Hunting for Sport

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)



Something came across my desktop this morning which I feel aught to be shared with all mankind in a pursuasive manner, so as to change the nature of those for whom the cap fits.

In memory of Sir Roger Moore, who left this realm on 23rd of May this year after a courageous battle with cancer ( RIP) :

" Hunting is a sickness, a perversion and a danger and should be recognised and such. People who get their 'amusement' from hunting and killing defenseless animals can only be suffering from a mental disorder. In a world with boundless opportunities for amusement, it is detestable that anyone would choose to get thrills from killing others who ask for nothing from life exept the chance to remai alive. Sir Roger Moore


There is absolutely no doubt in my mind on this issue. No room for any other view.

Life is sacred and taking it for sport, even when culling, is criminal, sacrilegious and despicable in my view.

It is also noteworthy that cruelty to animals and deriving joy from killing them is a precursor to similar behaviour in psychotic and serial killers.

It is not only the hunters who are at fault here, in my opinion, but humanity (me) which permits this behavior instead of prohibiting it.

enter image description here
Walter Palmer with a beautiful creature he is so please to have killed.

There is however a far more cruel and horrific practice which many of us are aware of and which many are repsondible for in that we partake in the spoils and do little or nothing to change the way things are.

The issue I refer to is the way in which animals have to live and the way in which they have to die in order to satisfy the meat industry and the consumer who supports it. (me)

I am certain that a tour of one of chicken, cattle, sheep and pig farms which typically provide for the mass production companies which feed us would motivate most people (me) to action of sorts with regard to this matter.

This Video, reveals much about the hidden horrors of your food production and is certainly worth watching.

The problem appears to me to be that we do not have to see and deal with the many aspects of this process as we would if we were to cultivate and nuture our own food sources and kill our own animals and prepare them for eating and we have become disaffected through the out-of-site out-of-mind principle and tend to leave the related problems to 'others'.

Many have done much in their own isolated capacity to bring attention and realisation to the minds of Man yet no real impact is noted and the inhumanity of Man continues unabated.

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i believe hunting for sport is psychopathic behavior,if you can kill an innocent vunrabel animal ,without blinking an eye,you certainly have been deleted of any feelings and there for are well capable of killing a human.i'll share this and hope the smug little asshole gets the same treatment.

by the way i'm talking about killing for fun ,not eating meat ,people like myself who eat meat just have to find out where the meat comes from and the animals are treated with the best of care.after all what would happen to all these animals if we were all vegetarions .

A point I have given much thought to, but that problem exists only due to the fact that we abused the resource to begin with. Man's annexation of a disproportionate share of the planet's resources, ie avarice, greed, seeking comfort at the expense of the environment, overindulgence and especially technological innovation which has changed the chemical and ecological nature of the planet beyond recognition has resulted in the accelerating proliferation of our species, thereby producing exponential demand for all these destructive processes so that we now face anihilation. If man had lived peaceably among the animals and exercised wisdom in dealing with them and the environment, we would be more than able to live comfortably without eating animals and been a far more enlightenen and benificent curator of our planet.

man is not responsible for these things, its the new world order and big corporations,they spray chemicals on our food poisoning our food ,which poisons animals and humans ,spray chem trails on us kill woman and children and destroy land,create weather storms ,bush fires ect ect why all to do with money and power.

Hunting for sport is evil!

The current meat industry is not evil in my view. You have your choice, cheap and abundant food or vice versa. All of that food is used on some hungry guy.

It is not evil to kill something you need for food. Especially when, if the papers are reversed, animals do the same thing.

It would actually be evil if the meat was wasted since then it would have been killed pointlessly. That's not the case most of the time though.

Thank you for your comments. Killing for food is not under discussion. Kiling for sport is and so is the manner in which animals reared as a food supply are treated in life and death.