Let's Talk—If Life Gave You A Second Chance, How Would You Live More Meaningfully?

in life •  7 years ago 

Few nights ago I needed a drop somewhere in my city and my friend @speedracer was taking me there. As we were driving to the location we discussed about our recent struggles. We had both survived major road accidents. But looking back we've both managed to come back quite strongly from these incidents in our lives.


I had once imagined a hypothetical situation where I would go through the worst possible and if such a situation presented itself what is it that I might do thereafter. It came true but I'd like to think the worst is behind me now, and so I felt like this topic is worthy of a discussion in the open.

Sometimes life gives you a second chance, or even two! Not always, but sometimes. It's what you do with those second chances that counts. —Dave Wilson

So, Let's Talk!

@speedracer and I felt grateful that we're alive, even as we have rods and screws, which are sometimes painful to live with. I suffered a minor disability (temporary I hope) in my right hand from the crash even as I wait for nerve graft to heal and work; We've adapted to our situations quite well and sometimes that's all one can do.

Couple of days ago I wrote about my 1 year on Steemit and I felt so glad to be able to share some of my achievements from the past year. To be honest with you, when I was hit by a errant motorist and lying near a ditch on the side of a road snaking through a forest, several hours away from medical assistance, the thought I might not make it this far crossed my mind several times!

I told myself I have to make it through this and somehow I remained calm throughout with until I received medical care about 8 hrs later.

Life is full of challenges but it is also full of opportunities. I had a lot of time to think through Feb-May about the way forward and I decided to do the best with whatever I've got. When I was finally able to sit longer hours and use both my arms I began working harder than ever before.

The importance of realizing the truth that life could be over in a second teaches you a lot about managing your time wisely. I've started doing things a bit differently ever since.

  1. I have been engaged in some charitable causes and I have continued doing more on that front. The idea is quite simple: To make a small difference in the world before I kick the bucket.
  2. On Steemit I've helped with onboarding of new users through different channels as well as retaining existing users on everyday basis through different means.
  3. I'm from India and I find Steemit to offer everyone an incredible opportunity. In my opinion, there's massive potential for growth on Steemit from India and I'd like to see Steem in the news through the early stages. So, I've decided to work towards spreading the word about this platform which holds immense potential to empower users globally and I've had some success in doing so. It's an ongoing effort.
  4. When I was at the hospital, 5 of my friends including @varunpinto @wandererowheels @srinidhi donated blood. Recently, I've signed up as a stem cell donor with Datri.org in my country and also hope to donate blood in the near future.
  5. I ensure I spend time with my family and close friends on a regular basis and try as much as possible to spend time away from the computer on the weekends. It's important to do this because when you're close to kicking your bucket you are going to miss being around people who care for you not how much money you made or hours you spent in front of a lifeless screen!
  6. I dont waste any time watching TV, instead I prefer to read anything that expands the way I think about things and way I go about my life or do something that improves my existing skills or add new ones.
  7. I've stopped hanging out with negative people or anyone who focuses on problems than finding solutions. Surrounding yourself with positive people can make a world of a difference. I've realized the importance of pushing out the bad elements from my life and the results have been astounding.
  8. I try not to dwell in the past and instead focus on building a better future every day. Today, I'm more certain than ever before that everyday I'm making a small difference and helping others through my work. That's a big factor for my high self-motivation!
  9. Pushing myself through recovery by staying positive has helped me a lot and I hope in a year from now I will be able to write down the moment when I got back use of my fingers on my right hand.
  10. I work continuously on my improving my finances and ensure my financial planning is on track!
  11. I don't think I was lucky at all. I had people who stood by me. Right from the moment I met with an accident to present times! I hope to be able to do the same for my friends in similar capacity.
  12. I stopped believing anything is impossible. You shouldn't waste a second chance when life hands it over to you!

Couple of the things I wish I did better are:

  1. Sleep early and sleep well enough. I dont do either of them and that's something I'm working on.
  2. Eat healthy and exercise. Both are a bit off track as my physical activity is restricted currently as I'm still not 100% yet.

The fact is that we may like to call these life changing events such as second chances but it's more about being in the moment and seizing it with all we've got more than anything else. But, no matter how devasting life is at some point in your life, remember it will get better from there.

Well, this is how I look at life right now. I was able to come back and achieve so many things through trial and error by believing in myself. If you are going through a tough time, remember that it will pass. Just belive in yourself and you'll accomplish anything!

I'd like to read your opinion on this. Have you been through difficult situations and what did you differently when you came out of it?

If you like my work kindly resteem it to your friends. You may also continue reading my recent posts which might interest you:

  1. Successful #2 India Steemit Accelerator and Steem Cryptocurrency Meetup 2017 at Robert Bosch India HQ!
  2. My 1st Steemit Anniversary — Looking Back at an Amazing Year Of My Life!
  3. Dummies Guide to Basic Steemit Account Security + Account Recovery Guide! Must Read For Steemit Users!

Follow Me: @firepower

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Hi my dear son @firepower... Every single word in your post is so much meaningful, and I read the whole post, again and again. Eyes became moist on recollecting the incidents happened on that day.

Yes, life sometimes gives us a second chance, and it is in our hands to make the most of it. After reading this post, and about your views and thoughts about future, you know what I felt?

I just want to thank God, for having given me a 'Gem' in the form of a 'Son'...

Love you mom!

Never look back. Only forward. It's the only direction we can change anyway!

Thank you! These are simple but very powerful words! This is something I will keep in mind forever A.Kitten!

You are welcome :) Looking forward to chatting with you!

Sometimes you need that 'incident' in your life to WAKE you up and start becoming a better person. I lost my job last year after being in the industry for 11 years. It was the WAKE-UP call. Also helped me become a better person - spending time with my angels, my wife and my parents. Taking care of my health. Doing things that I loved. But it also made me a mature and better person to take the RIGHT calls, spend wisely and look at life seriously.

And yes, we all need a second chance. I am happy where I am today. And what I am today.

It takes a lot to accept that and then figure out how to proceed. Quite a rollercoaster past year we've both had! I'm glad to hear this change in perspective from you. It's been a long ride so far man! Long way to go! Whoop Whoop! Hoping to catch you later in the year when I come to Delhi for a few! :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If only i could go back to yesterday. Second chances would be great in relationships. :/

If I had $1.80 for every time I said that, I tell ya I'd be a rich man.

@paco relationships are dynamic. Feelings of intimacy, closeness and satisfaction never stay exactly the same.

I sometimes feel the same.
But now I am trying to think of it that yesterday happened the way it was suppose to happen. I needed to do those mistakes and learn a lesson from them.
I ask myself, have I learned the lesson or not yet? If yes, then instead of wishing to go back and correct yesterday with the information I gained today, I try to think of how I can use this learning experience to live better today and to be prepared for tomorrow.
As long as we keep applying the lessons we learned, things will move on in a better direction.
Good luck to you, me and everyone else :D

Thanks for your advice :)

Oh, Thanks for reading it, accepting it and upvoting it :D

Lol, relationships and @theleapingkoala go side by side I guess :D

Good to see your comment after so many days. I hope you're doing fine in the search of the right one for you. How are the dating sites coming along? Lol.

Hey! How are you @beingnaveed? Long time!
Things are okay. Getting busy to understand Steemit and get myself going.
I gave up on the dating sites since last year and I refuse to go back to that madness. LOL
I believe that if I am meant to be with someone, then I will meet him somehow, somewhere, someway, someday LOL
Leaving it to the Universe to take care of the details for me. In the meantime, I am working to build myself and my business as a life coach, since I will finish my post-doc soon.
How are things with you? Hope all is well? :)

I believe you're doing fine with steemit so far. Just a few new things I've learnt, I would like to share with you someday. They work fine.

So becoming a life coach? Super cool. How's it like? The training and everything?

Things at my end are extreme at the moment. Lol. Is there a way we can talk directly and not on comments on random posts? Haha. I'm sorry I'm yet to know that part of Steemit.

Thank you for visiting and sharing your comments and upvotes.
Life coaching is new for me but I like it a lot. Training is going great. Thanks for asking.
Sure, we can talk through chat. You can text me your msgs but I will answer you later since I am going to sleep now, unless you will be awake when I wake up, then we can chat real time :)

Have a good day for now :D

Hmm I need to figure out how to message you. Lets see.

@firepower If only we knew everything when we were four!
The good news is that there is an alternative to the emotional paralysis of, “I should have known better-itis.” Instead of wishing you had known better and kicking yourself that you didn’t, how about giving yourself a second chance?
Give Yourself a “Second Chance Checklist”
-Turn unproductive regrets into productive regrets.....!
Regrets are important in our life to help us self-correct. The key is to recover from and build on the sharp sting of regrets to look for the lessons learned and take comfort in the fact that these lessons make us wiser.
-Take comfort in the fact... that regrets help us develop empathy for others.
How would we ever develop real empathy if we never made a mistake or a wrong turn? It is regrets that keep us in check from being judgmental and arrogant. Thus, we become better people who, in turn, have more compassion and empathy for others. Empathy is considered to be one of the cornerstones of emotional intelligence.
We can’t turn back the clock of time. Good or bad, right or wrong, it is done. It’s over!
Once the ingredients are mixed, we can not separate them apart.
Once a word goes from our mouth, we can not take it back.
Once we do an action, we can not choose another one in its place.
Once wood is reduced to sawdust, you can’t make it back into a board.

I love the way you put it. Indeed, there is no point in getting stuck regretting something we can't change.

It is better to take the severed thump to the doctor to stitch it fast instead of letting it rot while crying about it being severed.

My late Fiancée used to tell me: "Keep your words sweet in case you need to swallow them back one day." I will always remember and do as he said.

Love to all :)

"Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around."

This comment has received a 1.03 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @clintjunior.

This comment has received a 3.75 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @clintjunior. They have officially sprayed their dank amps all over your post rewards. GOOD TIMES! Vote for Aggroed!

I'd probably be more confident, speak more, live more. I won't be confined from where i live, my routine. I'd risk better since it's a second chance. I would probably have fun more, rather than work my ass off. I would focus on one skill from the get go, hone it, and contribute to humanity. It's better than being well rounded and good at nothing.

Resteeming because its interesting and i want people to see :)

Impressive story ... ! Good to read you've managed to recover from the ordeal.

I haven't experienced any dire situations in the last few years. However, as I grow older I realize more and more that life could end in the blink of an eye. I've seen young families getting destroyed by deadly diseases and I've seen young, rich and happy people kill themselves (haven't seen the actual suicide but saw the effects).

This is why I've abondened the rat race and strive for a more relaxed lifestyle with more free time. I value freedom more than a busy career.

I've seen rough experiences work both ways. For some people it is like a wake up call but others just give up on life and completely lose themselves. I guess it depends on how strong a person is. I try to learn from my mistakes and be helpful in general but I cannot say I have had a life changing experience yet. I wonder how will it change my views and will I value things different if I ever happen to go trough something like that..

Only the time can tell. But you gotta be strong to face whatever comes and keep moving forward.

Beautiful story and even more beautiful outcome. I am happy you will be able to recover soon and that you didn't give up.
I agree with everything you said. I had multiple difficulties in my life. Physical and psychological. A couple where I was close to losing my life in a car accident and another was actually losing someone else (my fiancée) in a car accident which was so hard that I wished I lost my life instead.
I personally found the psychological one (losing someone I loved) was much harder to recover from than the physical ones. Maybe because I miraculously got out of both car accidents almost unscathed.
I kept blaming myself for the death of my fiancée even though I was in a different continent when he had the car accident. I felt that he deserved the second chances I was given more than I did. He was such a good person, loved by everyone around him. I was the opposite, not loved by anyone but him. I always wondered why and how he was able to love me, when no one else did.
Anyway, I am trying to make use of the second chance I was generously given by the universe. Trying to find what is it that I am supposed to do in life before I leave it. Still not sure, but I am working on it.
Thanks again for sharing your story with us :)

Second chances are huge and not everyone gets one. I'm doing my best to make the most of my second chance...

Good Luck to you in your second chance. I am glad to hear that you got one and that you acknowledge it wholeheartedly :D

Great post, I'm glad you are now focusing now on the things that really matter. Btw, was it a motorcycle accident? If yes, do you still want to continue riding?

Yes, it was a motorcycle accident. Not yet, but I hope to ride soon in future.

You have a wonderful story @firepower the reason why you have given second life is that you still have a lot of things to do in life.Ive been a lot of struggles so many many times it did even end up thay I might be getting crazy but just like you I remain strong and possitive and avoid negative people.@geetharao build you up as a better person and as a strong man.Live life to the fullest @firepower

Agree with you @antonette. A second chance in life means you have got many things to do and stuff to deliver to people.
In a way, I think that we are all messengers or delivery personnel in this life. Sometimes sharing a beautiful inspiring story, a smile or a nice word with someone on the verge of falling, could save their life and give them another chance.
I am happy I stumbled upon your post and read through the comments. It makes me feel that I entered a place full of awesome and wise people who had hard experiences in their lives but came out of them stronger than before.
Kudos to all of you my dear Seemian friends :D

Hahaha! 😅

@firepower I have a family member that, as a youth, has many of the same opportunities I had as a youth. The difference is that he is making the most of each opportunity. He is all in on each to discover what new opportunities his actions creates.

If a second chance, I would worry less and experience more! But it is never to late to start, it just requires a plan!

Very cool topic @firepower - upvoted and followed!

Although I think making conscious changes or goals is worthwhile, I've found when I make "ABSOLUTE" rules for myself, I'll stick to it for a few weeks or a month, and then inevitably end up breaking them. Once this happens, I feel super guilty and up just completely throwing in the towel and going back to my evil ways haha.

For instance, I'm also into eating healthy, drinking less too.. plus I hardly ever watch TV. That said, the best way for me to keep to these lifestyle choices is to give myself a little cheat treat every now and then. I do enjoy a juicy burger and fries on occasion, a couple glasses of wine, and a very short list of shows, like Game of Thrones.

When I do allow myself these little treats, I appreciate them all the more - knowing these mini-vices don't dominate my life. Just my 2 cents! :)

I agree with you @jobsande. I use chocolate milkshakes, steaks, and chinese food for this purpose. When I did my MBA in Hamburg, me and a friend of mine who was a native German guy, we used to go to this tiny Chinese place downtown and eat these massive bowls of Chinese noodles.

We always added that red stuff that is really hot. Was sooooo good.... probably lots of MSG too - beautiful. Who cares as long as you don't eat stuff like that all the time. Although noodles are pretty much fine.

Moin moin! Ich wohne schon seit 7 Jahren in Hamburg. Witzig. Ok, I'll stop the German now in case your Deutsch skills are a little rusty :) What was the name of the place? I might know it..

I remember my college Ramen Noodle days. Now I'm gluten free, so I gotta stick with rice noodles, although at Asian restaurants that's usually never a problem.

I don't remember the place's name but it was very close to an Apple i-Store. I think it was near this high fashion street with cobblestones or something if I remember correctly. Like Madison Avenue in NYC but in Hamburg.

I still understand the language because I am a translator for German to English. Rice noodles sounds boring. Do you put something on it?

achso, du hättest mir denn auf Deutsch schreiben können, also ich benutze die Chance zu schnacken so oft wie möglich. Jo alles klar, du meinst bestimmt Jungfernstieg, das Applestore und diese Gegend kenne ich auf jedenfall, aber keine Asiatischeladen in der nähe, vill. ist das nicht mehr da.

Klaro, Reisnudeln mit soja, chilo sosse, etwas scharfes, curry, satay soße, usw usw viele möglichkeiten digga :D

Cool so you knew it, amazing. My best friend in my MBA class was German. He was originally from Kempen in Bavaria. He was stationed in the USA when he was in the German navy and then came to do his MBA in Hamburg. We went there together. We also had a really good friend from Hong Kong, and one from Sri Lanka.

This is gonna surprise you: I can't write in German! I can try but never have to do it, because my target language is English.

Sure but still sounds rather bland to me man!

Bland?! I just listed some of the most delicious sauces known to human kind. Pshh..

Sounds like you had some good times, it's a shame you can't write it. Not like it needs to be perfect, I for sure make VIELE fehler aber ist mir vollig egal :)

Ich habe ein jahr in Harburg gewohnt. I habe am Technische Universitaet Hamburg Harburg studiert. Wie heissen Sie?

I would buy a lot of bitcoin when it was cents ☺

If only my friend, if only...

The streets will flow with the blood of the non-believers...

not sure whether to laugh or be super freaked out..

You can take me, but you will never take my bunghole, Hm heh.... For I am the Great Cornholio Hm heh I have no bunghole, hm heh...

All people love his mom

Good points , thanks for sharing this article which is quite helpful.Was wondering why you have not posted recently
In addition to my last comment, feel free to join the conversation in my new post about future of steem...it will motivate you more about steem . More success to you.

yes you are right...

Second changes it's good but if you have something to do it, don't think about second change because you will not win on first change! It seem about if I want to fly to LA I'm not turn to New York becuae my goal is LA.

I would be more righteous and more industrious if I could start over again. and I hope my kids turn out that way.

Gratitude is a really strong emotion. Thanks for sharing!

I really enjoyed your post, also video..

not everyone get the second chance.. and in only first chance we dont realise many values of life... so second chance would change the life itself probably...

We make so many mistakes in this first chance but it is good that we are given second chances and that is - to learn from our mistakes and not to repeat them again. Upvoted and Followed.

It's true we don't what we have until it's taking away from us, or until we are not in a situation where we might lose it. Second chances are a blessing from God, but even better is to live in the best possible way with the first chance we are given. Truth is, not everyone gets a second chance so gambling on that to happen for us to change is a foolish one. Of course it's a blessing when we get a second chance and can reflect and make it better than our previous selves. You and your friend are extremely fortunate, and so is everyone here who is reading this. We are here when so many who were alive yesterday are no longer here. Life is a blessing that we all take for granted so continuous reflection is the best way to appreciate it :)

With our mind i know we can do all things and now your mind set big dreams you Will scale though and i wish you quick recovery not just your health anything you missed before the accident

Inspiring post. I admire your strength. I think I would not care so much what people think of me and free myself so I could be stronger inside and make a difference in the lives of others. Hope you are doing better and better all the time. Peace

Very good

I really enjoyed your post, thank you for sharing with us. Enjoy the vote!

@firepower can you help me

Wow! I wish you all the best on your recovery; which, due to your positive mindset It will certainly be quick! Appart from movies and documentaries I don't watch any TV at all, I spend time on other things .... but, I still need to improve a lot! A possible one could be to worry less in general.. Great post :)
All the best.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If I had a second chance I wouldn't have quit my post-graduate studies to travel abroad for work.

I am so thankful to such a very insperable post, by reading your article i would say today I learnt some meaningful quote of life.. yeaterday, today and future.... thanks

Trying to live my life like this is the only chance I have. It must looks different from outside, because I am always working on something, looks like I dont have a life. The thing is that I work on something I love doing, making toys, figurines, it gives me great joy. no need to play games or watch tv, I only watch youtube and dig into subjects I enjoy or teach me something new. The one regret I have, I didn't start selling my toys for bitcoin when I first discovered it :) Trying to fix my mistake here and now :)

I'd start steemin' earlier! Thanks for sharing @firepower

Awesome write up.. Life is just too short to waste it on irrelevances.
That’s the whole story. Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone’s duty.
Ecclesiastes 12:13

Jesus is the answee to humanity. Living a life without having Jesua is a wasted life. What will the rewars of a man gaining the whole world and loosing his soul.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Jesus is the Answer to Humanity. Surrender to Him. He loves you

First thing: Become a millionaire ASAP!
It's very tough to live in society meaningfully when having to make money on a daily basis, time-consuming. We need time to make things meaningful, we need to pay attention and adhere value.

If money is not important, but live in society, quit and move to a Monk Mountain.

Very motivating post! Life is short so we have to use every moment wisely.
I don't watch TV also cos it's just a waste of time. Books are always better! So let's be wise and kind))

i like your post @firepower

Thank you.

Your list is a solid, and I wish you well in keeping your commitments on track! Lots of thoughts come to my mind. First, I've been reading a lot about near-death experiences, e.g. Embraced By The Light and Life After Life, and there's a certain butterfly effect, where the person in a cocoon stage emerges with newfound appreciation for life, and then butterflies out! I've experienced this myself, and it sounds like you have too. Also, I see you're leaning toward having more routine in your life, and I highly recommend that - our family's regimen helps us to find firmness through the wobbles, although we do appreciate an impromptu adventure, and even an occasional wipeout! :)

My opinion is that you dont need a second chance! I believe that everything that happens to you has some meaning, even the negative things at the end will turn into positive...you just have to wait for it ✌️😌 Just stay positive and you will find in bad moments the thing that life wanted to teach you, to make you strong 💪👊

we should make ourself ready for a first chance and consider it a last chance.Thats my policy.always ready for a chance and thinks it will be first and last chance for me.whether its in company of friendzzz,doing work,study or any other matter of life.

great post dude, i also went to some struggles recently the only way to move on is to stay positive, focus on the present and forget the past.

the only thing i woud have changed is
that day bitcoin came out i woud have invest my hole money in it :D:D
the rest every mistake every tear evry scarf i woud do it again because its who im now:D great post thanks for the time i new here and i enjoy to have a good expirience thanks

this is a homerun post @firepower! sadly so, life on earth offers no second chance;

But I resonate with your thoughts about living the best of the life we have now as life can leave us like a balloon that beautifully floats on air yet it can burst anytime or can get deflated.

So if given a second chance, I would continue to sync my activities based on the sun movement, spend a week or two in the forest every 3 months, mountain bike every week, surf every month, road trip every weekend, be in a ballet school.. hmm i got more!

gracias por compartir este contenido con nosotros te di un voto espero que te guste

It's great to see that you've taken full advantage of your second chance. On the other hand it's sad that in life sometimes we need a near death experience to sort of "wake" us up. Each and every day be thankful for what we have. Great post, very inspiring

@firepower Not everyone is lucky enough to get the second chance, people always want that if given a second chance we will do it, we will do that. But why not try to do it right on the first attempt, not always you will get it right on the first, but always try to do that.

You do get such thoughts when you go through such situations, it is pretty natural. We all do at some point in time.

I haven't faced such an incident yet, however, we all have those times where we think we could have done better. Life could have been a little different. I try my best to prepare myself and decide what I'm going to do for what I want to achieve. There's an event coming in September in my family and just thinking of it gives me goosebumps, I just got them, lol. I hope it goes well.

Hey I hope you recover fully as soon as possible. You're doing great things with your life, buddy. Keep it up!

Beautiful bro !! well written. I am from Hyderabad and we are in education space and would like to use steemit for spread the awareness. Would you be able to give us a hand holding in our efforts?

I'm not sure that I've had a life experience so drastic that I viewed myself as having a second chance afterwards... But I guess I could see everyday as a second chance. Another opportunity to do the things I want to do and to better myself. To help others and live openly.

I really enjoyed reading about your journey and thoughts surrounding it. I hope you have a successful recovery and I am glad you gained a new perspective out of the terrible situation. Keep grinding and stay sharp!

I agree with you sometimes giving life a second chance, I am deeply touched by your struggle, I think you deserve to be idolized for having a hardworking character. It's been seen how you are advancing steemit in your country I hope your hand injury will soon improve. Best regard firepower

Few of us get a second chance! Best to live as though were never any second chances.

You may fail at some things, but you need to live as though this the only chance. Do your best, be your best, and help those around you to be their own best self.

Well @firepower, being a person of many mistakes, including motor accidents I must agree with you. There is nothing quite like hitting a low point in your life - it instills strength and character in a way few other things can and when you manage to learn from your mistakes you gain experience that is absolutely priceless.

Without the mistakes and the low points, the special parts like success and happiness wouldn't have as much meaning.

Rock on brother!

Great topic @firepower
Thanks for sharing

even a second chance wouldn't make it right, if we're talking about me.. sorry

Lovely post - I always feel that life is backwards - as you get older, you realise what is really important and time is ticking by.
When we are young we feel that we have all the answers but later on, with hind sight we realise that we were completely off track.
If we can realise this, then all is not lost - we can redirect our efforts and achieve many things in life.

great post

No good wishing, just get on with life

I look at all my past mistakes and take them as lessons. I made several bad decisions in my early twenties that still haunt me into my forties. I can't and do not dwell on these poor choices and just strive to be the best person I can be as I near 50 now. The "what if" game can drive you crazy if you don't let it dictate your life.

Interesting! Nice! I upvoted you!

PD: join me in this world of steemit looking my posts, rare content about this world, maybe you like it, maybe not, anyways, We can grow up toghether follow me and I follow you bro! :DInteresting! Nice! I upvoted you!

PD: join me in this world of steemit looking my posts, rare content about this world, maybe you like it, maybe not, anyways, We can grow up toghether follow me and I follow you bro! :D

Hi beta, I am impressed with your suggestions, if you have your tough time, that will be pass, yes that's true, patience and dedication bring success and happiness at last .I'm quite ignorant about crpto market and also latest technology, I want to ask you do I get success in this world, please suggest me, I am also your mothers friend too. I want to tell you that I had participated in steemFest2 tickets contest, so please come to my post and please resteem my post please.You know beta in my blog I can get very little upvote so please for only one time do me the favour. I call you beta as you are rahul. Stan's friend and he is my son .please don't tell rahul about this, that I have asked this favour from you. Wish you good luck and happiness and great success in life. Have an wonderful time.

If in this lifetime we can realize who we really are and reach enlightenment, you would never need a second chance. Though if given one, you could enjoy the inner peace you have achieved.

Nice post

Sorry about the accident,it is good you have been given a second chance to reassess life.
I am also pushing out negative influences at the moment.

I've stopped hanging out with negative people or anyone who focuses on problems than finding solutions. Surrounding yourself with positive people can make a world of a difference. I've realized the importance of pushing out the bad elements from my life and the results have been astounding.

This folks see only negativity in everything and it drains so much energy from us.
Thanks for also becoming a Stem Cell donor.

Agree about second chance, but here I am trying to get the maximum in my first :)

Some parts of your story, I can totaly relate. Sleeping early and eating healthy are my struggles too.. I sleep around 5-6am Indian time :x

Stay Strong

Sometimes drastic life changing events help get us on track with what's real and how we should improve ourselves. Not everyone gets second chances, so when you do it is wise to live for a purpose, make a meaningful impact.
We should also apply this in all the choices we make on a daily basis, make every decision like it's life or death, take nothing or no one for granted.
Glad to hear you're much better even if not at 100% yet!

I may be quick learner when it comes to technical stuff, but when it comes to life lessons I'm pretty slow. That and I am very stubborn and tent to make the same mistakes over and over again. Second chances would be wasted on me... LOL

Our past is a series of events that resulted in today. Changing anything from the past would perhaps see us in a very different place, than where we are at this moment. Despite the numerous struggles I have had to endure in my journey, I love what I have today.

If not for life's deviations, we may never learn to awaken the indomitable will and inner strength we all possess. There is a lot to be grateful about. What would I change? The time I wasted worrying before realizing that it's not going to get me anywhere.

I'm glad you came out strong, having endured what you did. Only a survivor can be an achiever. Enjoyed reading this post.

Hey @firepower,

I found your post so inspiring.

Well said - life is full of difficulties and also full OPPORTUNITIES. I think, we learn how to manage and balance the most valuable thing in the world, which is TIME.

I wish you a speedy recovery. Your hard-work and persistence will pay off, you will get all success and happiness.

Very nice post and photo.
Thanks up vote.

Wow, sir very nice post,
Can be the can't group ,

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Great Post .... I like you post

Upvoted & Followed.


Never look back.you have my vote.
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Life is all about walking strong from those bad choices. Second chances don't come knocking to everyone but to a very few.
Good article bro :)

thanks for sharing those personal reflections :) it is great to see people focused on doing the best with their life and building positive impact on people around them :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@firepower I'm sure such an experience must have had a profound effect on your mind. It does change our attitude towards life when we go through such a situation. but, we, my friend, are adventurers! We never give up! Whatever happens, we rise again! :)

I also had a NDE which actually stretched a couple of days as I hung in the balance, after a medical complication after the birth of my 3rd child. My life changed totally and at the same time didn't change at all. Everything that stressed me before the experience, still stressed me. But slowly, over a period of years I began to assimilate the experience and I am simply less scared. Of situations, experiences, and most of all death. I have a sense of everything happening as it is supposed to unfold, both positive and negative.

Thanks for this so so meaningful, touch yet so inspiring post from you. Worth sharing to many..
Just could remember the tragic motorcycle accident i had back 2013 sept,time when string 7.1 quake and super typhoon Yolanda hit our place. In fact, till this time i coukd nòt reçall what i did during those times when i could not walk, underwent surgery, felt so helpless.Imagine a life of nothingness in d midst of these deadly calamities.!.? But thankful to God, despite all these, i overcame and accepted all with no hate to the 1 who victimized me for not spending even a single cent for me, hit n run; never felt self pity and just feeling everything light n bearable.
These moments really proved true love and care from Families and some friends. They were beside me even when i was recovering.
The second chance God has given me made me realize to love, treasure and value most my family and so true friends.Through thick and thin, they were there all the way supporting me.
We have to express love to people we do truly love while they are still there.
We will not wait until everything becomes a MEMORY..
If God didnt give me 2nd chance, then i would not be abke to join steemit and share this experience.
I am forever grateful to God for this 2nd chance to do better...

Knowing what I know now, I would do so many things differently! One thing for sure would be having no care about what others think of me or what society dictates what a person should do.

Very inspiring reading this post!

Often the strongest people are put through life's toughest challenges... Or else they would get bored, right?! ;) I strongly believe a positive mentality is the true healer in all things bad that happen to our bodies. If we believe we will get better, you WILL and come back 100x stronger. Thank you for sharing your story and your strength!