6,000 Years Or Billions?

In the video I discuss a little more in detail about my conclusion on why I think the age of the earth and human history is roughly 6,000 years. Lastly I want to emphasize that I am leaning on written history rather than dating methods to gather the age of the Earth. I think written and recorded history serves a better purpose in understanding the age of anything. Feel free to jump in the comment section and offer your opinion on the topic. I would love to know what you think about this. Peace.
Is it possible for the Earth to be roughly 6,000 years old?
Was there anyone writing down or recording the billions of years of the Earth's existence?
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It's a good thing that this topic has been raised coz I was thinking of something similar to this just few days ago.
I might not categorically say that the earth is 6000 years old but I will agree with you that the earth is younger than we think. Why?
Have you imagined how fast we are growing? Think about the things you were able to do in 1991 naand the things you are able to do now, just 27 years later. The growth in technology, the growth in science and the growth in human population has been massive. If the world changed this fast in just 27 years then how come it took billions of years to get to this point ? Just 27 years ago everything was analogue. And after 27 years everything has go Digital and are now in micro chips.
Why did we have to stay a billion years to effect changes that has been effected in just 27 years and so with this I wouldn't want to believe we have stayed that long on this earth. Humans are smart creatures and if indeed we have stayed a billion years, we should be living in space by now.
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Exactly bro. How come it has taken this long if it is billions of years old.?
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Belief and reason are the two important things as far as spiritual being is concerned. We must keep them in balance and order to stay safe and positive.
Belief doesn't need any proof and reason is always on the side of evidence. Reason always wants concrete proof to believe in any thing. But belief knew no bounds of any kind.
When we truly believe in anything it's truth for ourselves and nothing amount of reason can waver our stand and thoughts. You are not wrong in considering Earth much younger than science validates.
Well, for me I am always at the side of Belief because it gives me strength and wisdom. Spiritual happiness comes only through strong belief. But as far as life of Earth is concerned I am with reason as science has some strong evidence to prove its mettle.
All said and done, we should rather focus our energies to make our beautiful mother Earth a better place to live in. We all should consider our ways and doings to our beautiful nature.
Thank you @humanearl for a thought provoking blog.
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OF course there are more important things to focus on but my point was just stating that since that it what I have been studying. I am always trying to learn more about our world and our existence here.
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I believe that the earth could be both 6,000 years old and billions of years old at the same time! I know this sounds like a wishy-washy answer. I don’t believe it is, I have been thinking about this possibility since I read the post. Here is my reasoning.
Scientifically, I recalled that time is not always constant for each observer. Because this recollection was from my high school physics class many moons ago. So, I went to YouTube to make sure my recollection was correct. I was remembering time dilation! One of the parts of the theory of relativity.
So, if everything is relative it is possible for them to both be right. But my analysis doesn’t stop there. Time is a measurement. We define time in terms of seconds, minutes, days, etc.… These measurements are based on our observations of the world around us. Our measurement of time is based on the Earths rotation, which takes about 24 hours. When we face the sun, it’s day; when we are away from the sun, it’s night.
The Earth also orbits the sun. This takes 365.256 days. So, every four years we add a day and have a leap year. Historically, man has tried to keep track of the passage of time. There have been a number of different calendars used over time. The Mayan’s used the light and shadows in relationship to their temples and pyramids to track time. As our understanding of the world arounds us increase we add words and give them meaning. For instance, at some point the word nanosecond became relevant and known to more people as computer use increased.
We define words and give them meaning. So, how does this relate to the Bible? The Bible is God’s word. I believe in God, not in a religious sense but in terms of spirituality. There is a power bigger than us, whether you call him/her, God, Source, Creator, or by any other name. For me God has always been, is now, and will be forever. Thus, I think time is irrelevant to God. S/he has is no need to keep track of time; only to be.
We have given meaning to the word day, in terms of how we define day as a measurement of time. There are two possibilities. We can use hours as our measurement (24 hours in a day) or based on when the sunshine is visible (day and night). The latter is an event driven measurement. I believe God used the word day to mark the passage of time, not necessarily in terms of twenty-four hours, but based on the events related to creation. @Humanearl chose to measure time based on bloodlines in the Bible, thus his calculation of the earth being approximately six thousand years old, is correct.
It all comes down to how you choose to measure time. Scientifically, through various discoveries (carbon dating and archeology) has established the world as billions of years old. Or human existence, as evidenced by blood lines, places the world at approximately six thousand years old. Your choice, there is no right or wrong; just different facts and units of measurement used for interpretation. As Einstein proved its all relative!
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Thanks for that video. Please listen.
In the Bible God is represented as light. Speed of Light is constant? Yes. Ironically in the Bible God is known to be constant and never changing.
Another thing the video pointed out was that going so fast would make life slow down for others. God is outside of time and thus we experience thing much slower than he does. That's why the Bible mentions that 1,000 years to us is like a day to God.
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I am not a christian but I have read the bible extensively. Do you even know your bibles history/ Do you know that it was significantly cut down from 600 books to what you see today. It was a political coup by Emperor Constantine to suppress parts he did not like. While I believe that the bible is inspired by the divine I believe it was written by fallible humans and thus all information was pulled through their fallible filters. To truly understand how badly the bible has been tampered with yo need to read it in it’s Hebrew and Aramaic versions. simple words have different meanings and depending on who did the translation they chose whatever fit their agenda. Example one of the ten commandments - in it’s original text it is simply thou shall not kill yet so many translations like to interpret it as thou shall not murder. Why because it makes way to justify wars and other atrocities. But for arguments sake let us say it is the work of God you have to go beyond the superficial meaning.
Science is well reflected in places such as exodus for those who understand it. Physics will tell you that time as we know it does not exist it is actually just a vintage point in which to observe. In all actuality all that ever was and all that ever will be happens all at the same time. This is how god can be alpha and omega, have a question but also know all the answers. Unlike us Gods can see everything they just have to switch perspective. This also means that creation seen through our filter very much is millions of years but that in your gods book and the way time works their equivalent of 7 days passed.
Or how everything was created by sound. In truth energy and sound are the same, vibrations. Everything that is is vibration even what you perceive as solid matter. They only differ in the vibrational frequencies thus giving them different qualities. So for those have eyes to see and ears to here you see the clear correlation when it says that your god created everything through word. Do not let common church practice hold you in bondage. This weird notion of people of some faiths that science refutes their belief is born out of lack of education and understanding of science and the churches need to have power over people and keep them dumb. Learn! Knowledge is power and you will find your god behind a lot of scientific principles you just have to know how to look.
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I am well aware of Constantine's creation of pseudo christianity. Noticed I said Pseudo. He made a religion out of something that was not a religion. That was man's doing not God.
Then there was the council of Nicea. Do you think God is intelligent enough to give us the message he wanted us to know about? The books that did not make it were not God inspired. Meaning God did not have anything to do with them being written and he had no intention to put them in there. Plus we can barely learn what's in the 66 books.
Also I do agree that some words may seem different. But when you speak one thing in one language there may not be the exact word to express that same idea in a different language. Are you not killing someone if you murder them? Murder highlights the intent and the word kill just notes the fact of taking a life. There is no inconsistency there.
Hebrew is a very vivid and descriptive language unlike in English.
As far as the fallible human argument goes. Am I typing this to you or is the faulty keyboard typing this to you? Do you write with a pen or does a pen write by itself? Why should we trust what people write in biographies?
Also there was a case where God literally wrote words himself. It was the 10 commandments. Also the hand writing on the wall is another case. But those were not the norm. God mainly used men to pen his thoughts.
Many people believe God is anti science. That is so untrue. It's when people place science as if it's God that it becomes problematic and a shaky foundation.
My friend check out Kent Hovind. I think you would find what he has to say about some of your questions very interesting.
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I am well aware of Constantine's creation of pseudo christianity. Noticed I said Pseudo. He made a religion out of something that was not a religion.Actually Constantine only gave it the last kick in the gut the man to ruin Christianity was Salus/Paulus he dismantled it's whole structure, made a hierarchical religion out of it. As Misogynist he removed all woman teachers and started mudding the message. The book you worship now has nothing to do with what god intended and it being like it is also nothing to do with god not being strong enough to intervene. You forget the solitary most powerful tool we are given as entities- free will! It is far more than just a choice with it we literally create reality and quantum physics backs this! What is really going on here is that we are and have been living in the time of revelations, the 2000 year period of false prophets and it started with Paul! He disgraced the faith and tried to pervert the new covenant. It is the only way anything in christianity makes sense ! Books like the book of Thomas and the book of Mary Magdalene paint a magnificent picture of Jeshua and his teachings. And with the covenant he wiped out almost all the rules in the old testament, which were tainted by humankind and brought it back to the essential the ten commandments . He also made it possible for non jews to join the covenant which was not possible before. Also on more thing you keep on pointing on the historical validity of the bible the thing is while there is some other things are not accurate or have been proven to have been embellished. And while I personally believe that Jeshua existed there is no historical evidence outside of the bible - none! Pontius Pilatus was known to have held meticulous records and not once was there a mention of a great trail , a jeshua incarcerated - zilch. No historians of the era ever mentioned him either they did however talk about John the baptist extensively. The only historical mention happened 200 years after Jeshua's supposed death and is considered to have been a blatant forgery by any but a few obscure historians today.
Also I do agree that some words may seem different. But when you speak one thing in one language there may not be the exact word to express that same idea in a different language.No I do not as I speak several languages a word can express subtleties or great distinctions in different languages that do not translate. In fact linguistics professors will tell you that there are profound differences in cultural mindsets that reflect in the language one speaks and that it affects how the world is perceived and that it is no coincidence that those who speak several have a wider world view.
Are you not killing someone if you murder them? Murder highlights the intent and the word kill just notes the fact of taking a life. There is no inconsistency there.Yes there is because by classic definition this does not include non human animals. If you look the way Eden was no one ate each other not the animals not Adam and Eve the animals. it was a pure state in which according to revelations we one day will return. There is a lot more to it then one sees at the surface.
My friend check out Kent Hovind. I think you would find what he has to say about some of your questions very interesting.I will look into the book but be aware I do not have questions save one and I am pretty certain that only the source can answer that no a mere human. everything else I know and have since I can remember long before quantum physics were a thing i talked about the nature of reality as a kid. People thought I was crazy and I found myself confirmed when Science backed my claims. I wrote to you to try to help you see that your dependence on that book goes against the core of what Jeshua wanted for you. what counts is the ten commandments the rest is supposed to be a dialogue between you and the divine not you and a book. If you focus on the words written by people (no matter how inspired) you will miss the true voice of your god speaking to you! I will leave you with this quote from the gospel of thomas
"The Kingdom of God is within you and all about you, not in buildings made of wood and stone. When I am gone, Split a piece of wood and I will be there, lift a stone and you will find me."
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the last apocalypse was 6000 years ago. That is when the 'Lost Continent of Mu' (LINK TO WHOLE BOOK) sank to the bottom of the ocean. If you get into archaeology , you'd find there are 'forbidden topics'. Some of which are the stairs/city under the ocean near Mexico.
then i watched there are no forests on Flat Earth Wake Up. While some is questionable, there is some really interesting things that point to us having giant trees here on earth, the Grand Canyon is a rock quarry, and those giant plateaus around the world are giant tree stumps. oh, and to keep with this idea, volcanoes are ancient trash sites of the last civilization.
if you look at those plateau structures, you'd see the organic like organization of the rocks that is impossible of lava flow. to me, after see the video, and having been to Sedona Arizona... deserts aren't natural, they where created when we destroyed the trees and enviroment.. much like we are doing now..
but some of those folks survived, they became the Egyptians/Mayans... that is why those civilizations started at their peak and declined. Those that came from the advanced civilization couldn't impart their knowledge well enough.
yeah, all my opinion, based on what I've seen, because it makes more sense than what we have been told...
oh, and if you watch enough NASA videos, see the 'bubbles in space', the other video errors, or read Wagging the Moon Doggie ... it will become clear something is up.
And as for the flat earth... just consider we are told the seasons are caused by which face is closest to the Sun. Yet the earth's orbit is supposed to be elliptical...
considering the small change the face of the earth versus this large change at the edges of the ellipse. and it is the hottest time of year when we are the farthest away?? globe earth just doesn't hold up under any scrutiny.
we live in a closed system. we live on a flat plane. The bible was/is right. even the founder of NASA put bible verse on his tombstone that referred to the firmament... how crazy is that?
hope I've given some new info to chew on... peace.
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I wonder why when flying in a plane you see the curvature of the Earth? Things that have large mass pull other thing into it's orbit.
There is debate as to what the firmament was. Some say it was a water canopy that enclosed the earth to protect the environment.
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multiple proofs that you can't. what you are seeing is a view thru a fish-eye lens. high altitude balloons without fish eye lenses do not see it.
But here is the thing the gravitational constant actually ignores the mass of the objects! It has been adjusted to 'make it fit' and since it disregards the mass of the object, they adjust it to make it work.
hard to say, but a rainbow can only be recreated by having a mirror above the light source.
check out this guy he makes some great points.
i could go on all day, but the big proof to me, is all the ball earth theories come from government agencies, there is absolutely no proof you can do yourself.
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and i love this idea... seems to make sense to me.
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No matter how old earth is but i love earth because Earth teach me to forget myself as melted snow forgets its life. Earth teach me resignation as the leaves which die in the fall. Earth teach me courage as the tree which stands all alone. Earth teach me regeneration as the seed which rises in the spring.
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We can learn alot from watching nature. That's for sure.
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Yes your correct bro
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We sure can! It's sad how Satanic us dumb humans our. We could probably turn the deserts into paradises within 100 years or less but instead we completely destroy land and create more deserts. :(
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Nature has given its signs only we are not aware, we are negligent with the busy world ..
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Yeah, i've pondered on this before too, but i've never done the research. I mean the way you did. From Adam to Abraham, to Jesus and till now.. I'm given to lots of Bible study too, but i've never carried out such historical search. This speaks consistency @humanearl. Kudos boss!
But then, you have a point. Speaking of the millions of years that used to be emphasized by teachers back then in school, i remember a science teacher saying that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, and i always felt it was too much exaggeration because from my judgement, all animals should have been extinct by now....
I'll do some research and await your next video on the significance you mentioned... And i don't know if the world is 6,000 years old, but i'm very certain it's not as old as scientists always try to make us think. Not just because you put this up, i've always had my doubts.... Now someone else thinks same...
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They are still finding dinosaur bones with fresh live tissue in them so how can they be that old?
I love science but my problem is when science is used as if it is God.
Yes I will also release the significance of God's 7000 year plan if this is in fact true. I do believe that that the Earth is only around 6000 years old but I am not saying dogmatically that God has a 7000 year plan for the world. But scripture seems to point to this as a pattern. God love's using numbers and patterns to show us what He is doing in the world.
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Wow! I'd like to learn about this plan. And i agree, God uses numbers and patterns to communicate significantly. I'll stay tuned... I really want to hear this one.
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A very good post @humanearl, this is very useful for everyone. I am also very confused about the age of the earth. I think the age of the earth is no one who knows clearly how old the earth is. Because who knows exactly how old the earth will end is a god. We humans can only predict it, when the earth will end (doomsday). In the literature there is in explain about the age of the earth, but it's all just a prediction, because God does not explain at what time and what day the earth will end. I think I heard from some people who explained to me. But that's not necessarily true, because it's just human thinking, we have to find out again to be able to get a right answer, but it's very difficult and maybe not there. Because people's opinions are different. thank you.
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Right so if God is the one who knows and he is that intelligent. Wouldn't he be able to give us some of the answers on creation of everything?
I think he did in the Bible.
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It seems like one of those open-ended debates where we can't ever progress beyond what we believe to be true about the age of the Earth. "Belief," no matter how strong one's conviction, is not the same as "fact." And I say that in the context that asserting that the Earth is billions of years old seems no more or less "provable" than saying the Earth is 6000 years old. What if "God" created Earth using really old raw materials?
Who knows? If we believe in "creation," we can only state that the Earth was created, not how. Meanwhile, scientists theorize that the Big Bang created the Universe 13.8 billion years ago. In spite of whatever collective wisdom we may have, we might assert "that" it happened, but how is little more than theoretical speculation.
How do we know that "God" isn't merely a species of super-advanced aliens whose civilization and technology is advanced to the point where our interpretation of "life" is little more than slime mold? And Earth, and humans, are just one of their science experiments? "Hey Bob, let's see if we can grow life near this G2 class star! Do we have any more rocks in the back?"
I tend to not engage in these discussions much because they tend to be extraordinarily "human centric," meaning that we don't consider possible answers in which we humans are not "center stage," but just tiny "bit players" in a much bigger production.
Bright Blessings!
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I've heard the "God created the Earth to look old argument" as well. Right I agree we can only say that is was created. Even the when is up for debate. Which is why I said I believe. This is my opinion.
When people say they want to know truth but then I state that the Bible makes claims about it being the Word of God and the ultimate truth in which God revealed himself then it gets thrown out without testing it. At least this is how it is when I talk about this with other people.
I agree with you that the human centric nature can get in the way. At the same time if that is the case then we should look for someone or something much more intelligent than us to convey Truth. If we can't ever know truth then what's the point of any of this. Then it's all relative.
Bright Blessings all the same!
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Sincerely, I do not know what to think about the age of the earth. Scientists and some philosophers come up with different theories about how old they think the world is but no one can be that certain. They claim that petroleum is gotten as a result of organic matter that has decomposed for millions of years, but there is never a record of any event even as old as a hundred thousand years ago.
This is why I hold on to what the Bible says too. Though I do not bother about how old it is, I just know some biblical events that occurs years ago but I've not taken time to trace how many years it is from the birth of Abraham to date. I'm sure this is traceable. I'd rather leave that to theologians though.
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Well I will be releasing the significance of the age of the Earth if in fact the Earth is roughly 6,000 years old. Stay tuned.
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If you base your opinion on the written history its okay, but what of archeological findings. Take dinosaurs for example, i believe we can both agree they exist right?
But dating their fossils show they are very old animals about 60-70 million years.
Well you might say, its a deduction so it might be right or wrong, that they might be younger than that, that is few thousand years old, maybe 4000 or 5000?.
If we both agree they exist, which i assume its logical, but they are young which is debatable, how come they are note found in any of the written facts you based your assumptions on?.
So i believe the earth is millions of years old if not billion
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This is the reason why Science and Religion don't mix
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@garokee It's not a matter of the two not mixing. It's a matter of what is absolutely true. God is not anti science at all. But when science tries to become God then we have a problem. Because science doesn't have all answers.
There's scientific things in the Bible. Gravity, curvature of Earth for example. This was waaaayy before being put in science textbooks.
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Yes Dinos existed. How accurate are the dating methods and why do we still have dinosaur bones being found with soft tissue that is still alive if they were that old?
I would say yes they are around 5000 years old or more.
The Bible actually mentions a behemoth with a tail like a cedar tree. It is highly likely that it was describing a large dinosaur.
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Truly , i agree with you that earth is younger than the way many people predict its age. science claim that earth is billion years old by measuring the half life of the oldest rock but when you view the age of earth from bible perspective .you will understand that earth has not even reach 8000 years let alone billion years. Thanks for this topic ,really , is good for creating a room for debate and bring avenue for finding out actually the real age of earth from different school of thoughts.
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Yes I think it is much younger than that. I would go even further to point out that they have no one who can say they were around during all those billions of years. Isn't it strange that they are making a claim for a time period in which there is no written history about from humans who lived billions of years ago.
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I respect all opinions, especially on topics that neither side can 100% prove without a doubt.
My opinion is that the earth is older than 6000 years. Mainly due to reasons some of the other commenters have provided. Fossils found through archeology, rocks and stone formations that took much more than 6000 years to create, and other scientific evidence.
It’s possible than perhaps man has only existed for 6000 years. This would be a more reasonable argument I could get behind...but the earth, I believe has been here for much longer that 6k years. Interesting topic!
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There is evidence for a global flood. They have found tons of fossils in the mountains as well as sign of rapid deposition. A global flood would have dramatically change the layout of the Earth.
Look at mount st Helen when it erupted. It spewed out loads of material in a very short amount of time and had a great impact on the landscape around it.
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I respect your views and overall it is a very interesting discussion point. You may very well be right.
I wish we had all the answers...but at the same time the journey of figuring out the truth is half the fun. Seek knowledge.
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You can't really measure if how old really is the earth. There are some researches about it but all were only a theory. I don't even know now whom theory to believe in, but there's one thing for sure God made it and it's our responsibility to treasure and take good care of it no matter how old it is. 😇
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You can't measure it using by using calculations and dating methods that are used in the science world. When we want to know how old something or someone was we don't say "Hey let us go to a lab and formulate numbers to get his age" No you go to written records and historical accounts of that person. That is more accurate in understanding age. This is why I cannot get with sciences methods of dating the Earth. Plus no one was around to actually observe all the supposed billions of years. They can say that it is by faith they believe that but don't call it fact.
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The bible was written long ago. They might not have even had a word for 1 billion back then. If you study science then you can clearly see the Earth has been around a very long time.
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Trust me they would have found a way to describe it. Just like cultures make up words or phrases to describe things all the time.
Who was around when the earth was that old though? How can they really know the age of the Earth without any type of eyewitnesses or written records of that time period?
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Do you believe the Sun revolves around the Earth? Doesn't the bible say the sun revolves around the Earth? Also the bible doesn't really mention human cells and electrons and neutrons? There's also 2 Peter 3:8 where it mentions a day to The One Who Is/"God" is like a 1000 years.
Do you even know much a Centillion is? For all I know that's the entire cosmos could be older than that. Especially if you look at the evidence that is out there. If you look at the shape of our own galaxy it seems to me you should be able to deduce our own galaxy is very very old.
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I'm not sure about the bible mentioning that. You're the first to mention it. Sure the Bible doesn't have every single scientific truth. But that doesn't mean that there is not science and world history in it.
Yes! Since God is infinite he is in no way restricted by time as we are. Since he created time he is outside of it. Not sure if the 1000 day to God is to be meant literally or figuratively.
How should you be able to deduce that. If God said he created everything himself and he is all powerful meaning he can pretty much do anything he wants. His creativity is unmatched and infinite. Why is is not plausible to think he could create all the universe in 6 days?
Sometimes we act as if science explains everything. It doesn't explain miracles or morality. But that doesn't mean that there is no evidence for those things. Science is great I love it but it's not God. It can't tell me everything I need to know in order to live life.
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So do you admit the bible is wrong or does the sun revolve around the Earth?
I think you can believe in "God" and science. I support prayer and intelligence. If most Christians are about to go over a cliff they will likely press on the brake pedal and maybe also pray. For other things it seems like they only pray.
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How does that make the Bible wrong? Which scriptures are you basing the claim about the sun revolving around the earth?
I think you can believe in God and science too but when they are at odds the you have to take God as the ultimate authority which he is.
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It doesn't prove the sun revolves around the Earth.
The vantage point is relative. If you were to stand outside all day then it would appear that the sun is moving. Which in those verses it describes this phenomenon. The rising of the sun, sun stood still, etc
If the sun revolves around the earth then the earth's gravitational pull should be much stronger and it should have more mass than the sun in order for the sun or other planets to revolve around it.
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The age of earth is base on theories. If we base on science, scientist can't really pinpoint what is the age of earth. They can't prove where humans came from. But in the Bible, it states in the book of genesis how earth is created by God. It also states there how Adam and Eve came to existence. To me it is not important what is earth's age, the important thing is how we live our lives in this world today.
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That is true that it is important how we live our lives.
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That's right as you say, now many are arguing about the age of the earth. But I myself am also confused about the age of the earth, because I have studied and read from several sites, all of it explains in different ways and we can not take where the correct answer. But I once thought, the age of the earth is just a god who knows. It is possible that in the Bible we can find out the correct answer. Because the Bible never lies, because it is all the word of God. I agree with your opinion, because I myself also have not found an answer about it all. Thanks for sharing @humanearl
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You will get several explanations. If God is the one who knows the age of the Earth then wouldn't it make since to know what he has to say about the history of the world?
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Your are right about Adam,as he might haven't been on the planet since million of years.but on the contrary humans aren't in the first among the species to be created on face of earth,if we go by religious books we could find the presence of Djinn kind,Binn kind,Hinn kind long before humans.
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Djinn as it is described is what I believe to be the fallen angels and demons as the Bible describes them. Yes they were around before humans were created and the Bible alludes to this many times.
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I studied astrology and astrophysics, so I rely on science and facts. I was going to connect my life with astrology. The opinion that 6,000 years of earth is completely untrue. Moreover, the people who say this - just do not look facts in person. I think that these people are victims of manipulation. This is the same case when some people believe that the earth is flat. Just imagine that in 2018 there are people who claim that the earth is flat, it's horrible.
I'm inclined to believe the work of the famous geochemist Claire Patterson. He did a lot for his life. His work is impressive. He managed to prove that lead is absolutely toxic to humans and affects the environment. (at that time he was coadjured in in leaded gasoline)
Patterson defined the Earth's age at 4.5 billion years. I think that this is true with small errors.
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How can you honestly say that the earth was 4.5 billions of years old just by dating methods alone. There are no written records of anyone living in that time to corroborate that. It's only theory based off of tests because it was not observed. You can call it faith if you want and that's a better way of describing that belief because no one actually was around to record these billions of years of the Earth if in fact it is true.
How do you know the age of anything? Simple you see what was written and recorded about it/them, eyewitness accounts etc. That's how you truly test the age of something. Not by running theoretical tests in a lab.
Using carbon dating and all that can be helpful but they don't paint the whole picture.
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my opinion is based on the fundamental analysis and research of famous scientists. Their work was recognized by the world community. I was taught this and therefore I adhere to this point of view.
You understand Earl, for every argument you can find a counterargument.
I respect the opinions of other people and do not impose my point of view. We can argue about this for a long time. There will always be people with opposite opinions.
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Yepp of course. This is a huggeee topic that would take our whole lives to discuss.
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No, not even close, there are trees that can be traced back around fifteen thousand years, which is why some young Earth creationists have disingenuously revised their claims, but physics, the geological record and evolutionary biology have utterly refuted such claims with evidence, YEC remains a claim with no evidence at all.
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I've actually looked into the evidence of young and old earth beliefs and I find some interesting things from both perspectives.
I have no knowledge of YEC revising claims. Have you heard of Kent Hovind? He gives some interesting points about this kind of stuff.
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There is noch historical proof for Moses by the way.
Not even the 10 Commandments are true in the Bible.
You should really read the Exodus in the Bible.There are 10 whole different Commandments in it.
Reading, really READING the Bible will change your whole view on Christianity believe me.
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Please explain how the 10 commandments are NOT true?
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Read the Story.
The First time Moses received the Commandments he let the Tables fall. The Second time the Commandments are totally different.
Just read it
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Moses got upset and broke the tablets. Whatever was on the first set was what was on the second set as well. But God told Moses what he wanted him to tell the people.
Deuteronomy 5 lays out what God told Moses. As a matter of fact it was those commandments that Moses said that God told him tell the people
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A matter of fact? In Religion? Are you kidding me?
Why is there another Story needed to explain the First one?
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You assume that there are no facts in religion whatsoever and that's simply not true.
As far as the commandments as I said God himself said that the tablets were the same. I believe God when he says that.
Exodus 34:1 And the Lord said to Moses, “Cut two tablets of stone like the first ones, and I will write on these tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you broke.
Clearly God says that the tablets had the same things written on them.
As far as what was written on them then I'm not saying that what you bring up is not the 10 commandments. But we know that whatever was on the first was also on the second set according to God's own words.
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You don't get it. God simply doesn't exist and there is not factual proof for him/it/her...
There is not even historical evidence for Moses or the Exodus.
It is simply a Story written by people to control other people.
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You can't prove that God doesn't exist. Period. I can't prove that God does exist. Period. Neither one of us has all knowledge. For me I have faith in God that is based on evidence. That's reasonable.
You have faith God doesn't exist. So where's your evidence for your faith that he does not exist?
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These are the 10 real Commandments in the Book Exodus:
For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
Thou shalt make thee no molten gods.
The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep.
All that openeth the matrix is mine; and every firstling among thy cattle, whether ox or sheep, that is male.
Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest: in earing time and in harvest thou shalt rest.
And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the firstfruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering at the year's end.
Thrice in the year shall all your menchildren appear before the LORD God, the God of Israel.
Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven; neither shall the feast of the Passover be left until the morning.
The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the house of the LORD thy God.
Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.
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Age of the earth no one ever knows when it ends and how long this earth will exist, because it's all just god knows, but the signs of doom have happened ..
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i agree with you @adson
only God knows when the world will end
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I believe it will end sooner than we think.
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When that happens faster, now we have to prepare ourselves ..
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I think so that the earth's age maybe that kind of billion years or more than.
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Maybe but no one was around writing down history for that time period.
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Maybe there's a writer before but they do not discovered yet
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what might the Earth 6,000 years old, my end of this earth I no longer, because the bebrbagai kind of disaster has occurred, such as earthquakes, floods, landslides and various other disasters, not kah is the harbinger of the Earth will come to an end ...
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Yes i agree with you. Time is almost up.
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well i don't think might be a proper right answer to it even the discovery of earth is a big question quite fascinating to even think about it
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It's a pretty big topic that will be debated until the truth is revealed.
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It sure is a rough topic to debate on !
Some have their own logic while others different !
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True that!
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@humanearl, You talked impressive discussion here. I most interesting to see subject of creation differ. Your title is a pretty doubt indeed. But maybe possible. While certain details about the subject of creation differ, the general concept is that an intelligent force brought about physical matter, including the trillions of stars, billions of galaxies, our solar system, Earth and everything in it. Most believe it started with a single event.But all are included Bible book. I didn't think about before and you encourage find books and introduce our opinions. Let's see,,,I'll check it more and need some times. But for me I believe, Earth had a long history and can't have any idea how old?
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Yes the topic a big one that is discussed all the time
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Perhaps they got it from forensic thingy.lol I think it is more than those no. Well no one knows.
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Don't know about the original age of Earth, your perspective is interesting but personally don't believe your perspective. In olden days life of human being was so long that average life of human was near to 1,000 year like Hazrat Noah (AS) lives 950 years, Hazrat Adam (AS) lives 930 years. Considering the high age of olden days we can't say that earth is only 6,000 years old.
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If you actually go count the geneaologies from Adam to now you will get roughly 6,000 years of history. That is biblical facts.
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Nice bro
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excellent post ..loving to your blog.thanks for sharing..
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Such a beautiful post.keep sharing.people will be love this post. thank you for sharing.
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I don't know what to say man coz I even not know the age of our planet. But in this blog, I learned more and have a more open mind about things not being discussed very often.
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It's so great to meet another young earth creationist here on DTube! I'm a self-taught Christian apologist and young earth creationist with my own online ministry, and I just recently joined DTube. I really like how this platform works, and I think it's great that someone else on here is willing to stand on what the Bible teaches on origins. I look forward to seeing more of your videos.
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Yepp. And I also am led to believe that we are operating on a 7,000 year timeclock for humanity. Glad you found this platform pretty cool. There will be tons of more people finding out about it. I want to get Kent Hovind on here. He would have a blast!! HAha.
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Kent Hovind has a thriving YouTube channel, so it will be hard to get him to transition to a platform like DTube.
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