To Be Happy: 10 Golden Rules to Lead a Happy Life Edit

in life •  7 years ago 

To all who want to be happy:

Most people are unhappy because they want to become happier when they are happy. - Ingrid Bergman

Who does not long to be happy and satisfied?

I would like to share with you 10 ways to live happier in this article.

The older we get, the more experience we have in life, the more we know what really makes us happy in life.

There is not one happiness.

Everyone has to find their way to happiness. But there are certain ways of life, certain attitudes to life that lead each person to their own personal happiness.

It is not the material things or the achievements that lead to true happiness ...

These 10 points will help you live a happy life

Be happy # 1: Gratitude

Many people are not fortunate enough to live in a country like ours, which is so prosperous and secure.

Some people have been born with a partially incurable disease since birth.

Of course that's just a small part ...

Nevertheless, most people are unhappy. They complain about everything instead of just being thankful for what they have.

Some things are not so natural for other people. For example, to have enough to eat and drink.

To have a roof over your head ...

... that we are free and can determine our own future. We have the choice of what we want to do (and what not) of our lives.

This is not a matter of course for many parts of the world.

Make yourself aware now and again that we really do not lack anything here. Especially in the western world, we lead a luxury life.

In Germany nobody has to land on the street. Anyone can, if he has the will, build the life of his dreams.

So I ask you: What are you grateful for?

Find 5 things and ask yourself this question every morning.

Be Happy # 2:

Is it often difficult for you to say "no"? You are not alone with that.

Many people have deleted the word "no" from your vocabulary in certain situations.

Someone asks us if we can not do something for him. Actually, a voice in our heads tells us that we should not do that, we have no time, and honestly, we do not feel like it.

For fear of not being liked any more, we still say "yes".

People who can not say "no" do so out of niceness. They want to be loved, liked and accepted by others.

The others should think well about us. Your own needs are always subordinated.

The ironic thing is that one then punishes and criticizes oneself in the head for this behavior. You almost hate yourself for it.

We were raised that way. We should always help others. That's right, but I'll come to that, but not at the expense of my own needs.

The causes are low self-esteem and self-esteem. You must understand that the most important relationship in our lives is the relationship with ourselves.

Being Happy # 3: Do something for your vision every day

hy are you waking up in the morning? What drives you in life?

Please do not say "to work" or "because I have to!"

Even our work follows a destiny. A higher goal, which we pursue. What is your mission in the world?

You can only realize your full potential if you find your calling and live it.

Be happy # 4: Take care of your health

"You are what you eat."

Eat healthy and keep fit.

A healthy diet and lots of exercise make you feel fitter and happier.

You feel comfortable in your body. After each workout, our body releases endorphins (happy hormones).

Foods such as hot peppers, chili or paprika also release happiness hormones. Of course the classic chocolate, but do not eat too much. :)

Due to a wrong diet, we often have mood swings, are tired and do not feel like doing anything.

Paying attention to his body is a long-term investment. Unfortunately, that's why many can not resist the short-term disadvantages.

Be Happy # 5: Use and enjoy life

Keep reminding yourself that you only live once.

Make a list of things you really want to do in life.

This article can further inspire you if you are interested in the topic.

Find new hobbies. Start enjoying your life by doing things that you enjoy.

Be happy # 6: live by your own rules

Most people are unhappy because they do what they themselves do not want. They do it because it dictates to you society, parents, or whoever.

The hamster wheel is omnipresent. What should the best career look like?

Go to school, do your education / study, marry, become a father / mother, buy a house and work yourself to death.

All well and good, but what if you do not want to go that way in that order?

We are directly and indirectly influenced by teachers, parents, the media and the state. They want to pretend to us how we have to live.

Create your own rules. Lead life the way you think is right.

Have your own unique lifestyle.

Do what your heart beats for, not what others say.

Break through the boundaries set by the media and society and leave the hamster wheel.

Look at the media alone. With what clever brainwashing they try to shape people as they want.

But the beauty industry would be destroyed if somebody says, "It's okay to be fat."

Nobody would buy all the products anymore. It would be the sure fall of the beauty industry.

For this reason, television, magazines and advertising posters are constantly showing the latest trends, which colors are "in", what we should look like ... Not to mention the emaciated models ...

They want to keep people frustrated. They want people to be unhappy

They want us to be ugly and fat ...

... so that you can sell us the newest diet or the latest make-up.

You may wonder why now?

Very easily:

Happy people buy very little.

And if they buy something, then consider the investment carefully considered.

They do not (and do not need) to take the whole step trying to turn us on every corner.

You are happy with what you have. Do you remember point 1? What are you grateful for?

Unhappy people buy. The principle behind it is quite simple.

Create a problem (demand), then sell the solution.

Someone spread the word around the world 20- 30 years ago that you have to be skinny if you want to be attractive to the men.

Until 50 - 60 years ago that was the other way around. The media consciously influence our "problems". Therefore, make the telly more often.

You will never be happy if you live by the rules of others.

No matter what product you buy, you will find another problem to keep you frustrated.

Women are often about beauty and attractiveness ...

The latest make-up, the latest collection, the right diet. I think you can not see it anymore.

For the men, they are attractive women who have to be impressed ...

Why do attractive women stand next to fast cars? ...

The message is obvious: If you want this woman, then buy this product. This is the message that is received subconsciously.

Being Happy # 7: Life is a give and take

This is a very important life wisdom that I live by.

I used to always think you have to be at your own advantage ...

... but my parents taught me that you have to give something to others if you want to get something back.

I can say today:

The more you give to other people, the more you will get back from others.

If you are good at something or have special knowledge and skills, think about ways to help others.

Start helping other people and you will get much more back from them.

Be Happy # 8: Live self-confidently

Find out your strengths, principles and values. Do you really live for it? Set goals based on your values.

Believe in yourself and rely on your skills. Do not listen to what others always say. As already mentioned, create your own rules!

Become aware that only you have your life in hand. You are responsible for your life. Only you alone have your own luck in the hand.

If you want to read more about it then look around on this page.

Be Happy # 9: Learn to love

First and foremost, learn to love yourself. Do not forget other important people in your life. Your parents, grandparents, siblings, relatives, good friends, etc.

Love is the only thing that increases when you share it with other people.

Your relationships with the most important people in your life will be much more honest and familiar.

Having trusting relationships is very important for a happy life.

Happy # 10: Meditation

Meditation has many advantages:

You will be much more relaxed in everyday life.

They strengthen your self-confidence and self-esteem.

They get to know each other better.

You will track down your deepest dreams.

Therefore, start meditating. They ultimately do it for themselves!

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