Came home a bit early cause feeling a little burnt. Going to have a nap for awhile. A few years back was more of the most stressful when my mom was hospitalised for schizophrenia. Then I was driving back and forth from the city to check on her and got so stressed and tired I ran a red light. That scared me enough to stop. I don't ever want to be like that where I feel so off it puts myself of others in any kind of danger.
Right now life is transitioning, it's hard, it's stressful. On the other side of the breakthrough is the ability to embrace more of life's bliss. The journey is worth it. I can be happy it's hard to some real extents. You can gain knowledge and experience getting through the hard times. Writing it out and talking with some people about it helps the transition through. If I can focus on enough rest and getting projects done then I can feel the reward. Even just being able to create some sort of art form can be that reward. If successful I can upgrade my equipment.