I admit I haven't been consistent with the gratitude challenge. As a matter of fact, this is my second entry. No day has gone by without having anything to be grateful for. I am hopeful and grateful for everything.
Today, I am grateful for the union of a selfless brother and a humble sister both from my church.
The solemnization of the holy matrimony took place on Sunday,13th May, 2018 at the Foursquare Gospel Church, Edu Zonal Headquarters, Edu Town, Ogun State.
I am grateful for the union of Mr and Mrs Noah Ajayi as their wedding marks the first wedding in the church under the new mandate of Reverend Joel Dunapo, the senior pastor in charge.
Both husband and wife worship in the same church and are devoted workers in the sanctuary. The husband plays the keyboard for every of the church programmes both for midweek programs and Sunday services. The wife is a member of the church choir.
I am grateful for the the start of a new family and a new home. May the Lord bless your marriage, shine His face upon you and keep you. The Lord will lift up His countenance upon you, and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace that you may live together in this life.