I went through for the first time in a while, since I had been sick, and voted on some posts.
@axeman-appics made numerous posts of lovely ladies in boudoir portraits. He is very inspirational and so are the models.
@quentindeschamps posted two lovely portraits of Marie a muse, lovely pregnant young lady and for some reason they were NSFW and I had to ask why? His photographs were elegant and she was presented beautifully with her growing baby. My how inspiring to see in her the hopes of a new mother.
So these two artists and the models that posed were examples of life. Continuing life and hope, the way the world was meant to be. Fathers, mothers, children.
It was good to see, feel. Makes life and hardships bearable.
I have been told repeatedly I would become a father and perhaps that will happen. I have desired nothing more for decades. I come from a large family with an absolutely huge number of relatives.
It is them I think about and how they do in this world driven off its axis by the mad.
Here in America and around the world I have fought to the death several United species that wished to completely annihilate this Earth and all around us.
I have battled against beings so powerful that I could not truly conceive of what I was doing and thought I would not live this long. Nevertheless, we the Heavenly Host have come out victorious.
Again, I somehow contracted some severe viruses over the Christmas Holidays and without any medical attention other that of God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit, the healing corps of the Host, survived.
Apparently, two more galaxies have been saved from complete destruction and absorption by the Beings from the Void.
I really had nothing to do with those except my participation in going to a anti-welcome center to a voider gate to heaven for about six months and participating in its destruction, complete removal from our universe.
It was so deceptive that I saw and experienced first hand, the tactics that made the Beings from the Void nearly unbeatable. So, we suffer from the weather they placed upon the planet Earth and this evil weather used as a weapon against us will wright soon enough I expect.
The sources of power given to human beings who decided to follow the culture of death which ultimately came from the Beings of the Void are gone. Exterminated.
I had a chance to die after my battle with a male super-voider, a king, emperor of their kind who nearly won.
How can such things be decided so easily by Armor, Sword, Hammer, and Shield? Yes he was so powerful. I absorbed Him into my sword but even contained by the power of God, I had to beat the sword with my Hammer, smash him into complete submission and it took several hours. This while ill and weak. Then, something I do not normally do, forced myself to heaven to hand him over to God.
It was like being in a battle with a black hole. Yes, I was weak. Doubt and uncertainty filled me and grew because, how did I know I truly took this all powerful being to heaven's gate?
All I could truly do was hope. And then, I was so weak, so nearly consumed I lost consciousness. I was told I had died. I stood in the beauty of life in heaven unimaginable. Life in its purity, simplicity.
I had written that the Treasury of the United States was being robbed at will, acts of war, that there were persons involved in this planned treason, the psychotic wish to take complete control and institute a dictatorial rule of the American and free persons of the Earth by tyrants. It became self evident.
The story broke. The culture of death tried to hide the facts. The U.S. Treasury was compromised and other countries robbed it at will and all the culture of death did was borrow more money to cover it.
The culture of death touted that we moved into a new era while rank after rank of business fell into bankruptcy. While people suffered and all they did was laugh. They tried to stage terrorist attacks, spin the news and throws things up as the culture of death tried to strap steel bands around all liberty.
They turned off the water supply to fire hydrants in Los Angeles, California and Los Angeles burns.
Let's go back in time to that art and wine festival my wife and and I attended forty years ago. That fellow that came up and bothered us, who turned out to the High Priest of the Temple of Set in San Francisco, California. Why report him? Was he identifiable? No. But he was definitely a huge part of the culture of death. A culture that grew, that thought itself all powerful and oh did his church have so many government, business, and military members. He was a captain in the military while he had this other function, his religion...
Imagine such a thing in this day and age?
A giant culture of death, one that would create abortion and abort several generations of American children and most recently they also wanted to change children's sexes. Have no sexes, merely their power and the exorcise of that power at will thereof.
Straight in clear plain view of the eyes of God, who is Life itself.
They kick, the culture of death does, they scream, they abuse, murder, and hope to live in Voider Heaven under Mr. Orange whose sole goal was to...
I was standing in the Real Welcome Center when one of those containers popped into the transport container area and God said, Do not open it. He kicked it back to Mr. Orange who did not want that, what was in it.
We be playing kick the can for some time to come, God said. He doesn't want my youngest son and I don't want him. So that being of chaos is bound. The one that one of the "leaders of culture of death, Hilary Clinton," said, we love chaos!
So the culture of death loves chaos. God will give more chaos to them than they will ever wish to have, forever.
It's sad. As I saw how beautiful heaven was compared to anything I had ever experienced, life in its wonderful natural existence with out any stain of impurity, no fentanyl, heroine, meth, cocaine, or any of the other scourges famine, disease, war, and the culture of death and those who feed on us for their superior, elitist, sadistic, ridiculous amounts of law and regulations pleasure. I choose heaven.
I choose Liberty and what is now a pair of rabbits running around the house as the hawk flies, the rodents run, the owl hoots, and how flowers grow wildly in January here this year.
At night they freeze and one would think they would die from the frost but they don't. The grass by the few trees we have green and lush in the midst of winter despite all the freezing.
The spring that flows into the pool I made that God said he would put there.
Yes, it has been painful. But one thing I have seen, right, good triumphs over evil, and a divine foot kicks chaos around like a toy across time and universes.
The culture of life laughs in the face of chaos and death.
An aside on migration: One does recall God declared, "Every man to his own tent." Meaning stay in your own country, house, apartment, cardboard box, or wherever you are because if you do not, you die or be very sick because of the plagues about to come forth. If you don't believe this, ask Marky Mark, the Zucky-Zuck who must have decided that prophecy among others should be censored. I just asked God, Is that lifted and His was, "No. It is still every man to his own tent."
(That's why I pretty much stay here, )