Leadership - My interpretation of a good one.

in life •  7 years ago 

We are all leaders. In one way or another, all of us has to lead someone. It might not be your job, but I still think these adviceses is relevant for everyone.

  • Be the leader that shows the way.
  • Pull, don't push.
  • Respect the knowledge of those you lead.
  • Acknowledge their achievements

My leader told me this the other day: First comes #Health and #Family, #work should always be second. Maybe even third.

I believe that happyness is the mainstay for any achievement. By that, I mean that if you look forward to go to work, you will do your job well. But I also acknowledge that being happy at work is a luxury and a privilege. So if your work sucks, suck it up, apply for other jobs in the evening, and hopefully one day, you'll love your job.. Actually, it's not a job anymore. It's just the hobby that gives you money.

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