Knowing ourselves through meditation has been one of the most valuable discoveries that I have experienced so far in my life.

No one will do it for us, they can be sure of that and not because we do not care about other people, but when we are in that state, nothing that other people say or do for us will get us out of there, if we do not we decided.

10 easy steps to recover:
1.- Become aware of the state in which we find ourselves and decide that only we can change our situation.
2.- When you understand and understand that only you can help you, you will begin to heal.
3.- Recover something lost that added happiness (even if this involves forgiving or forgiving you): friendship, love, studies, hobbies ...
4.- Exercise in groups (form friendships in the gym, this will make the time you spend there more fun and you will always want to return).
5.- Finish what you left pending, when we finish something pending, we evolve, since we prepare ourselves for the next challenge (when we do not have projects, life has no meaning and we begin to question the why of our existence, yes, that's dramatic we are hahaha).
6.- Meditate, in a group, alone, always looking for space to meditate (it does not have to be precisely Indian or Buddhist techniques) I am talking about taking moments for you and leaving your mind blank so that then those solutions that the universe wants to show you are manifest.
7.- Give your tastes from time to month (if you think about the negative of eating that triple chocolate cake, honestly I tell you, more harm does not eat it since you deprive yourself of something you want).
8.- Travel, know and enjoy.
9.- Some situations we can not change but what we can change is our attitude to the situation.
10.- Always look for reasons to smile and feel grateful for what you have, do not be the bunch who complains, are the few that evolve, GO!