in life •  7 years ago 

Good news for Steemit

At least that's how I see it. Or like to see it.

The recent development of my posts that is.

Now, you might be wondering what has changed.

And I'm here to tell you.

Getting more views than votes

By a substantial amount even.

My last two posts had somewhere around 3 to 4 times as many views as they had upvotes.

Some people wouldn't be all to happy about this. After all, fewer votes mean less money and if people already looked at the content but didn't upvote, doesn't that mean they don't like your content?

But I'm happy about it.

Here's why

There was a time not too long ago, when I put in an hour, two hours, multiple hours, from coming up with an idea, writing the post, rewriting it, editing, pictures, formatting yada yada yada.

Only to hit "Poste" and get only a handful of eyeballs to even open my post. Click on it. No idea how many of them even bothered to read the post.

Still, the upvotes on that post were substantial. ly higher than the views. At least.

We're talking 60 upvotes and about 7 views.

That same statistic stayed consistent for a couple weeks.

But... money

Of course, you could go and say: well, at least I'm getting money out of this.

But can that seriously be the only motivation to write a post? Come up with good content. Execute an idea to the best of your abilities.

I hope not.

I hope there are different motives pushing you forward.


The impact you have on people's lives is more important than the money.

The person you become in the process is more important than the money.

The joy of executing and producing is more important than the money.

This is why I won't monetize my YouTube videos for a long time.

To not corrupt my intentions behind doing them. I want to do them for the fun. The fun of creating, learning how to edit, entertaining people.

Maybe that's why there is a lot of shit content doing extremely well, on Steemit as well as D.Tube.

Simply because people are greedy now and don't think about the consequences.

Try uploading the BS you put on D.Tube to YouTube. See how many views you'll get. And in turn money down the line.

I guarantee you, not too much. If any.

That is because on YouTube you compete with artists. Creators. People with real talent that put an actual effort into their stuff. Take pride in their work.

Step it up

People like us, that are lucky enough to have discovered Steemit this early, better start to up their game. I know I'm trying.

Because as soon as people from the real world come to this platform and see its potential, you're gonna get blown out the water.

Doing a two-minute video sitting at your desk talking about how your day went, in a monotone voice, no edits, no jokes, no anecdote, won't cut it.

Less votes, more views

I'll take more views in exchange for money any day.

Because it exposes me to more potential money in the future.

This is not a one-time thing. No one should treat this as such. Hope for a one-hit wonder and then leave. Great, you made some money, now what?

Building a brand

When you get exposed to more people, as in getting more views, building a brand will be easier and faster.

Ain't no gang of bots gonna help you in any way in the real world.

Start putting some character in your content. Your personality. Your uniqueness. Otherwise once the bot army is gone, they'll leave a mess behind.

Stay awesome and don't fail to build!

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I completely agree with your view.
I think the money Is motivation not only to make posts, but to read your post and vote or replay on it. Steemit is all about the future if it wasn’t people wouldn’t be so excited.
Have FUN!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I've had times where I put a lot of effort into a post and it gets no traction. Then other times I've taken 2 seconds to ask a legitimate question I had in a post and I received upvotes.

So, have fun. Get involved where your interests lie, follow people that interest you, and you will get something back from this site.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Exatctly! The rewards shouldn't be the main focus. I really like to put out my content to as much people as possible. I don't care if I was to get more views than upvotes. In fact, I would be happier if I got thousands of eyeballs whenever I publish content anywhere. It's the main reason of putting out content to the world... To get it seen! I think you're just gonna get more and more views, because you put out great content. And even bigger rewards will follow along that:)

That's the spirit!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Are you talking about old times when you wrote in German? :)
And I actually had to google translate it. I'm asking myself now, why did I do it lmao.

Well... you know, when you get enough views per video on youtube you will monetise it anyway lol

I never really wrote in German. Did English since day 1 :D

what did you translate? haha

nah, I won't monetize the first couple million views, don't need that YouTube money

I definitely remember posts in German about email marketing or something like that, nevermind!
Okay, okay I believe you, you won't monetize it lol.

haha oh yeah true dat! wrote a couple but not many :)

Yeah right :DD

The impact you have on people's lives is more important than the money.
The person you become in the process is more important than the money.
The joy of executing and producing is more important than the money.

I can agree if you already have money, but you need to get some cash back otherwise you can't just be a beggar and then die from hunger sitting all alone in my favourite pants almost naked near the dump.

lol your post made me laugh! thanks!

You're welcome <3

Thanks for the news @ikigai. I am happy too

@ikigai It's the main reason of putting out content to the world To get it seenSteemit is all about the future if it wasn’t people wouldn’t be so excited. you're just gonna get more and more views, because you put out great content

Some number of people on steemet with big ego and small co..k.They worry about money what going to you,not to them.Just normal daily world ;-)

I totally agree! Let's have fun!

you made super amazing post i like it so much and i like the way that your mind think , your great thanks a lot for sharing with us

i always hit that button ;)

you are getting famous bro haha :D