


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello friend @exyle "Mouse Hunting " is essential to survive your stuff. nice to see your old stuff, and amazing cat walk of mice in your suitcase in dead position. interesting story and well written. and most amazing thing is 'Apple Reference Manual'. Old memories from your room you shared thanks for it. my support with you.

You certainly need to watch the 'Rats' documentary! It's on Netflix, if you have a subscription.

The numbers are quite shocking though... be prepared! :)

Thanks for the tip! I watched it. Man, that's scary. Glad I just have mice.

Oh man! That explains a lot! Only just got a rat infestation here under control. I'm screwed if they develop resistance to poison, because they were way too clever for the traps.

Ooo...The good old 90's.
A time when mice still ate poison and walked into mouse traps like they should.
Before they evolved into highly gifted mice that deceive me at any chance they get.

Hahahahaha this got me really laughing hard and rolling in the floor that my roomie had to ask what was wrong. Damn you are a clown.

These rats have really evolved. A few days ago ,I watched a video on Facebook where a rat was having his Bath and scrubibg thslis body like a real human being. I was short of words.

Do you really think spiking up the carcass and placing around the house will scare them? High intelligence rats? How possible...they will just walk past them and head to take the food out of the traps you set ...lolzzz. I am so loving this experience of yours

But how else would they know I'm not playing :)

Before they evolved into highly gifted mice that deceive me at any chance they get.

The information age has allowed enlightenment to all! LOL

Remember the one winter the mice came into our house. It was horrible. I used so many different types of traps all at the same time. Seemed like the best approach to make sure if any knew to avoid the glue traps the old fashion snap traps would get them. Had the tented kind of glue traps and the open faced ones, baited with peanut butter and even a few with good old cheese.

In the end the snap traps did the best with peanut butter on them. Plus you didn't have to pick up a live mouse with those.

At least it's motivating your "spring cleaning". Kind of sounds like you need it as much as we have. We tossed an old kitchen table, a bed, and bags upon bags of trash yesterday. Been doing my own Spring Cleaning to get myself better organized. Pulled together enough trash today to refill our bin which just got emptied. Loving the feeling as things get organized.

Yeah, we sure needed it. It feels pretty good. Like the house is 'lighter'. Lots to do still. I'm glad I rented the container. I could fill our bin in 5 minutes.

Actually just posted about my decluttering mission. Was interesting that I found out that clutter causes stress and reduces productivity.

I considered a bin, but luckily our trash pickup allows for nearly unlimited amount of trash at the curb. Plus was able to break it up over 2 pickups.

Funny you say the house is "lighter", I used that exact phrase. Told my Wife I felt like the house was going on a diet, she replied it was more like liposuction.

Oh, yes, my friend, of course it's a pity that your efforts to hunt mice did not succeed, but three dead mice are better than nothing :) But you and Bianka cleaned up and as I understood it, it brought you to memories! I think this is a small nice bonus for today! Thank you Mark.

Great post. Made me laugh outloud @exyle. Especially the bit about the great . . . grandparesnt on spikes. 😂
I hope you chucked out that old manual after photographing it!
The baby clothes sound very cute. Glad Bianca made you keep them. You've had plenty of practice after all with Toddler Sam.
I'm surprised you're finding so much junk. Your house always looks so tidy. Although the view through that open door from the garage tells another story! 😁
I love how Bianca goes to work and you're left home spring cleaning. Yay. Bianca!!!
Oh yes, and good job. Well done. @exyle! 😂

I love how Bianca goes to work and you're left home spring cleaning. Yay. Bianca!!!
Oh yes, and good job. Well done. @exyle! 😂


I love that there's no such thing as "man thing woman thing" in this house :D

Me too @bkdbkd. It makes for great story telling. Does the no "man thing woman thing" extend to the green egg. Are you allowed to fire it up! 😂

I'm glad you liked this post. The manual is actually worth some money I have been told +100$. I think I'll keep it for now :)

Bianca will help today for sure!

Well it's nice to see you are on adventure to clean up your house and it is essential procedure to make house look better and getting rid of mickey's also important because if you allow one mickey then he convey information to more mickey's that this is the most safest house on planet and the Nos keep growing, so don't give them room to survive and finish them asap. wish you all the best in all of your future endeavors! friend Stay blessed

At the end you will thank this litle mickey mouse for making you clean up your whole house. But don’t worry I’m sure you will eventually catch her once you finish all this cleaning or she decides to move out once she says “ok I’m done here” and moves to another

@exyle I want to do mouse hunting too, I just don't know how but I really want to do it on my rest day from work cause I feel that I need to do general cleaning as well so that those mouse will be moved out from where they are staying.

vintage baby clothes hahah you can open a new store too lol ;p seems like mouse is playing hide and seek

Lol man! This post is comedy gold! I laughed all the way through it!! I think that spiking their grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand parents corpses is the only way forward!!

Thank man! And yes, finally, someone that agrees on spiking them! lol.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

O man...I could hear ovaries ring like church bells.
For me old junk (the baby clothes, not the ovaries).

And that first photo... 😆
I'm with you Bianca! There's no way that box of adorable treasures is going anywhere but in the living room to be admired and talked about for days!

Nope, I will have a vintage-wearing baby at some point I guess.

They are so cute! I told him, if I don't have a kid I might just buy a doll to dress it with those cute little vintage clothes! hahaha

Haha! Perfect, and you and @exyle can play Mummy and Daddy with a creepy baby doll dressed in vintage clothes. I think I saw a horror film like this once... 😜

LOL if it happens I'll make sure to record it and put on steemit

I hope you do :) That's a DTube winner for sure!

Mice are destructive. Take away their easy spots to nest and they will search out new homes. I opened the silverware drawer one morning to find a mother mouse had chewed up the plastic divider to nest with the forks.
You may still need to move. Forgive me for laughing.

Plenty of more rooms to hide in this house. I wonder what I will find today. Laughing is healthy :)

I think it happens to everybody when you see little clothes and suddenly can hear ovaries ring like church bells from every direction lol.

A really funny post! Be careful of what nostalgic things you keep. The garage is definitely a booby trap. Your baby clothes? Even worse!

Really funny post tonight especially the part of the baby clothes suitcase. It is a good thing to spring clean and remove all clutter. It reduces the hiding places of the mice . Keep putting the poisoned food and mice traps- that clever mouse/mice will get hungry and greedy at some point :)

Haha omg "I could hear ovaries ring like church bells" I would of suggested the same infact I think my parents still have baby clothes around, I have told them many times to just get rid of it all but NO, spiking poor Micky carcasses eww but the apple book is a good find @exyle

too late.

Lol! If you're not ready, you're not ready my friend. This is something that will resonate with you when the time is right. It's both common and sad, that life isn't so cut and dry; with couples wanting the same things at the same time.

Lol...Bianca saw it as a sign. You saw it as a curse. Hopefully, you guys had this conversation before taking vows. I'm sure Divine Orchestration will step in at the perfect time. Let's face it. The only 100% birth control is abstinence. ;+)...

I still recommend getting the plug-in sensors to rid your cares of pesky rodents.


We haven't taken vows yet :|
Let's see what comes first, baby or vows lol

Thanks for chiming in @bkdbkd!

I have my full reply in draft mode. ;+)...

Are you @bkdbkd on Discord? If so, I'll send my full reply there out of respect for you and @exyle.

If you and your beau are okay with the public discourse, I will let you guys post it as an original on your blogs/vlogs.

Best regards.


Yes, I'm there as bkdbkd, thanks!

Omg...maybe this is an 'omen' to mind my own

Discord requires a 4-digit tag associated with your username to verify that you're the correct bkdbkd...


I am usually very attached to my old stuff. They bring back so many memories. It's kind of silly but it hurts to throw it away.

I had once found 7 dead mice in the shoe boxes. One box even had shoe. It was in terrible condition. I had to through out all the mice.

Recently Around 8-10 mouse invaded my house through ventilator. The came from drainage pipes. That night i put some bait and poison. They did not come again after that but they had filled mud in the drainage pipe. I had to get those pipes cleaned. It cost me about 20$ to get that work done.

wow,very good news.because finally you success hunting mouse doing three.its very good news.yesterday you did not hunt mouse last night.i think that you have some mouse on your,we may success is perfectly of hunting mouse are a good person and confidensly always success may for your confidence causes. The mouse hunt got dangerous in more ways then on this is a very good tropic of your post.every people don,t thought of you.thank u for your good post sharing..good job sir. @exyle

I guess mice don't really have a taste for old Apple reference manuals; I guess they like Unix better :P

I still have my son's baby clothes from the 90's. Way to go Bianca! I only kept a few special outfits to hold up and remember. Good luck with the mouse chase!

Thanks! Let's see what we find today.

They are so adorable! haha

Cool find dude, maybe check out if there are any collectors looking to buy it. I can't wrap my head around how the mice don't eat the poison, but I think once the house is completely clean and free of food in hidden places, they will have no choice but to munch on some poison. Good work!

it is incredible what people can get to accumulate without realizing it, a container is a lot of things to throw away, as long as baby clothes are always nice to see them.
I wish you many successes in the next hunt

Post it on eBay. 💵 Here is a sold listing.



Thunderous jay, it's like you decided to do a stand up comedy tonight. Okay, the ringing ovaries wasn't just enough then came this

Ooo...The good old 90's.
A time when mice still ate poison and walked into mouse traps like they should.

When I was just trying to calm down the laughter, you turned into the Mongolian Genghis Khan with some thoughts of a bloody warning to the mice. Poor mice, looks like the odds are in their favour these days.

hahaha This is hilarious! I wished you had found the Apple II too, which would have been a nice compensation for the mouse hunt! I wish you good luck in finding some fresh mice 🐭(Maybe you will even find an Apple mouse in the trap tomorrow!)


Did the rat take off his skin to get out of the trap?

Oh my god this is just a creepy thing, please don't make your idea come true, sounds so disgusting :c

After watching Ratatouille all that I can think is "poor rat" but no, they're not adorable, so...

Anyway, good luck with your spring cleaning!

Good @exyle

Tikus memang binatang yang sangat menyebalkan tapi ada sisilain yang bernilai.

Yes good @exyle

me reí mucho de pensar el susto que pasó con esos ratones ,yo les tengo pánico

I alwys see your post and follow you ..Resteemit done dear.

Hahaha I love "I could hear ovaries ring like church bells"

damn that's a lot of work to be done will not disturb as each second is important ;p

I love your sense of humour! I appreciate your writing style and easy going sharing of your every day moments 😄

Lesson learned: Be careful in opening boxes :)

hahah you tried your best to close this hahah lol i am still laughing you just missed it by a second ;p

Spring cleaning.........nesting time! :)

hahha that's why i don't do the cleaning stuff because if you find vintage stuffs nothing more will happen lol

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

you reminding me this

I hope this will cheer you up :-)

This got to be a mouse who went to the university. So witty. Graduate of the University of Mouses

I am so glad Bianca decided to keep the clothes. I saved them because you and your sister and brother wore them and I couldn't throw them away. I just couldn't. There must be something you can use later, for old times sake!

There are so many adorable pieces there, I'm glad you kept them! <3

Damn I hate rats and mice. We had them here a couple of years ago and I literally woke up to one walking over my foot on by bed. Sort of felt sore for the little bugger though because when I realised what it was I instinctively kicked my foot and it went flying into the wall of my bedroom. Since then they give me the creeps.