in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

FB_IMG_1530293569329.jpgMany souls are in hell because of a three-letter word,"SIN". Sin encompasses all ungodly activities such as fornication,alcholism, murder,cheating,etc, and those who practice such will not inherit the kingdom of God(Gal5:19-21). Hell is a place of torment where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. The fire there is unquenchable and the worms never die ( Mark 9:45). Do you remember the story of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:24-31? He asked for just a drop of water to cool his tongue. What a great torment he was going through in the hands of horrible demons regretting why he wasted his lifetime on earth. Belove,sin will shorten your life and cause your name to be blottedout from the Book of Life. God hates sin so much that He has said that the soul that sinneth shall die (Eze 18:4). He will not allow a sinner come into heaven because He is a God that is holy who cannot behold iniquity. This was why satan was cast down from heaven (Isaiah 14:12-15, Eze 28:13-17). Sin does not bring anything good but bondages, afflictions and ultmately death. You think you arer enjoying your life but you are unaware of the destruction ahead of you. Look atthe life of Achan,Samson,Ananias and Sapphira. Their sins caught up with them and destroyed them. A of Christians are in Hell blaming their Pastors for not telling them the truth about heaven and hell. Some haave been deceived by doctrines of grace when the Bible has clearly said that "God forbids that we should continue in sin that grace may abound"(Rom 6:1-2). The grace of God is for you to live above sin by the power of the Holy spirit and not to sim in its ocean(Titus@:11),in all these belove the Bible has said that God is not willing that any man should perish(that any man should go to hell) but they all should come to repentance(2 Peter3:9). That is why He sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to die and save you from your sin(John 3:16). His arms are wide open as He knocks at the door of your heart for you to receive Him today(Rev3:20). Accept Him into your heart today by saying this prayer with Faith: Lord Jesus, i am a sinner, please come into my life today, save me from my sin and make my life whole again,amen. Congratulation belove, you are a new creation. thank you for your time.

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