in life •  8 years ago 

Alright let me take control here. Let me show you how im about to blow up on steemit. Im just a really cool dude. Yup. Thats what I got going for me. Oh yea and im a networker. So I kick ass like that following son??? Trust me all your friends will be asking you 

Thats effing hilarious. I know that… Dont be thinking you know you whats up when you step on my turf… This is MY HOUSE. DONT F WITH ME U KNOW???

Oh it doesnt end homie. You know what steem is about??? Its about not giving a crap what girls think of you. It isnt about playing BEER PONG WHICH IS LAME AF. Unless your playing with the right people… Then yea anything is fun…

I spit it how it is…. Im not corny. Im dope. Im the person who makes it really easy to keep reading and reading…. 

Why is it we dont read anymore??? Are we busy? Lazy? Or just to tech savy? None of the reasons mentioned are a justification by any means. Its hard to give up what you have, but sometimes you have the most when you are really thinking you have nothing….

Theres a thought? should I STEEMIT? YEA LETS STEEMIT! I love how that shit sounds… I beat my chest like a chimp kid. Ready to take on life, this is a motivation speech on steroids! And it never stops. Whats next world domination??? EASY. ILL DO IT ALL STONED AF.. IT DOeSnt enD here. LIKE I SAID ILL BE STEEMING ALL DAY…..

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Someone is blazing on Steemit. Haha!

good one