RE: 5 + 1 Words In English, Every Day: High and low, legumes

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5 + 1 Words In English, Every Day: High and low, legumes

in life •  6 years ago 

The translations are a bit incorrect my friend.

Peas are not "alverjas" they are "arvejas"

Legumes are "las legumbres" not "los legumbre" the substantive is feminine.

Make note of this tiny corrections , otherwise Spanish speakers wont get you when ordering food hehe

Beans are "frijoles" not "frejoles"

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With "las legumbres", you are right, I corrected it. Thank you.
By peas and beans, there are soooo many local variations I simply can't list them all. Especially in Latin America.

Diccionario Real Academia de Esp.:
De arveja.

  1. f. algarroba (‖ planta).

  2. f. Am. guisante.