YouTube, Facebook Violating your Constitutional Rights?

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


I was recently listening to a YouTube video by Sean at SGTReport interviewing Ron Johnson. I really enjoy listening to Sean as he is very articulate and keeps a positive outlook in his videos. The video focuses on YouTube and how YouTube is now terminating accounts they deem 'fake news' (like they are the authority on truth, lol). Ron goes on to explain that YouTube is violating the 1st amendment and how the people need to stand against YouTube/Google for violating the 1st amendment right. This isn't the first time I have heard this argument so I thought it would be a good time to write up a post about this.

First of all, I am not a huge proponent of taxes, government or ANY entity (outside of the Creator) that has more rights than myself. Secondly, I want to live in an anarcap (Anarcho-capitalism) society. BUT our current laws of the land are based on the Constitution, so we must follow the law. No! I am not one of those anarchists that wants to create destruction and chaos only to build some 'voluntary communism' that ultimately leads humanity into shackles. My choice of weapon is Steem. ;) With that being said, is YouTube, Google, Facebook violating the 1st amendment?

The first amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

I am NOT a Constitutional Lawyer nor do I play one on TV but I think I can pretty much put this one to bed. The above reads that "Congress shall make no law... prohibiting the free exercise...". The key here is "Congress". It never states that businesses can not exercise their 1st amendment right by kicking out any patron that they don't like based on religion, race, age, sex or how bad they smell. Meaning if you want to be a racist or bigot then you have every right to do so and NO law can stop you from believing or not conducting business based on your belief structure. Would I recommend doing that in a business - of course not but I will support the first amendment rights of any US citizen.


Do you remember when the topic of a cake and a gay couple making national news? Here is the excerpt taken out of Wiki.

True Violation of the 1st amendment

January 17, 2013, a woman and her mother went to a Gresham, Oregon bakery called "Sweet Cakes by Melissa" (owned by couple Melissa Elaine Klein and Aaron Wayne Klein) for a scheduled wedding cake tasting appointment. The woman selected the bakery after having been a customer previously. During the tasting and discussion of cake designs, Aaron Klein asked for the names of the "bride and groom," at which point the customer said there were actually two brides. On hearing this, Klein informed them that the bakery does not make wedding cakes for same-sex weddings because of their religious beliefs. When the woman's mother tried to object, Klein responded by quoting Leviticus 18:22, which refers to male homosexual sex as an "abomination."

Why is this any different than Ron Johnson's claim that Google is violating the first amendment? The difference here is that the state ruled for the gay couple. As soon as the state ruled in favor it became a clear violation of the first amendment. You may not agree totally with me as the couple won the suit. I am not saying I even agree that the bakery should have not served the couple. That's not the point. The violation here was on the state ruling using FORCE to make the Klein's pay the restitution. The court should have tossed the case out because the owners of the bakery were supposed to be protected by the 1st amendment. Let's now look at Anarchy and how it can help resolve these types of issues.

Anarchy Solution
In an anarcho-capitalist society, Google/YouTube would probably have gone out of business due to being too top heavy. Mic reports that out of the 10 corporations receiving the most subsidies from Government, Google is 6th. In an anarcho-capitalist society, Google would have to compete like any other business because Government wouldn't be there to bail them out or create laws to block competitors from entering their space. Not only would it keep the paying field even, but it would also force companies to bring better products to the market. At the end of the day, a world without government would benefit each and every individual on more than one level.

An Illinois representative shows off his new Google Glass to colleagues.

2014 - Besides Intel, Google is the top tech company that receives government subsidies, picking up more than $630 million from states like Oregon, North Carolina and a few others. What does a multi-billion dollar company that controls the majority of the world’s Internet need with more than $630 million in government subsidies, you ask? Well, you know, for things like property taxes and training reimbursements. What, do you all think that money just grows on trees?! Also, don’t even think about googling "Google government subsidies" because THEY WILL KNOW ABOUT IT.

This is where Steem shines. If the Steem playing field becomes unfair it will be only a matter of time until another system will sprout up and the people will jump ship. This is exactly why the masses are moving to Steem and other blockchain based systems.

The moral of the story is instead of demanding businesses change, move on by voting with your dollars (or SBD). ;)

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