Alcoholism & Drug Abuse

in life •  9 years ago 


In today's society, these 2 issues are probably the most predominant. Both alcoholism and drug abuse is fatal in the long term, and it causes endless suffering, poverty and destruction.

It hurts mostly the family life, the children, the wife. It is an affection that affects mostly males, and it can be for several reasons.

How to stop it? Ban alcohol and drugs. Oh, but then you get a black market, mafias, and even more violence, because the demand will still be there, and the supply can only be provided with violence and extra-judiciary solutions. And now we are dealing with a prison-industrial complex as well.

Ok alcohol ban was lifted, we still have drug ban. And it's not like the alcohol problem was resolved (in fact it's even encouraged by today's party culture), and the drug abuse is still there despite the countless lives ruined by prison.

So what can we do? Well first of all, get the government out of the way. They have done nothing good, and perhaps caused even more destruction by imprisoning people.

It is a really big tragedy if the father in the house is an alcoholic and drug abuser, but if you put him in jail for that, that won't make it right. It's an illness, you don't put people with ebola in prison, you try to treat them.

But it's never the style of the government to actually help people, non violently. The government always uses the most violent method, that will always be the least effective. Why can't the government setup therapy programs and family counseling for these families instead of putting them in prison where they will be forced to work, under minimum wage? Oh, that is why.

The government certainly loves slave prisoners that work there to reduce their sentence, while being incarcerated for being just addicted? Then why not incarcerate the politicians who are addicted to power? That is definitely more destructive.

Addiction is bad, but fighting it with violence, is like setting the gasoline on fire. There is no way to avoid this discussion if we want to be honest with ourselves, we see that the current laws are bad and they even do more harm than the addictions themselves.

So in my opinion, addiction has to be decriminalized fast, and then the prison-industrial complex has to be reverted to therapy-counseling complex, at least until the family becomes more stable.

Society should also encourage a stable family, better divorce laws, educate people in schools how to be better parents, and the media should focus on it too. Stop pushing division in the family and stop the child abuse.

If these directives were to be implemented, I can guarantee you that most forms of abuse would cease or diminish. We just need to willpower to do it, to make a better world.

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I am with you on decriminalization of drug addicts. That is why I donate from time to time to AA and all the other 12 step programs have been helping drunks and addicts for decades. It's totally voluntary, and cost nothing! Of course the state can force some to go by court order, but again that is the state intervening. It's pretty anarchistic too. You can never get kicked out of AA, always you are welcomed back as long as you are not violent to others. Long live AA and anarchy !!

Amen, make peace not war.

It must be prevented