in life •  9 years ago 

 Time never waits for anyone.. nor does people.. if u want to progress in life, u have to sacrifice one thing or the other.
When we look into the life of successful people... we would be able to realize the difficulties and sacrifices they have made to attain and reach where they are now.
A seed goes beneath the soil and loses it's outer shell, it then becomes a big tree.
A small child falls many times before he or she learns how to walk.
Until and unless, we go through the pain, we wont be able to achieve our goal..
Fear not the pain, nor the struggle, because these difficulties are the steps towards success which will help us transcend all obstacles.
Moreover.. To change your life, you need to change your priorities.....
If we agree that the bottom line of life is happiness, not success,
then it makes perfect sense to say that it is the journey that counts, not reaching the destination. 

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