Any Dream Interpreters Out There?

in life •  7 years ago 

The Set Up

When I was younger, I used to remember my dreams frequently. There were the ones that seemingly everyone has where you're floating down the stairs or falling from some great height, along with the running around school or somewhere else in your underwear.

Then there were the ones that were fairly unique, like the time I was on a school field trip. Not so extraordinary, but we were winding up the side of a mountain with hairpin turns in the middle of a thunderstorm to a tall, haunted mansion.

Okay, maybe that dream wasn't so unique, come to think of it (sounds like a personalized version of a Scooby-Doo cartoon episode) but my schoolmates were variations of the classic monsters—Frankenstein, werewolves, vampires, mummies, etc.

Sad thing is, as far as I remember, I was just plain me.

I couldn't tell you if I still have those kinds of dreams because if I do, I don't recall. The ones I do remember are much more subtle or mundane until I start thinking about them later.

I bring this up, naturally, because when I woke up this morning, I remembered the dream I was having. That's only the second time in the last three years so it's kind of a momentous occasion for me.

Before getting into the dream, I should note that either my in-dream observation skills are lacking, or I was partially sucked into it and partially not. In other words, there were some pretty crazy things going on that I did recognize at the time they were happening, but even crazier things I didn't get until after I was out of the dream and going over what took place.

(Which is kind of strange in and of itself, right? You would think it would be the other way around. Not with me, though. Not with me.)

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A representation of my dream, in monochrome, but without the office and the screaming.

Here's The Dream

We're in the main, large open area of an office at a desk. There isn't a cubicle, and the desk is by a wall with windows covered by closed blinds.

There are three men in front of me, two standing behind one who is seated at the desk. The two men are essentially berating the seated man who is arguing back with them. He doesn't appear to be restrained in any way, but makes no attempt to completely turn around or to leave.

Not trying to get away is one of the odd things. Another is, this is happening on the main floor (though I don't remember seeing anyone else really) instead of inside a supervisor's office or some kind of conference room. Then, there is the fact that the men are behind the accused instead of facing him. The last oddity is the man in trouble is arguing just as vehemently back, making it impossible to really understand anything of what is being said.

As if to trump all that, the most bizarre thing though is the man directly behind the one seated starts cutting the seated guy's hair. As punishment. He has scissors and an electric razor, which he switches back and forth (presumably by handing it to the other standing man, who he mostly blocks.

As the man cuts or shaves the other's hair, he doesn't do a whole lot at a time. It's more a snippet here, a tuft there, and it seems to be taking forever. Which is why, maybe, the man getting the haircut somehow winds up with the scissors at one point and sarcastically gets rid of most of his bangs in one fell swoop.

As I said, all of this is going on in front of me. Until this point, I am merely an observer, not a participant. However, just before I come out of the dream, I walk up to the standing man doing the hair cutting and simply tell him, "You're fired."

Without a word, a glance, or any other form of communication, he instantly stops what he is doing and walks away.

The Aftermath

That's where the dream ended. For the first several moments as I was waking, an emotion came over me. I'm not sure exactly why, but it felt like low grade guilt, or wishing I had done something else other than fire the guy.

Then, as I reviewed those scenes, I realized something else I had totally missed during the dream. Something which should have registered as peculiar immediately.

The man who was sitting and being punished by haircut, and the man standing behind him doing the hair cutting, were one and the same. They didn't just look the same, like twins, they were the same person. Same mannerisms, facial expressions, etc., just in different positions.

Now, that was by far the strangest part of the dream, until I realized something else. Again, something I should have thought strange while I was in the dream.

Both men—the one getting the haircut and the one giving it—were my youngest son's father-in-law.

Dun Dun Duuuuuuuun!

Now. I've only been in the same room with this man twice. Once was at my son's wedding, the other a year or so later in a restaurant. Both the times, I found him engaging, humorous and an all around good guy. In other words, I hold no animosity toward him whatsoever. Neither have I seen him get upset or berate anyone. Let alone, cut their hair (or his own hair) as punishment for some perceived misdeed.

Weird, Hunh?

I believe dreams can be a form of communication between man and the divine. Many of those which are recorded in scripture are generally more straightforward than I feel this one is, although there are plenty of others that are not.

However, I don't consider this to be one of those cases. I'm treating it as something my subconscious was working on and my dream is what it decided to spit out for me to turn around and ponder on. Then, obviously, post it here. Because, that's what you do.

I open the floor to anyone who would like to take a stab at it. I did, just for fun, conduct a Google Search, and while the interpretation I found doesn't exactly fit my dream, here it is:

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Yo. I Want My Dream Back

If any of that has anything to do with my dream, then I probably should get in contact with my in-law and let him know I got his dream by mistake. I mean, I wasn't getting or giving the haircut, so any changes which have happened or will be happening are his, right?

I won't ask him what he dreamt of in return, though. I don't think I want to know what was actually meant for me. Besides, that would be awkward.

On second thought, so would be telling him, "Hey, um, I'm pretty sure I got your dream by mistake..."

Yeah. I think we'll just keep this one between you and me. Okay?

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I am going to launch right in before reading your haircut-clipping-dream-meaning from Google or the response of the other steemian below.

If your dream were my dream, I am first drawn to the fact that I am on the main level--not the attic or the basement. I have read that in Jungian analysis attic can be spirituality and basement subconscious and so I am taking the main level to mean what I am doing day to day--work/and or what all can easily see. I am wondering why this kind of a confrontation isn't happening in a board room or somewhere more private? Thinking I may be embarrassed of how obvious this fight has become?

Further, I am seeing three men--two who are standing behind and one who is being pestered, but sits at the desk in front of the others (man in charge).

When I see the hair being cut I think about the opposite of short and shorn (military/must obey) as long like hippies or strong like Sampson. So this man who insists on sitting at the desk (not even tethered) is being punished by the others--losing strength and freedom.

If your dream were mine, I am thinking all three men are me, but different aspects of my personality and there is currently an imbalance. My manager part insists I keep sitting at the desk and will gladly hack off all bangs in order to not be bothered by these other parts of me who desperately want my attention. That is why I feel sort of ill upon waking after having fired a part of myself rather than reach a compromise and honor aspects of myself.

I would be especially curious about what aspects/personality traits I so admired in my son's father-in-law because doing so will let me know what these parts of me I'm ignoring might want more of.

Most importantly, I will find a way in which to honor my dream so that my dreams will come more frequently :)

Intriguing. See, I didn't really get any of that. I thought I was dreaming about my son's father-in-law, which was odd in and of itself. There appears to be a consensus building that I'm my father-in-law, and that there are aspects of me that I feel I need to curtail, or somehow address, because of imbalance, what have you.

So, thank you for doing this. Very cool. As for having dreams, I probably do. I just don't have them at times where I can remember them when I wake up. :)

I agree that you're most likely having dreams all of the time and I find that honoring them in some way helps increase the recall--like using a muscle.
By honoring I mean writing it down/sharing (like you did here), wearing a blue shirt if that color featured, visiting a place that came up in your dream, eating a food you dreamed of, etc.
Also, good to get many others' "if it were my dream," opinions because they can illuminate aspects we've missed and/or give us a response in which we know what they're laying down (their own projection) is NOT what it means to us. That information can also be very helpful in guiding us to the true meaning and why it's a good idea to preface with, "in my dream of your dream," or in my projection of your situation, I'd be thinking this or that because only the dreamer knows. It's your dream, your own experience and only you are the authority when it comes to these revelations.
Thanks for playing :)

This was so interesting! I will make an attempt at deciphering this but I’m definitely not an expert 😂So, the fact that you’re in a room without cubicles seems to mean that there are no walls, no boundaries. Everything is out in the open (vulnerability). Another interesting thing that you realize soon in the dream is there are windows, but the blinds are closed. Windows represent the window to our soul, the connection we have. The fact that the blinds are closed shows that there is something being guarded or maybe kept from “soul” OR something keeping you from full integration of soul? (again, not claiming to be an expert)

The fact that there are three men, represents the trinity. Mind body soul, triangle. Past, present, future. Emotion, feeling, thought. The triangle also seen as a “doorway” by the Greeks. It is also integrations, showing that working together can unite. The fact that one is sitting and there is conflict shows there is an imbalance... a part not willing to or unable to integrate. Hair in Native American culture is looked at as connection to earth, intuition etc. if it’s being cut by someone else it might mean your intuition or connection to self/soul (because you are in an open room with windows covered) is being taken slowly and you’re fed up, like just get it over with (the fast cut but the one seated) When you end up coming into the dream as a non observer you choose to fire that part of you cutting the hair. You feel you are making the right decision but when you wake up feeling guilty. Maybe that represents the fact that you cut a part of yourself out that needs to be reintegrated. (Mind body soul) When you blocked one of these aspects you thought you were doing the right thing, but you know it’s still important and needs to be reintegrated. Maybe the man sitting needed to be helped back up, and learn to face the past/future of him he felt were controlling him. Maybe the one part didn’t need to be fired but needed to be integrated to work as one. (The trinity) the fact that your son and his father in law is a part of this dream seems to be the ultimate confirmation that these three men are aspects of you. Your sons father in law represents an aspect of you (because he is now your sons other “father”) and your son also represents you just the younger past of you. It seems there are something you might be needing to balance out within yourself in order to directly connect to your soul and get those blinds open and let the sun(clear sight of whatever it is you need to see) shine through?

Thanks for the opportunity to do this and being so open about your experience. Please know I am only coming at this as a complete stranger so take it for what it’s worth. Only you know what the true message is that is trying to be expressed. Good luck!

Okay. This was quite an amazing response. I went for the haircut, you went for the whole thing. :)

The parts about integration and reintegration, or renewing balance are particularly interesting. I hadn't realized the father-in-law could actually represent me, too, so that's a twist I wasn't expecting.

Thank you for taking the time to do this. I guess I have more to ponder on than I thought!

Hahaha I may have overdone it a little bit I found your dream so symbolic in so many ways! And I could be completely off on my interpretation so definitely take what I said with a grain of salt but I love dreams. I keep a dream journal and wrote all my dreams down. Anyways, thanks for being so kind and reading my novel response! I enjoyed Looking into the symbolism :)

Interesting read both post and comment. My daughter is really into dreams and she is on waiting list to get here soooo......we'll see how that works out. I read a book once and about all I remember is that all people dream an only a few remember them and the important ones are the recurring ones

I don't normally put much stalk into dreams—at least the one's I have, but this one and the other I had a couple years ago had all of these layers I don't remember having before, which makes me wonder more about it. Plus they're more rooted in the mundane, which kind of makes me sad, because I enjoyed riding the schoolbus with monsters to the haunted mansion. :)

Dreams can be prophetic, healing, pre-cognitive, entertaining and the voice of your own wisdom.
I love mine--even the dark ones, and the more I work with them the more amazed and in awe I am of the dreaming world and the effect it can have on our lives.