Cada vez mas cerca / Closer and closer

in life •  5 years ago 


Buenos días amigos de steemit. El día de ayer confirmaron el primer caso de coronavirus en La Isla De Margarita. Entremos en oración, dejemos que el poder de la fe accione sobre nosotros, por favor tomemos las precauciones pertinentes para que no se propague este virus. Si lo ves como un sacrificio piensa que es el mas importante que haras en tu vida porque te estarias salvando y salvando a los tuyos. Feliz domingo para todos.

Good morning friends of steemit. Yesterday they confirmed the first case of coronavirus on Isla De Margarita. Let us enter into prayer, let the power of faith work over us, please take the appropriate precautions so that this virus does not spread. If you see it as a sacrifice, think that it is the most important thing you will do in your life because you would be saving yourselves. Have a good Sunday, everyone.

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Get lots of sunshine on your skin, wash hands before eating, wear a mask when near others that may be infected, try to eat well, and get enough sleep. I understand your concerns, amiga, and I wish you the best.