What is Our Purpose in Life?

in life •  6 years ago 


While I was driving today, I thought how so many things are habits and how we just listen to and accept things. For example, when a traffic light is red we stop. Yet we don't just drive, there is a reason we're driving - we have a destination we're driving to. Each of our destinations are different, even if a few of us are going to the same place, we're most likely going there for different reasons.

Our bodies very much work the same way. There are different reasons for every organ, bone and cell we have. However, when we no longer need something, like milk teeth, our bodies get rid of them and new ones appear. (Growth)

It's the same with Christians in the church and in the world as a whole. Everyone has a different purpose, and everyone is needed.

However, like people, who have different purposes, there are those that are wasting away, whether they are begging in order to gain money for drugs or who are living off their parents and doing nothing productive with their lives for themselves or others.

The same with our bodies, if we eat too much unnecessary food, we build fat, which just becomes a useless burden.

Jesus uses the parable in the Bible about the sower, who sows corn in the field and some lands on the path eaten by birds, others land on rocky ground with not enough soil for their roots that when they sprout they die quickly. Others land among weeds and are chocked and then the ones that land in the good soil, sprout and produce good corn.

As Christians we need to be like the good corn, not wasting away, not being a burden, not being influenced to do wrong, but to grow among good people, who will lead us and help us grow in Christ and ultimately reproduce goodness for others.

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