Let's Talk About What We Aren't Supposed To Talk About... Religion!

in life •  7 years ago 

As I strolled today with my five completely non-compliant anarchist dogs I decided to delve into the nature of reality. And, in particular, I got into one of the two things you aren't supposed to talk about... probably because if you talk about them you'll realize what a scam they are... religion.

By religion I mean man-made organized, dogmatic, pay-to-play frauds that sell, not offer, God to people.

But, more than that, I mostly just questioned everything. That's kinda just my thing. I'm the adult version of a 5 year old child. "But, why?" is my most asked question in response to a statement.

And the more you ask about religion the more you realize what a joke it is.

Religion has nothing to do with spirituality, though... which I am very into.

Anyway, you can hear all my whacky views on it here:

You may be surprised to hear in the video that the craziest religion, in my opinion, is actually atheism.

Check it out to see why. And leave comments (which I am sure there will be more than a few!) on where you think I am wrong... or right!

In an upcoming video I will go into what I think reality is and what is actually going on here. Stay tuned here on Steemit for that coming soon!

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Hi Jeff, I am Christian and I watched your whole video. I upvoted it not because I believe all you said but because you did say some things that rang true. I am truly impressed that you want to learn more and you are still open minded about things (That's a great sign!) but I do hope you read the Bible and at least pray to God to reveal things to you. I hear lots of the same comments you made from many people and wish I had all the answers but I do not. As far as I am concerned the Bible is the true inspired word of God and that's where I stand on that. Many people want to argue my belief and I choose to state what I believe is true and defend my faith but never argue with anyone about it. We all have a choice to make on our own and I notice a lot of Christians argue and push the Christian belief on others to try and save them. First off no man can save another. Only Jesus can save. Secondly we are not supposed to argue with anyone but simply preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to work in that person. Some plant a seed and some water but only God can bring increase. Keep searching and stay open minded. Don't give up on Jesus and just try talking to God and asking for wisdom in this matter. I pray for you brother and wish you all the best in the future!

Of course there is no god. Maybe this post intent was to be debated and full of comments and upvotes ;)

May God Bless you @mrnastykilla and may our Lord Jesus Christ walk with you and fill you with the Holy Spirit until the day of his return.

And now he answers for his belief or lack there of. So sad!

You think in hell Satan rails him up the pooper with a rusty pole while hes wearing an Easter Bunny suit? Sounds like a good time!

Ok didn't say that. Now you are just being vile. Glad that sounds good to you my friend.

Wow, I thought eternal damnation was supposed to be edgy, how touchy the religious are, can't take a joke and easily offended.

Well,- there is a good loving God, - but I am mostly writing this to test if I am able to publish what I am writing. Has not been able to publish my response to Jeff all day. Thanks for understanding.

The sun is our god =)

lol ok, if that's your God I hope you don't mind if I pray for you?

Jesus was an anarchist

Yes! And the forms of Christianity that are the mainstream nowadays are derived from propaganda by the Roman Empire. They were trying to suppress the Jewish revolt. That's why, for example, you are taught to "turn the other cheek". If there is a form of Christianity that is true , it could be gnostic Christianity. Gnostic Christianity has more in common with Buddhism than mainstream Christianity. Hook me up @tradersharpe to discuss more.

Jesus loves you!


Fuckin retard

a05f370e65df6048397225674a949e1a.jpgHave a Blessed day!

To be honest Im extremely disappointed in you Jeff. Here you are with the microphone and people to listen, and you actually pull them from the word of God. CHRIST IS NOT A RELIGION IT IS THE TRUTH. Anarchy might not be a religion but you practice like it is, which is dangerous in itself. You want to expose the truth? You want to free the minds of the people? Then educate yourself with Christ. You are no different then the Satanist you expose if your a heathen and spread that ideology to others... Your either with us or against us JEFF WAKE UP & READ SCRIPTURE!!!

You know when you look at a painting and think... huh that looks allot like a painting some other person made, well that's what Jesus is. A compilation of myths unified into one by wise Greeks in a philosophy known as Gnosticism wich later became 1st century Christianity. "Gnosticism consisted of many syncretistic belief systems which combined elements taken from Asian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek and Syrian pagan religions, from astrology, and from Judaism and Christianity."

Jesus loves you!


Jesus still loves you!

All you touch and all you see is all that your life will ever be.

One day we will all stand before our creator and take account for everything we have ever said and done. If one repents and turns to Jesus then all will be forgiven and our canvas is clean. We start fresh and new. All our sins will be forgiven. It starts with Faith! Faith in God as our creator and Faith in his son Jesus Christ that died on the cross for our sins to wash us clean. The Grace we are given is a free gift and all we need to do is accept that gift and give our lives to Jesus to be saved. Our life here on this earth is more than what we see and touch. It is our chance to serve Jesus and spread the gospel to others. To do the good works that Jesus commanded. One day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We will all see him coming in the clouds and if some are not ready by that point it will be to late. I pray that you open your heart to Jesus and repent of any sin in your life before then for we are all sinners and none was perfect accept Jesus. God Bless!


To be honest jeff don't give a fuck. He didn't push anyone in any direction. also don't go claiming CHRIST IS NOT A RELIGION IT IS THE TRUTH in all caps as if caps makes it more true. Bitch were you there a few thousand years ago to confirm it's true? The absolute worst part about what you said is "You're either with us or against us". This is exactly the kind of thinking that starts wars. I'm glad as fuck you only have a screen and keyboard in front of you and not any real power. There's no real point in trying to convince anyone of anything. Don't bother.

Jeff is notorious for being a scammer himself. I like Jeff but he is slightly obsessed with money and making it. This reflects his lack of Christian values. Hes also very judgmental, very quick to label people villains without actually knowing their personal lives. He is quick to say when he was right but not so quick to admit when he is wrong. And yes this is the type of thinking that starts wars but usually the Christians are the ones being prosecuted and killed for being morally just. The Crusades? People will argue. But the crusades was run by the church not by the Son of God. Also, the crusades where not created to spread Christianity (like most brainwashed Americans learned in school) but it is was directly for political and economical power. The word of God is a source of knowledge. And it can be used for good OR evil. Using our mind however you can take the words as literal interpretations you will only find goodness from it. JEFF DOESNT KNOW SHIT ABOUT SPIRITUALITY. (CAPS LOCK BECAUSE THE DUDE HAS NEVER READ PAGE TO PAGE ABOUT THE BIBLE AND YET HE TALKS ABOUT RELIGION LIKE HES GOD-SENT) PLUS HES A HEATHEN? DO I HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING ELSE?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Disappointed in someone who does not believe in what you believe? Did you check out the Quran? If negative, then the Muslims are really disappointed with you for not believing in Allah! LOL
Open up your mind.

"You're either with us or against us". Those words are scary! I guarantee that isn't what the word of God preaches. It sure isn't even close the the lessons Jesus preached while he was here.

The two thousand years of existence of Christianity should instruct us on what it really is and what has it done in the world and to the world. As frequently said, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. And so, what have we “ate” of Christianity and what happened to us, what did it do to us? Can we pinpoint gains of Christianity for the world and humanity in its two thousand years of existence? Perhaps there will be as many answers as the number of people who will try to answer such questions. For this post I can only proffer more questions that are relevant to our individual and collective quest for answers,

  1. We have no direct knowledge on what the world was at the time of Christ. The indirect knowledge we have that was taught to us by our elders, institutions and cultures, the world then was not at all a pretty sight. Today, based on what we know and learned, the world does not make a pretty sight either. Why is the world so dismal and very much in disarray?
  2. Before Christ ascended and left the world to return to the Father he said that greater things will we do than he did. Reviewing Christian history, there seem to be not even one that could reach his stature and greatness. Why? Did Christ fail in His ministry?
  3. If the gospel and teaching that Christianity teaches today is the same one that Christ left to His disciples, then it could only mean that Christianity is a failure in its two thousand years of effort to change man?
  4. Christ said that the greatest commandment to man was to love God with all his heart, with all his soul and with all his strength; and that he should also love his fellow humans as he loves himself. Who among the Christian churches made this the foundation stone of their ministry? Were the churches more interested in enlarging and controlling their followers for more mundane purposes rather than installing and promoting this philosophy of love for the whole world?
  5. A popular word in our present day reality is the term “terrorist.” Who were the first terrorists? Did not the church burn tens of thousands of people in public places in its effort to cleanse the world of witches, warlocks and worshippers of the devil? This happened during the “inquisition” in earlier church history.
  6. Did not the church during the time of Galileo excommunicate those who refused to recant from their belief that the earth revolved around the sun? Bruno, an associate of Galileo, got burnt at the stake for this. What other untruths did the church impose on its followers? Was it not also that the church arrogated unto itself the forgiveness of sins and required its followers to confess their sins to priests who proved to be quite fallible and not the spiritual superior of the ordinary lay person? And claims infallibility of its titular head? Were these for the spiritual welfare of the people or was it to have a greater control over the masses?
  7. The two world wars that caused the greatest pain, suffering and sorrow for the greatest number of humans were fomented and caused in the Christian world. It would be interesting to find out what roles has the church played in these terrible world events. Did the church left a finger when the Germans were exterminating the Jews? No it did nothing to help or protect the Jews. Was not the church astride both camps of the two world wars?

Hi @jeffberwick i watched your whole video, and i find it fascinating that theres another side of you that is more spiritual in nature. Definetly something is going on but we don't really know what it is. But it feels very positive and i sense we are all fighting for freedom we just don't realize it. Only when we unite and think collectively then changes happen in an instant. Fear is the illusion that is programmed in us that keeps us lock up with the reality we are facing. I very much liked your video and talking about something serious and mind blowing

I grew up and still and Christian. It's not about "religion" as much as it is a "relationship" with Jesus. Something that took until recently to see was possible 😊

There is a quote I read somewhere quite awhile ago - "I don't mind God but I do not fancy his fan club" in that matter. I don't mind believing in a higher power even if I'm not a real believer in the supernatural but Religion has done more wrong that right and has killed more people that it has ever saved troughout the years. It is a machine for manipulation and money that people are blindly following for 'the greater good'. Sad really how so many people have lost the 'child with the questions - But why?'.

guy's i'm not saying because i'm a true believers in christ but it doesn't mean that i'm not a sinner. faith is also a gift from God. remember that we are created in his own image but we have our own choice i pray that before the second coming of Jesus christ you we're still alive so that you can witness his glory.

I agree with you.For me It's our faith in God is the most important. Its not the religion nor our good deeds towards others.

True, religion will not save anyone, nor our good deeds. The Bible clearly states that many will still go to hell even though they did good works. Without Faith the works are dead. The Bible also Clearly states we are saved by Grace through Faith. We are made into new creations and good works will follow. Some people think they are saved by good works without Faith. I think they have it somewhat backwards.

Yes Grace is our gift to receive freely and Faith is what we develop in our relationship with Christ. We have all been given our own Sovereign will to make a choice. Which way we choose will decide the out come.

No shit. Let's not forget man's version of a god flooded the entire world and killed practically everyone and everything...... almost. Strange that people would follow such a being even if he had a change of heart later? I'm no atheist but man's version ain't for me..........

Well that is what Christians believe. There are quite a lot of Gods out there :). Another thought.. how is everyone so convinced that their God is the real one and everyone else's is false?

I still can't stomach the story of God killing his own child and it is celebrated yearly......I do believe in God/Creator/Source....but not the lessons being taught. It's all pretty twisted to me :(

You are in error God did not kill his own child his own child layed his own life down freely he had power to lay it down and power to take it back he himself said no man takes my life from me i lay it down freely and he purposed to do this before he layed the foundations of the world when he forknew that man would rebel and sin against God so see you now have no excuse to reject him and live in your rebellion

I am entitled to my own feelings on the subject. It still doesn't impress me and I choose not to be subjected to this programming and control. The beauty is, you are entitled to your own feelings and I hope they bless you always. In Love Brother

Well, really if we think about it for a moment God the father, the son, and the holy spirit are one in the same or at least that's what I was taught so in essence God himself came down as Jesus and had himself murdered by man for our sins. Now, as strange as this sounds even more strange to me would be that he wrote that way before it happened due to him knowing all. He knew I was going to write this today before he created the Earth. So in fact if he knows all and created all that would include all good and bad we experience and perceive here in this realm or could it be that this is just life? We are all part of the "source" here learning through experiences and taking that knowledge back to the source where eventually we will reside. But, to condemn ourselves for these experiences whether good or bad while we are here is not part of my mind set or beliefs and only cripples ones growth. Karma is real in my belief and will come back on one in one form or another but the idea of eternal damnation from yet another one of man's god and his creations isn't. Jeff's right that religion and politics seem to be taboo. It's good to see a post where people can relay their feelings/thoughts and have feedback from others. Discussions are good within these topics. Not everyone agree's one way or the other but the subject matter shouldn't be taboo and it's certainly not one sided. I wish you all well on your journeys through life................

I seek to base my assumptions on Gods written word for he has said heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall never pass away.Knowing this we are wise to base are opinions on that written word rather than our reasoning feelings and opinions The Father Son and Holy Spirit are One in the sense that they agree on everything yet are separate entitys Jesus said me and my Father are one My Father sent me i am not alone my Father is always with me Father i have done the work that you sent me to do recieve me now back to the glory that i once had it is not i but the father that dwells in me does the work i could go on and on where Jesus signifies that he and his father are separate yet one in that they agree and also same as with the Spirit he told his followers go unto Jerusalem and wait for the promise of the Spirit which you have heard of from me it is more needful for you that i go else the Spirit will not come but if i go i will send him so you see there is much evidence that they are separate yet agree i could give many more examples my point is we should base our opinions and beliefs on Gods revealed will his written word

Interesting point. Thank you for your comment. I appreciate the response. I still have a hard time with the traditional viewpoint but my mind is always open to other rational persons and their beliefs. You're right in that this discussion could go on and on but I don't mind in the sense that it never hurts to listen. It's all very interesting to me and again I thank you.

I totally resonate with you and agree this is all a learning experience. We each have our own individual perception of actually the same story. It is quite beautiful when you look at it that way ;)

Genesis 6King James Version (KJV)
6 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
10 And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

God reset the board sort of speak. Noah had the same Y chromosome as Adam did. And Adam's father was Creator God. Made in his own image. So when the 1/3 fallen angels following Lucifer slept with the daughters and had half-angel half human children.. Their actions corrupted all flesh within a few generations? Save 'perfect' Noah. Noah's three sons were pure as well. In fact, thanks to the flood, every human male shares the same inherited Y. The wives of his three sons arguably had corrupted X chromosomes. So inherently God gave his creation a second chance free from "Evil Angel-Daddy's DNA". The punishment to the angels was/is so severe that this offense won't be repeated again- ever. The spirits that died in the flood are the wandering, familiar spirits we wrestle against every day. They are the ones that answer rituals and demonic summonings and Ouija boards. That stuff is real-- right? The angels that committed these trespasses I believe are still bound in chains until they are unleashed in the final yet approaching days.

We know giants persisted through history. Goliath was of the giant. He had 12 fingers 12 toes. The peoples Joshua would wipe out entirely were all giant. The spies reported how they were as grasshoppers in the sight of the inhabitant peoples.

How could this be post-flood? Well that's the three sons' three wives for ya... there were giants in those days, and also after that.

Right on the money, i have always wondered if the Nephilims were destroyed with the flood how come we had giant afterwards. Though i don't think its has simple as it being narrowed down to chromosomes because that would make women a protege of the corrupted flesh, but yes Noah's wife and daughters in-law seems to be the explanation for the proliferation of the Nephilims "sons of Anak".

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

When you say "The angels that committed these trespasses I believe are still bound in chains until they are unleashed in the final yet approaching days", and you say these "spirits" supposedly have died in the flood and already buried underground. Through simplistic interpretation, my first though is, could this be reflected in what is already happening today. Fossil fuels supposed to have originated from a mass burial extinction, represented by the "flood". In this modern age, they are being dug up, drilled, burned and "unleashed" into the air we breath, causing pollution, climate change, and war over oil towards the "final yet approaching days". God create Adam (man) to take care of His creation (Gen 2:15). That was our purpose, to care and maintain peace in this world, until we gained "the knowledge of good and evil" and we realise we can abuse the "creation", knowingly or unknowingly, for our own selfish gains, lust and pride. This resulted in "sin", which in the original Greek and Hebrew, means to miss our target, and in this sense, to lose our original purpose.

Hey bro! Enjoy these comments. I should have been more clear. The spirits of the half-breeds that died in the flood are the 'wandering' spirits of today. And the original angels that fell are according to scripture still bound in chains. YES- I am pointing out that the female 'dna' was indeed corrupted still to this day. However, there's no way they can pass a faulty Y to a male.

Original sin... The bible states that Eve was the mother of all living. However, it doesn't state that Adam was the father of all living. I believe scripture shows us that the father of Cain is the serpent. And I think we were all created because God is bored or maybe lonely? However, making friends with a Robot wouldn't be as fulfilling as making friends with someone that could freely accept or reject you. Independently able to make choices resulting in death or life. Cain's lineage is never connected to Adam. Furthermore, you can see how Christ compared to the kingdom of heaven as a man sowing wheat, and his enemy came and sowed tares. Lest the harvest be ruined, the 'tares' (the weeds, the evil) are allowed to mature with the good (wheat) until the very end.

Maybe the devil has convinced us that he is God. Let's face it if there was indeed an antichrist then he'd be responsible for all the disasters we call an 'act of God'

You do realize that when you say higher power you could be referring even to Satan? Satan is called the god of this earth. Little g. He controls the earth and the first heaven which is our immediate atmosphere. Saying you believe in a higher power really leaves the door open for so much. Many people say they believe in a God or higher power but in the Bible even the demons and Satan himself believes in God but that is not going to save them. Only believing in Jesus Christ and his death, burial and resurrection will. Not going to push the Gospel of Jesus Christ on you but I did want to state that. Many Blessings to you sir!


In the end respect is the most important part. But it is a theme that can be talked nonstop and there are always something to discuss and talk about.

Yes. More.
I have a lot of the same questions, interested in your conclusions/thought processes about this stuff.

Nice article!

People have different views on the world. Ignorant persons for example can't see with other eyes cause they choose to not to. Its all about truth or not? We have to seek truth if we wanna see god. Is your life a gift? yes? then treat it like that. Many people are more likely to be proud of what they have done. That what makes them blind for the things that really count

Jeff, I like your honesty, openness and sincerity. Definitely nothing you said angered me as a believer in Christ.
I believe you are sincerely looking for truth come what may, as we all should be. Fact is, I really like talking to people who are open to possibilities, but skeptical and questioning.
Just a thought but , is it possible you don't have spiritist type experiences because you are being protected from them?

As far as sin goes, I think the spiritual link between mankind and God was severed at almost the very beginning of our(mankind's) existence. God immediately promised to provided a bridge to bring us all back. Anyone before the cross just had to accept his offer and believe he would do what he promised. Anyone after the cross just needs to accept his offer and believe that he accomplished it. This world truly isn't what it seems, each of us has a very important part in all of it.
Keep talking any subjects that inspire you, always well done.

Well that's they key @warren-peace . I am the same way and don't mind having a conversation with anyone open minded that is searching, however it seems more and more these days that people are so grounded in their own beliefs that they are closed minded and defensive to discussion. Many are just out to try and shoot you down or prove you wrong. I believe many like that have totally ruined the faith of many Christians that were not strong in faith already. Truly the work of the enemy for sure. If someone is like that then I just don't argue with them but only state my beliefs, try to plant a seed and move on while praying that the Holy Spirit works in their life. That's all we can do.

Very true @saved4newlife . It is important for undecided people who are saved or not, to see examples of Christians who share the truth in love and are not drug down into the gutters by some of the scoffers and trolls. When people see we are unshaken in our beliefs and can give a rational, logical defense, it reveals hope. We can answer skeptics without being baited into a fruitless argument, the trick is to discern who is sincere, and who is just trolling ;-)

Agreed 100%. Thanks for your great response. It is so encouraging to know that others are inspired by the truth and helps to increase the strength in us all. Blessings to you and thanks again!

It was probs satan he a bad guy, jesus a good guy

For some reason I thought you were a closet Muslim before this haha. You believe in a higher power, daily meditation, the fasting, the not drinking, the charity all you need to do is go to Mecca and you would have completed the 5 pillars of Islam haha. Sunni and Shia are the two sects you speak of, there is also tension between the Muslim spiritual Mystics (sufis) and the so called Othodox (Salafi). Muslims believe in Jesus as a prophet of God not 'God-man'. But I do agree the church is generally crap there is some good in the bible the Sermon of the Mount is beautiful piece of literature. Keep truckin' Jeff.

I say talk about everything and be as transparent as possible. People need to know the INFO that @jeffberwick is sharing with us. LUCY SITz !!!

Yes, it's time to wake up....coffee anyone?

Havin' mine now ;)

Cup 3 haha!

@jeffberwick Good man Jeff! Yeah, Religion and Politics, the two taboo topics. Why? Because ye powers that be don't want us looking under the hood and analysing or questioning their stuff. (What's new, right?) Until the printing press they controlled the complete flow of information.

And they are doing their very best to get it back that way ever since.

I believe that going to church makes me, or anyone else, no more religious..or spiritual.. than standing in a field makes me a cow.

State: (politics) Do what we say or get punished for (up to) life!
Churches: (religion) Do what we say or get punished for (up to) eternity!

And don't question any of this stuff! It's "impolite" talk at the dinner table ;)

All I know Jeff is that nothing I see could have created what I see.

nice location you shot this video..love the rocks and trees and vegetatios and the loud giant chicken birds...
but eligion truly is a no go area... for many especially those who commit terror in the name of God...I for one is open for more ideas....i do not like dogmas
thanks for sharing this

"GIANT chicken birds" oh my.............. haha! That's some funny shit!

yeah... and love your sense of humor... you a great guy... keep it up...

;) Thanks!

Thanks...find time to check my new post on breast milk for adults

I believe that intellectual honesty must always come first, regardless of the personal comfort that a doctrine will bring us.

Embracing a doctrine without worrying about whether it is true or false is as honest as not caring where the money came from, as long as it is in our hand. We must always be honest and trustworthy, with ourselves and with others.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I was an hardcore Atheist till the Flat Earth hit me. Then I became sceptical about Evolution, especially after seeing Darwin in the masonic Vow of Silence pose.
The Bible has a lot of truths, yet many things like "Jesus Christ dying for our sins and resurrecting" make no sense to me. What might be true is the whole Anunnaki/Nephilim thing which matches archaeological findings.
The Anunnaki ruled by making human beings work for them by locking them in a matrix and fooling them , so it is possible that some of the Elite families believe they are descendants of the Anunnaki and must rule in the same way.
Anyway, the only thing I believe at the moment is that there is a Creator and this world is not the result of random coincidences.

How did the flat earth hit you?

Lavater have you ever listened to or reviewed Rob Skiba's videos or FB post on flat earth?

no, I will look into them. thanks!

Skiba is controlled opposition. He's not all truth.

The wages of sin is death that is the penalty for sin the resurrection is the proof that penalty was met or paid for so Christ died for the sins of the whole world which being tempted he never did but offered up his life for the penalty of the worlds sin so that now the whole world does not have to live in death but he can secure all that come to him in faith by his substatuional death for them

Fallen Angels. The whole lot. Demons and fallen angels.

You are on the right path. Keep praying to God to reveal things to you. Don't rule out Jesus Christ. Keep praying. Flat earth or not it doesn't matter. That wont save you, only trusting in Jesus Christ will. Don't be misled by distractions of Satan. That is his plan to distract, divide and take your soul. He is the Author of confusion. Blessings to you!

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.

so what about EOS?

I think if people stopped talking about religions and other racist stuff we maybe resolve most of our community problems

Science has become a religion too.

Your thoughts are very much closer to islam. Whatever you said has been mentioned in Quran. Just give it try. Read Quran.
the answer of your question why we are here is there in quran.
this will be useful for introduction to Islam: invitetoislam.org

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Bahahahaha!!! Islam is sooooo contradictory and self-refuting that anyone with half a brain and a bit of ability to think critically can refute it. It only works on weak-minded humans who lack a proper ability to think critically and break away from the traditions and cultures of their family and ancestors which could very well be Satanic(not necessarily but possible and in the case of Islam, true)...


Jesus loves you!

The belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity!

Science- The belief of something created by God but taken to a new level by people that are so small minded that they make science their God. Then these same people that made science their God use science to try and disprove the God of the Bible in effect disproving their whole argument from the start. LOL. I haven't seen evolution in process. If Darwin were alive today he would even say he was crazy then. Name one creature right now that is evolving into something else as we speak! Who believes in crazier stuff here? LOL. Who knows, maybe just maybe tomorrow will be your lucky day and the world will discover a chicken that turns into a donkey. Maybe we were all just created from soup after everything went bang and so created chickens that turned to donkeys and then maybe to apes and man. Or are you just Atheist which is it's own crazy religion of no basis what so ever but some believe in nothing so much that they need to try to crush or convince other people how wrong they are to make themselves feel better and justified. This is exactly why the Bible tells us not to cast pearls before swine. It's a waste. Do not cast your seed off the path into the rocks. Seed can't grow in rocks. However cast your seed upon the fertile ground. This is why I don't really debate with people that have no real interest in learning the truth. Blessings!

wow your fucked up in the head, i didnt realize how dumb you were this whole time....I'll stop now... chickens to donkeys? holy shit....

lol first thing that came to mind.

And remember when the angels said, "O Mary, God sends you the good news of a Command of His: his name shall be Messiah, Jesus son of Mary. He will be highly honored in this world and in the Next World and he will be among those favored by God. He will speak to the people alike when in the cradle and when grown up, and he will be among the righteous." Hearing this, Mary said, "How, O Lord, shall I have a son, when no man has ever touched me?" "Thus shall it be,"44 was the answer. God creates whatever He wills. When He decrees a thing, He only says, "Be" and it is. (Continuing their message, the angels added,) "And God will teach him the Book and wisdom, and give him the knowledge of the Torah and the Gospel, and appoint him as His Messenger to the children of Israel." Quran 3:45-49

Jesus(Peace be upon him) has been mentioned in Quran 25 times. We believe that he was one of the mightiest messengers of Almighty God.
We believe that he was born miracleously with out any father.
We also believe that he has not died yet and he will come back to Earth one more time before the Judgement day.

Then the children of Israel began to plot (against Jesus) and God also devised His secret plan, and God is the best of devisers. (It was to carry out His secret plan that) He said, "O Jesus, now I will recall you and raise you up to Myself and cleanse you of (the uncongenial company and the filthy environment of ) those who have rejected you and will set up those who follow you above those who have rejected you till the Day of Resurrection. And ultimately all of you shall return to Me: then I will judge between you in what you differ, and punish with a grievous punishment, both in this world and in the Hereafter, those who have adopted the attitude of disbelief and rejection and they shall have none to help them. And those, who have believed and done good deeds, shall be given their rewards in full. And note it well that God does not like the transgressors." Quran 3:54-57

"And Allah has sent down rain from the sky and given life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who listen." (Qur'an, 16:65)

"And it is He (God) who has made you successors upon the earth and has raised some of you above others in degrees [of rank] that He may try you through what He has given you. Indeed, your Lord is swift in penalty; but indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful." (Qur'an 6:165).

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. Savior to all. Praise Jesus. Come quickly oh Lord!

I really agree with you on this topic. Religion is man made rubbish! Spirituality on the other hand... is an entirely different thing altogether. I would like to consider myself a "spiritual" individual!

I really enjoy your "outside the box" approach to things :)

Great post as always @jeffberwick

“Eat and drink from the provision of Allaah, and do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption." (Qur'an, 2:60)

"And there is no creature on [or within] the earth or bird that flies with its wings except [that they are] communities like you. We have not neglected in the Register a thing. Then unto their Lord they will be gathered." (Qur'an, 6:38)

"And it is He who sends down rain from the sky, and We produce thereby the growth of all things. We produce from it greenery from which We produce grains arranged in layers. And from the palm trees - of its emerging fruit are clusters hanging low. And [We produce] gardens of grapevines and olives and pomegranates, similar yet varied. Look at [each of] its fruit when it yields and [at] its ripening. Indeed in that are signs for a people who believe." (Qur'an, 6:99)

"And We have sent down blessed rain from the sky and made grow thereby gardens and grain from the harvest." (Qur'an, 50:9)

That's they say religion is a matter of Faith :)

No. You can prove God exists. You don't actually need faith, facts are quite clear.

Where are these facts?

How about doing some research on prophecies in the Bible. Maybe you will see how things are taking place and lining up for the end times. Keep looking up for our redemption draws nigh.

Do some research yourself, there is zero credible evidence for the biblical. )

Said no one ever that actually did research. You probably spent more time researching that meme than actually looking into prophecy of the Bible and how things are truly lining up. Seems that's how everyone is anymore though, they just take a side without full knowledge and start regurgitating whatever they were force fed to the point of insanity even though the signs were all around them if they just took the actual time to look.
Next i'm sure you will want to prove your point that God is not real and the Bible was written by men and so on and so on but you will get no argument here. I pray for your soul brother and wish you the best in future meme hunting since that's how you seem to want to spend your valuable time instead of really researching. Best wishes!

How ignorant you are to assume what I have researched. I grew up in a deeply relgious family, attending church weekly and reading the bible and (the entire New Testament and most of the Old Testament) in school untill my sophmore year of college. I've been a memeber of of both protestant and Catholic churches in my life and have spent countless hour researching the history of the bible, The new testament was written by wise Greek and Roman men based on historical records from from the Roman-Jewish scribe Flavius Joesephus. The Jesus of the gospel is clearly an amalgamtion of ancient Egyptian astronomy gods, like Horus and many others(watch the video I posted above in the first thread you commented on). The bible is a product of man, a reaction the Jeudain War and occupation by Rome, Gnostic Greek and Jewish philosphy, and political motivated propaganda from the Flavian Roman Empire, class dismissed.

What? WaAAT WhAAAAT? No retort S4NL ??? Damn.................

I doubt @saved4newlife will respond to this logic, the same way I doubt that his demi-god, Jesus Christ exists. I don't know if there is no god, however, the bible is very weak empirical evidence for the claim that there is. The devout make a conscious choice to ignore the credibility of the bible.

What would you want me to say. It's obvious that he and I think differently. I will say one thing. The Bible is written in such a way that if you read a verse and I read the same one, we come away with a different perspective for the most part. I pray before reading my Bible so that God reveals to me the true nature of his message. Others that just read or memorize may get a totally different idea of what was written. That is the wisdom of God. To some many things will be revealed. To scoffers and Mockers not so much. Blessings!

OK :)

You know what Im going to do after a life for full "sin?" Tell god I love him right before I die so that I can see you in heaven for eternity, We'll have a nice angelic beer and laugh about how easy it is to get in those pearly gates.

This is the best description of that book,
"This book, like it's earlier version, is a "20 pound term paper." Josh props up his premises with as many quotes as possible. But tons of quotes don't make something true. It's very human to trust that any book this long must be true; why would anyone do so much work putting it together if it wasn't? Sorry, but some guys like writing long books. Length doesn't not add up to truth, necessarily.

I have no contempt for Josh at all; he got where he is sincerely, looking for happiness. But people get addicted to painkillers the same way.

My space here is extremely limited, so here are a couple of things to think about:

ETDAV is infested with flaws of reasoning that most individuals, especially young people, are defenseless against.

Falacies of logic are primary tools of most major media and advertisers; after so much exposure to them, many individuals reason like their brains are installed backward. They want easy answers because their culture has reinforced the idea that answers should come easily: Buy a book, read it, believe it. Easy.

Life's not like that, though, and serious Bible knowledge is not easily aquired. It wasn't until I took a logic course in college that I knew there how much my thinking and analytical skills could be improved. It was through such learning that I came to question my American Christian experience, to seek clarity and a more realistic though life.

Some of the hardest questions about the Bible are the simplest. Here are a few McDowell does not cover.

  1. If God inspired the Bible, why does it have any major problems at all?
  2. Why are there 4 gospels and all those epistles instead of just one unified "New Testament?"
  3. If a written record is/was so important, why did Jesus commit nothing to writing nor tell anyone else to take dictation?
  4. Why are devotees of others faiths (or no faith) responsible for so much of the super cool stuff we enjoy in modern life?
  5. What's up with this 2000 year delay in the second coming? (as if we haven't suffered quite enough yet?)
  6. The God of the Tower of Babel story is threatened by the tower itself. How can this be?
  7. Righteous Lot very crudely offered his virgin daughters to an angry mob for sexual sport. Nice guy; very righteous.
  8. Lot's daughters got him drunk and conceived children by him. Nice girls; very righteous...
  9. How has the Bible so easily been used to justify every sort of atrocity?"

Agreed the facts show he was here in the form of his son (God on earth) and there is proof that the people of the Bible also existed but we still need faith. We are saved by Grace through Faith in Jesus.

Yes! We need to believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins in this world and if we come to him in Faith we are saved by his Grace. Many Blessings to you!

Last one,
“Something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed. Results like these do not belong on the résumé of a Supreme Being. This is the kind of shit you'd expect from an office temp with a bad attitude. And just between you and me, in any decently-run universe, this guy would've been out on his all-powerful ass a long time ago. And by the way, I say "this guy", because I firmly believe, looking at these results, that if there is a God, it has to be a man.
No woman could or would ever fuck things up like this. So, if there is a God, I think most reasonable people might agree that he's at least incompetent, and maybe, just maybe, doesn't give a shit. Doesn't give a shit, which I admire in a person, and which would explain a lot of these bad results.” - George Carlin

Bless you and be well! I hope you find what you are looking for.

I reject your blessing, have a good one

I will. Keep looking up and remember this conversation the day Jesus returns because it will be burnt in your memory. :)

The Rapture will be an A++ hollywood blockbuster, whens it coming out?

Yes if you say so. Jesus loves you!

On how Christianity is based on astrology:

On Jesus the Kabbalist, symbolic language of Old Testament and satan as ego:

Unfortunately, the lack of religion is the US seems to have been part of its downfall. I have no religious beliefs (I don't label myself) , raised on Christian values (like most people raised in the 60s) and I'm starting to see the value in religion. A lot of people need someone/something to "guide" their life. It's unfortunate that people can't just figure out right from wrong and good from evil. It's just common sense. Maybe the problem is that parents got lazy (greedy) and started letting the government schools raise their kids.

Hmm dont follow your logic about how the US is loosing its religion, the US is the most religous western society on earth and still the most violent.

Guess some people actually have to have a religion to lose it so I can see why certain people cannot follow what you are saying. I understand what you mean. We are a Christian nation and were based on Christian standards and we have fallen away from God. Other people that are Atheist just can't see that because they are either wrapped up in their own Atheist religion or are too bust making science projects to have something to believe in. People are lost, this country is lost and people like this will be rulers of a dying world soon with no chance for redemption. So sad. I was born in the 60s also and have seen the decline just since then. Bless you my friend and keep the Faith. Jesus is coming soon!

you've completely missed the point there bud, but then again as a man of christ this is your thought process, "Christianity
A really cool religion, because if you follow it then you can go around raping, beating, and killing people, and as long as you confess your sins at the end of the day and repent you'll go to heaven!!!!!"
"I masturbate fifteen times a day, but I'm going to heaven because I tell God that I love him after I'm done!"

lol ok if you think that is how it works and you abuse the Grace that is given us then one day there may not be any Grace there for you. I think you are the one missing the point and you stereotype ( Christians ) all in the same category. Many profess to be Christians and do those things but many do not. We as Christians are saved by Grace but we are not to abuse that Grace and repent continually. Grace is there for us to work out our sin not continually abuse sin and say you are sorry over and over. Again may the Lord Bless you and keep you well long enough to see him coming in the clouds. Every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Even you my friend. Peace be with you!

Well I better start loving jesus right now then so I can go up in heaven with you and we can celebrate his grace together. Praise the lord.

Jesus loves you! :)

jesus loved Mary Magdalene too if you know what I mean ;) 8==D

You are a sad person inside aren't you? You need church and fellowship with loving people. Maybe you should seek some help. Ok off to bed now. You take care and don't bait to many people into arguments now. Blessings!

From what i read, I don't think Jesus was a big fan of religion. Of course I am coming from the standpoint of Christianity. He also wanted us to read, study and make our own conclusions. He wanted relationships with us. I do not love structured religion. Its a slippery slope and its a challenge to always examine my heart to make sure my walk stays true. Not of self. But of service. Service to God, to family, to others. Some may call it simple of me, idealistic and unrealistic. But I believe. to my core.

Thor is the only true God.

Atheism is not a choice, it is an inevitable conclusion!

Great way to get replies. Jeff do some more exercise, it seems that it would do you good, when walking and talking at the same time ;D

Hi, Jeff! You argue about interesting but not unique part of human existance. It's really complex but unsolvable "ethernal" question of our life. But everybody should ponder about such kind of world view for a reason of their own intellect expansion.

I want add from myself. There are two fundamental (and most popular) conceptions of "religion": as a social institute (organization) and as the inner condition of human being. If the first is an pragmatical instrument of society, so the second is immanent to human mental specifity.

Thaks for your attention!


I think all religion and even the lack of religion serves a purpose, however, if your beliefs lead you to unjustly harm another person then I will reject you. Believe in what you want religiously but dont harm others for disagreeing.

Unfortunately, your world view is not based on enough knowledge. To know what is true, you must find out WHO you are, and WHERE you are... Religion is not subjective . Most vintage religions are in fact fallen angel worship, and trust me, that's not the right move.

Thank you for the insights.

Agreed. The most religious amongst us tend to be strictly left or right brain dominate. good point.

Hi Jeff, yeah GOD humm? Lot of things happened in his name and many people suffered and killed in his name. It's a very weird thing, when you look at it from distance.
It's very simple: fear and guilt. These two emotions control human beings. If you're scared, you do whatever is asked. If you feel guilty, you pay, haha. I mean, that's what religion know how to do: Pay or you come to hell. And tell me your sins, otherwise you can't go to heaven. (its christianity base i know).
But thanks for the post, it's always good to talk about it. Chapeau for your brave.
Spirituality: Matt Kahn, that I'd say he has a neat spiritual view. Cause also that can become a religion (specially for rainbowkids)..


You misunderstand the difference between the God of All, and the God of this world (Lucifer) who is in fact evil. We are trapped in a host body dimension, and MUST seek the truth of our identity on this earth. Once you find the truth, you will never be afraid again. The truth will set you free, but the road is full of deception. walk carefully, for there are 10,000 wrong paths.

Have any religious beliefs you want, but don't force them on others. Organized religion is, by definition, tyrannical too.

That's very lukewarm. Seek truth, no matter what. Don't be wishy-washy, and also don't follow organized religion, but do read much about religion. The answers to who we are, where we are and why we are here have clear answers. Gotta look hard for them.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be tranfered and conserved.
Thats all your really need to know - the rest is obvious. :)
Boogie on baby !

We should not limit ourselves to what we already know, but go out as explorers.

If I read all this Commentarys here :)) ... then I do not understand people. :)))

very good effort
see my channel and comments votes and follow

You can argue with the religious types and present the lack of evidence for all of the supernatural happenings in the bible but their trump card is 'I have faith'!
I'm paraphrasing Christopher Hitchens here but he said something like 'religious faith is the surrender of the mind'. Don't get me started on the other religion that we dare not speak it's name, you all know which one!

I have my own crazy view. I think religion is actually an essential part of human life. The problem is that none of the current religions are offering what you and I are looking for. It's good for the time being, for us to be spiritual as you call it, but for me it is an absolutely open relationship with God in a completely honest way unhindered by present-day institutions. I am a member of a church, and I do connect to institutions here and there, but really only in a superficial way and I'm always taken aback by their failures. I completely understand your aversion to present-day religious institutions.

Not everyone is as lucky as us and not everyone can experience spirituality this way, and so I do believe in the future religion will evolve and the way things happen, it will probably happen exponentially once an idea has been hatched that resonates with people of the time. This might take decades or even a century or more before we really figure it out. As it is right now I can tell you we have a big mess to clean up, and I think it is too bad I don't live 100 years in the future when religion probably will be a good thing. There are always going to be lost people looking for answers so there will always be some kind of religion, try to eliminate it as you might. The communists killed all the priests in Russia, but that doesn't stop Christianity from being widely accepted there today. Violent prosecution of religion certainly won't stamp it out. I expect in the future, things can only become more clear.

I'm currently at work and I haven't seen your video yet. I'll check it out later once I'm home. My thoughts on religion? Religion is unnecessary in this modern time. As a millenial who grew up in a religious family, I started questioning things. Now, I'm starting to learn about being spiritual but not being religious. Those are two different things. I have a kid and I'll make sure that he will learn to question the rules that keeps us trapped in this type of rules or culture.

That's crazy, I made a post one month ago that oppose Religion and Spirituality and today I fall on your vid, awesome :

what do you mean by saying "we are not supposed to talk". we are supposed to talk everything. Religion has always been hiding the doctrines from its supporters and keeping them for themselves. they reveal only tiny nonsense personified part of it to scam people and control them

Trigger on @jeffberwick

hi jeff. Your video is interesting and thought-provoking as you may or may not have intended it to be. Coming from a country that is very much religious, (Nigeria) due to two main reason, poverty and culture. I think that religion is very much misunderstood and over emphasised, one should strive to be righteous and not religious because be it as it may, we all will die and no one living yet knows for sure how eternity looks like. So am of the opinion that man's biggest mistake will be to deny the existence of God, but should we define our own way of finding him(religion)...its personal choice but no matter your religion, your right to defend and express it ends where that of another person's starts. exactly what my priest taught us yesterday at church.

@arizonawise and i would want to be your friend.

I just want to say how much I like the format of your posts. I am new to Steemit and can see a good example to follow in your work. Thank you.

Jeff, put your shirt on.

For what? How is that going to help??? You get to sweat over the issues and it cleans the body of toxins LOL?

I'd love to see a transcript of that video (or perhaps, see if I can track down an island of wifi in my part of the world because 35 minutes? Too many MB, too rich for my blood) Not having seen the video, I therefore cannot know what arguments you may have made in favour of atheism being a religion (let alone a crazy one) I will reiterate as you have no doubt heard before that atheism is about as much a religion as "not-playing-sports" is a sport. Atheists by definition do not believe in god(s) -- any of them. Ergo, they are not worshiping god(s) -- any of them. Thus, to define atheism as a religion, you would have to redefine the term "worship" itself.

As for questions .. so, um, how many questions have you asked about spirituality? And have they all been answered to your satisfaction?

have you surveyed the whole range of what people call "god"?

"Atheists by definition do not believe in god(s) -- any of them" that's a self-contradition. the different definitions of "God" contradict each other, and you come into the melee and say there is no god, then you are also contradicting yourself, showing that you are just as unenlightened and uncritical as them.

the way out of this is first deconstruct the various definitions of "God".

... okay. How about this? From my point of view, there are three possible and mutually-exclusive options for how the universe works:

  1. there is one god
  2. there is more than one god
  3. there is no god

I suppose we could fold 1) and 2) together into "There is at least one god." Holy Trinity still counts as one god, yes? Fair enough.

I obviously subscribe to 3) My question to you is therefore: is there an option 4 and if so, what is it? Once you have answered that, then we can truly discuss this on a level playing field.

What do you even mean by God? Does that always mean some big guy in the sky with a beard, who answers prayers, and gives out punishments if you don't listen or believe in him? For some people, that is indistinguishable from "Mother Nature". For Deists, God is someone who created the universe, and left it to cook by itself. Then there is the Hindu Brahman, the Kabbalist Ein Sof and Taoist "Tao" (Lao Tze didn't know what to call it, because the Tao that can be named is not the Eternal Tao). Are all these the same? Anyway, I think there can be more possibilities than the above three. And what if we drop the assumption that us human beings are distinct from "God" or Nature? Human beings could be part of the nth iteration of an infinite fractal creation process as part of the Omniverse.

That's fantastic. My question remains unanswered though. Either god exists, gods exist OR no gods exist. Whatever your definition of god may be, one of those three things is true.

Okay, I will expand further to clarify where I am coming from. I posit that not one human being, living or dead, has ever seen evidence of the supernatural that couldn't be ascribed to error or delusion. Not one. I posit that James Randi offered a million dollar prize for decades for anyone from anywhere to come and demonstrate supernatural ability. That prize remains unclaimed to this very day.

There has been no evidence of gods, spirits, ghosts, magic or psychic powers EVER. Not once. That couldn't be ascribed to error or delusion.

Oh, and Deism is utter nonsense.

That is my stance.

"My question remains unanswered though. Either god exists, gods exist OR no gods exist. Whatever your definition of god may be, one of those three things is true." doesn't say much. It's a truism. Let me reformulate my argument.

Among the people who say they believe in God (of some sort), you take a set of their believes say { A, B, C ... }. They don't all agree, and may be mutually contradictory. it might turn out that C = not A. i.e. you have the set { A, B, not(A), ... }. If an atheists says it's all wrong. that means he believes { not(A), not(B), A, ... }. which is also a mutually contradictory set. [i assume the Law of the Excluded Middle, i.e. that not(not(A)) = A.] So the atheist is actually not much different and not much enlightened than those who say they believe in "God" or gods of some sort. Just weaselling away.

so Randi pays the piper and calls the tune? so Randi is God then.

another problem with atheism is that by using the term "supernatural", they already assume, like the theists that there is indeed a divide between natural and supernatural. so they fall into the same cognitive trap. of the box, into another box. Out of the frying pan into the fire.

"Deism is utter nonsense." that's your opinion. I may or may not disagree. But if someone has not explored the whole range of different beliefs, than I would not consider that person a credible and worthy discussion partner.


Hi Jeff, At least you mastered how to take good care of yourself and the people you love by making enough of the material necessities.
A Friend of Jesus
last month
ellybelly 25 in chant
Friend of Jesus

When I meet the beautiful people along the way who have fallen into myriad interpretations of their God and Jesus, I don’t know how to break the sad chains that bind them without making them angry. I don’t know how to free them from the unseen misery baffling them, yet I will starkly attempt a direct and coarse path to share my experience in the matter. The false religion of worshipping Jesus is a vehicle for war. People are led astray into believing that a son of God can redeem ones greedy, angry, or stupid actions (Sins=Negative causes in ones own life). We are all sons and daughters of God, i.e. Creation of Life Itself.
The powers that be, the finitely powerful money elite, drug lords, warlords, and slaveholder hoarding mongers tricked people into thinking that worshipping a prophet nailed dead to a cross is a redemption. A murdered person Jesus was tortured and killed by unjust cowardly government authority. Prayer to a dead person nailed to a cross, effectively makes the worshipper a fan of unjust human sacrifice. This is not my opinion, it merely coincides with cause and effect, which is one immutable aspect inside the Laws of the Universe in which we occupy space. Their churches, laws, authority, false stories all add up to more killing of human lives, the most precious thing in the Universe, Life itself.

Debt Based Currency in God they Trust
The God they trust is one that says it was ok for the money changers to frame and kill Jesus. They then made his dead body something that people physically worship, which means that they worship the corrupt people who wage war killing people - young soldiers as human sacrifice.
The mental trick or befooling of people is to say he was actually THE ONLY” son of God. We are all sons and daughters of God (Creation -Life Itself) However, the framers of this scam sell to easily “wooled-over” sheep that he died for their sins allows you to believe in this miraculous farce.
A farce is that one human being could ever redeem other peoples actions. Cause and effect operates strictly and equally on all living beings in this realm of Earth. One human being does not have the power to absolve another. With no exception,
This world is built on a web of deception.
The success of prayer through the destructive religion of christianity is dealt out as a reward by ruling energy of this planet known as the devil of the sixth heaven, ie Satan. The Devil, the doer of evil is what happens to a fundamentally disempowered human being who prays as they worship the wrongful human sacrifice of a kind and heartfull healing person. They worship the so-called only Son of God. That is the first major error or wrongness. All living beings are spawn of God (Creator, Creation) It is by prerequisite that living beings trapped in error come here to this land. This Earth is ruled by that Majority supported Energy of Desire based reward “Devi”l, which will bestow material things to the people who pray to him. They do not know that they are worshipping the Doers of Evil. That is why humans continue to manifest killing machines, cops, government, third party authority.
Always, the third party authority. Why is there always a third party controlling? Because people have allowed themselves to be fooled by a middleman, a third party “savior”
I am very certain that Jesus never ever wanted that. Worshipping a God outside oneself, and then even worse, a murdered person on a grid cross, showing that the plan of divide and rule is the God they trust. Their money is a killing machine, their God and the wrongfully framed Jesus is what the elite or powers of this world want for you. Your enslavement.
Break free and take the medicine that is fully aligned with the absolute truth and happiness of living beings. That truth is embodied in the LOTUS SUTRA of the Buddha. Thus, Chanting for yourself and others happiness and dreams is the MEDICINE, the Redeeming aspect of your deepest self. NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO is the appropriate Mantra for you to begin hacking and breaking the chains that collectively bind us all. Wishing for your true Great Good Fortune and Happiness. With Love and Light to you and yours. This is the Clear Path to World Peace. This is the Gift of the all the Buddhas in countless directions throughout infinity. Look into it further and begin your own Human Revolution. www.sgi-usa.org!


Wow, just wow. Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of lords! I pray you will find that out. Blessings to you!

I resonate with what you say, read some of my post.

Congratulations @jeffberwick!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 7 with 361 upvotes

Haha. Atheism is another form of belief and is gaining ground for sure.

religion in merely history, very simple

If only everyone questioned everything. I really enjoyed your walk with the pups. Personally, I will watch more if you make them.

loved it man! inspiring as always!

Ha ha. I like to think there are two versions of atheism: an orthodox and a sound one. Obviously I'm a subscriber to the latter... In my mind, at least.

Your thought patterns are very similar to mine.

I am simply amazed by the amount of posts professing "belief" or "faith" as fact.

It takes courage to say "I don't know" and to question the very foundations of your existence.

Worship, prayer, chanting - all are actually blasphemy or rather idolatry. Even the Christian bible admonishes in the first commandment "Thou shalt not worship graven images". The fact that the image is mental rather than physical makes no difference.

All religions are false as they do not prove what they claim, i.e. the existence of God. Just empty promises. Nobody argues over gravity. But as to the cause of gravity and creation itself there seems to be no consensus except maybe…

It is written that JC said "Unless you come unto ME thou shalt not enter the kingdom of heaven". Krishna it is written said "I give of MY OWN immortality".

Different times, similar messages. But if the Truth could be expressed in words surely it would have by now. Hence the need for direct realisation.

To realise our ignorance is a big first step.

Great honesty Jeff. Lot of respect for you as not easy to look around and think "what the f…! is it all for?"

I think most religious movements began with the intention of truth and love but people created structured rules and strict dogma to adhere too and missed the point of what was actually being pointed to by clinging to concepts, the fact that religion has been the catalyst for many wars is not congruent with the simple message that was originally being hinted at.

Nice for you to get up and talk about religion!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My first question is why do I suffer from negativity...every other question is moot if this one question cannot be answered.

Belief or faith can either be blind, that is based on someone's opinion and who knows what their motives are...lololol...or based on ones own experience and also backed up by others who lead a life that is good.

I think religion is a vehicle for the mind, I'd rather use my two feet thank you, can't trust those fancy rigs to drive me where I want to go!

I think one can make the world become a better place to live by changing oneself for the better. I have yet to see anyone person or group change society for the good of all .

I think our world was created from ignorance, the kind of ignorance that does not know itself...

Jesus hated the money changers, through the imitation of Christ one can know god and the cross represents the sacrifice of the little self....hehe

“Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.”
― Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ

“A man is not called wise because he talks and talks again; but if he is peaceful, loving and fearless then he is in truth called wise.”
― Gautama Buddha, The Dhammapada: The Sayings of the Buddha

No man, it's better not to talk about religion, like it always creates "holy" wars. In my country there's even a law for protecting "feelings" of believers. So it's useless, yeah, 21 century.....

that's not a good strategy, because it allows the evil people to perpetuate their evil.

it's not just 21st century. It has been happening all along.

the people who created religions are the same people who created atheism. the purpose is to get people to argue and fight one another. To "divide and conquer" human beings. Fear, obstinacy, hubris, ... are human weaknesses.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Nice! I have friends from the whole spectrum of religious, atheistic, spiritual movements. I can have it if we disagree; I'm not sure about them though.

Although I currently aren't, I've been a members of 2 religions; one involuntarily because it's official state religion, and the other almost voluntarily because of my appetite to understand spirits, God etc. I have also extensively researched various other religions and spiritual paths and I still do. In my opinion some have started with good intentions. But due to the influence they can have on people they can be a good method of control. So black hats might want to control them.

Bottom down, I think it depends on oneself to know truth; and one's truth is the most legit than anybody else's for himself alone; and that can be shared and be made mutual with others or not. It is potential.

Quantum physics has tampered with what I mentioned too to a degree.

Also I've found some amazing (though cryptic) stuff in some (I'm picky) ancient philosophy. Socrates was such a clever guy.

Wish you well!

have you heard of the quantum erasure experiments? fascinating!

I asked a lot of questions. Socrates asked a lot of questions. He showed that many "smart" people weren't that smart. So he was forced to drink poison to die. :-(

hope to cross paths with you one day sir....

You've got skills to envy.

Jeff, I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts like this and especially your honesty concerning this journey. I think you have really hit the nail on the head in some respects.
Did you know this is in the Bible?

O Lord, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.

We have inherited lies. You will not hear this from Christians because they cannot handle it. They are so brainwashed into thinking that their teaching is the only way and because I believe they instinctively know that if they concede it to be true, the rug will be pulled out from under their belief system and it will come crashing down.
You admit you believe in a Creator. Isn't it logical to think that the Creator also runs His Creation and so it is not just running itself?
You pointed out how contradictory the Old and New Testament are. Are they really or is that contradiction a product of Christian dogma?
Christianity is a very schizophrenic religion but its adherents are too brainwashed to see it. Following the Creator's plan for our life involves much more than "giving your life to Jesus"
Your honesty is refreshing and it is good to see you are feeling better since your trip. I think as we get older we discover that home is a good place to be and it is good to enjoy our time with family.
Thanks for sharing this post with us!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

"we have inherited lies" sounds like an amalgamation of statements by Lex Meyer(unlearn the lies) and Jason Towe (I was a product of inherited religion.

The verse I quoted there is Jeremiah 16:19

Wow I should not post when I'm half asleep. I got both those guys names wrong. Lex Meyer from http://www.unlearnthelies.com and Jason Towe from https://www.facebook.com/pg/PursuingTruthMinistries/about/?ref=page_internal

There something really wrong with today's religion especially christianity which i was birn into. Growing up i realised something disheartening about churches today. It consists of a large number of poverty-striken people who have no idea about how they can better their lives. These same people also turn out to be the ones who always give something to the church; their time, and money. But what does the church do for them in return? NOTHING. And we are afraid to speak about it because we have been told from infancy that what we give to the church, we give to God. Dont get me wrong ,i believe God exist and we all will get to meet him one day but until then, should people be exploited in him name?

Brother being a christian is not playing church and following all the rules being shoved in you face both implied and express, it about you having a relationship with the father of creation through Christ, being a Muslim is the same through the teaching of Mohamed. God the father cannot be envoloped into religion He is to awesome to be defined. Don't be dissuaded by the ills and stereotyping we have in Christendom find your link to Him he is within, X-ray the path/light Jesus led us through, that is what it means to be a Christian

That is very true. But also helping the less fortune is one best way i know that makes one a true follower of christ. In the end , it will be the love we showed our neighbours that will give us

@jeffberwick I really enjoyed your talk. This topic is very close to my heart. For the past 30 years, I have been researching into religions and spirituality because I wanted to know why there is so much evil in this world (and in my family) and why God (if there is really one) didn't do anything about it. Why some people who are supposedly "saved" but behave like demons, and the almighty God just stands there and does nothing, as if being complicit in the evil acts.

I really really really want to know why. I am not satisfied with any bllsht pat answer. "Theodicy" they call it. But I call it "Theo-dicey" -- dicey excuses to let God off the hook. I really really really want to know the real reason.

"Seek and you shall find." Indeed! One of the things I found out was that the current mainstream form of Christianity is Roman Empire propaganda! The Romans wanted to suppress the Jewish revolt. Jews refuse to bow down to worship Roman emperors as gods, unlike other peoples. But it is cheaper to invent some B.S. (Belief System) to control people, than to have a contingent of soldiers to constantly suppress them. This is good old politics and censorship that has been and still is happening til today!

Most people like an external saviour to fix their problems. They also like to have some outside force (e.g. Satan) to blame when they mess up. That is what appeals to people, and that is why this old Roman propaganda works, besides saving your skin. Psychologists call this having an "external locus of control".

By contrast, the gnostic gospels teach that the "kingdom of God is within you". This gives you back the responsibility and the power to change yourself and to change the world around you. This is what Jesus originally taught, assuming that there was a historical Jesus. However, these teachings were censored. People that held these teachings were killed. They had to hide their "forbidden" scriptures in jars only to be discovered 2000 years later.

Actually there's a lot that can be discussed. Please hook me up at @tradersharpe.

I find it amazing that people will believe things to be facts when there in concrete evidence that proves otherwise. They claim that this is faith. Have you ever read anything by Christopher Hitchens? He has an interesting view on religion. One of the points he makes is that science has proved that man has been on the earth for 200,000 years. For argumant sake lets say 100,000. The God of Religion sat around for 98,0000 years an one day decided to get involved. So he decided to go to the middle east and reveal himself to the most iliterate society at the time and give them the keys to life. The whole idea is absurd.

First you say- ( I find it amazing that people will believe things to be facts when there in concrete evidence that proves otherwise. They claim that this is faith.) but then you suggest a book that does exactly the same thing. You say he has an interesting view which by the way you presented your statement it sounds like you agree with it as fact. Not really sure where you are going with your statement. Maybe it's just the way I am reading it. Sorry if I misunderstood your view.

I find some truths in all points of view. I think Faith is the belief in something that cannot be explained. Once there is proof, using the scientific method , it can not be explained as faith but rather dissodence. ( In Isreal today religious Jews pray facing the wailing wall believing that to be location of the temple destroyed by the romans. All archeological eveidence points that they are in error. It is actually the wall of a roman fort. The temple was located elswhere, yet they ignore the evidence) The english language is not adequate to desribe where my own personal faith resides. I do believe that history has proved beyond doubt that religion has done greater harm than good.

I agree there is some truths in most points of view. Having faith is believing in something not seen. The Bible says blessed are those that believe but have not seen. I don't put much weight in science theory but that is just my view. Guess I am partial to Creation, God, the Bible, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit! I grew up being force fed evolution and one parent that believed there was a God but that's it. The other that was Athiest. Since I am now in my 50s have come to see things differently and believe God has been calling me all my life but I didn't want to hear. I got Baptized and Saved and am now I am a new creation in Christ Jesus so I guess that makes me unpopular in the world. I'm ok with that. At my age and considering the state of the world, I have come to see that most things now a days are opposite. The world says bad it is good and good is bad. The Bible says in the last days that Good will be bad and bad will be good. So if the world is saying that believing in Christ is bad and Christianity is bad then for sure I know I am on the right path for we are to be set apart from this world.
I believe you are right about that wall since no stone was to be left standing upon another so yeah guess it is not and they are misled. Now as to your statement about more harm than good. I have to say yes you are right. Religion has caused more harm. So called religion is the main problem in this world. People profess to be religious then do harm in the name of religion. If we go by the teachings of Jesus he even had issues with religious people and how they acted. The Pharisees were book smart to God but did all manner of abominations in the name of God. Twisted! Jesus standing right in front of them calling them out and all they wanted to do was kill him. Yes religion is twisted so I am not religious. I don't need a church building because my body is the temple for the Holy Spirit and I am a Christian that believes in Jesus Christ and all that he did. For sure no one can say that Jesus did more harm that good. Blessings to you!

Jeff !!!! You thought provoking bastard !! I love it !

Let's not forget the modern religions of AGW ( anthropogenic global warming, specifically carbon dioxide) and of course the biggest of them all Statism.

Hello there Jeff! I have been following you and your work for a few months now, and with great interest I must say. You are doing a great and important job so important in this day and age. And now I have just finished watching your video about RELIGION etc., which I did find (also) very interesting. Before continuing, - let me start by saying that I am a Christian. I believe in the existence of a good GOD and that JESUS died for all my sins on a cross. I also agree with you that RELIGION as such is a lot of nonsense. And therefore I am not a "religious" person,- but a person who has accepted Jesus Christ as my only possible savior. With that said, - I guess several of my Christian friends will not regard me as a "standard" Christian. Much because I am known for saying that Christians some times are the worst people to trust in business for instance. I have myself more than my share of very BAD experiences with Christian brothers in the area of business. A few of them really horrible experiences and the worst one was 5 years ago when, during a much needed vacation, my friends and Christian brothers basically STOLE a multi million dollar business from me! And because of the circumstances and for me special consequences this had for me and some other people i was responsible for, - this was a VERY traumatic experience for me. So traumatic that I was later diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Dysfunction) a condition I have been living with for the past 5 years, - with LOT´s of at times severe pain, - anxiety, - and other health issues. The point of my story is that this has been so bad that there is more then enough reason for me turn my back to God and everyone "Christian". I have myself often had thoughts of taking my own life, - of not wanting to continue to live etc. But,- if there is ONE good thing that came out of this so far, - it is that I found myself in a much more DIRECT connection and communication with God. I realized that I CAN NOT base my faith and relationship with HIM on some weak stupid human beings. All of whom are SINNERS, - myself included! I remember a video you made several weeks ago where you stated something like this: "The more I researched the facts of what is going on in this world of ours, - the more I realized how incredibly EVIL the world is, - how EVIL the people are who are the real people in POWER behind the governments etc. etc. And when realizing this,- I also started to think, - with this MUCH EVIL in the world,- there must be a source for for this. And there then also much be a source of GOOD (the opposite) which made me start looking into if there is a GOD etc. etc." I am not sure if this is a correct description of what you said, - but it is pretty close. For me,- the "sources" we are talking about here is SATAN (Evil) and GOD (Good). As human beings we are all (Christian or not) influenced by both of these sources on a daily basis. And we do have a choice when it comes to which source we allow to influence us the most. So start praying to God! The only source for GOOD! And then finally, - I also remember you said something like perhaps the creation of BITCOIN and the blockchain technology was a creation coming from God to give us another chance for FREEDOM and for doing some good in this evil world of ours. YES! I could not agree more with you Jeff! God bless you and your great work!

Can't help to interpose a response after reading this from you.
Reference: https://www.lifecoachcode.com/2017/02/26/emotion-shapes-reality/
Cited reference is a simple and definitive statement of science that reality is a product of human feelings and emotion. This reduces to a grander truth that we have always been solely responsible for creating our own reality and will continue to do so through the feelings and emotions that we generate or allow ourselves to have. This further leads to the conclusion that whatever happened to us and what will ever happens to us is our own creation ourselves. None other is responsible but us. Is this now the grand and formidable understanding, weapon or tool that we have been waiting for to enable us to march forward and continue our life’s journey with all the assurance, courage and confidence as befits a child of the Almighty?

I couldn't believe this video, it was as if it was me talking, this is exactly how I feel, from what I've been learning in the last year, we're in the "awakening" process, there is SO MUCH out there that I still know know about, things completely mind blowing, some of them completely destroying entire paradigms in my life, everything is an illusion .... It's been the journey of my life. Really looking forward to your videos! B

It's all a part of the programming.....so nice to be on the outside looking in for myself, but I often feel sadness for those who are still asleep......totally resonating!

Religion is the biggest lie, the legal fruad and the most effective marketing strategy to make money in history, but I believe in one God who create's us all. In my point of view, why should I need a middle man to communicate which is the religion if I can do it myself through prayer. And one last thing the holy bible story is not really exist to happen, it was written to guide human that time to be a human.

the true religion is the one who keep his commandment ( john 14:15-31 )and by doing his will you can see the fruit the way he lives as a christian the lifestyle of individual reflects if he is a true believer. God has a plan for us, this world is just temporary God prepare a better place for all of us where there is no sorrow and tears.

I like and agree with your words "that sell, not offer, God to people". good post!

Very inspiring post!!

When it comes to religion I go after the concept of cryptocurrency: proof-of-work. No proof only leaves space up to speculation.

Great video tho, people should talk about this stuff more often. Post mortem as the next topic?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey @jeffberwick! I'm a Christian and I don't really go to any "church" and I was born and raised in a Muslim family and culture. I watched your whole video without getting upset or mad. I actually laughed at some of what you said because it reminded me of my own journey. Haha... You can read about my story on my blog if you're interested but I personally think you're kind of on the right track. Keep seeking the truth and as you said, it's a very big subject :]

Glory to God

I think we would all agree that religion, according to Jeff's definition, is a scam: "By religion I mean man-made organized, dogmatic, pay-to-play frauds that sell, not offer, God to people."

Jeff, Atheism is not a religion, it's the absence of religion. That would be like saying nudism is just another form of clothing, it's not, it's no clothes. Atheism is no religion. For someone to say atheism is a religion only shows they really don't understand the term.

The term “atheist” (‘a’ theist) means non-theist. When an ‘a’ is placed in front of a word it means “non” or “not.” So if you are not a theist, then you are a non-theist … or said another way you are an atheist. Just as we use the term “asymmetrical” to describe something that is not symmetrical or non-symmetrical, the same is true of atheism. Something is either symmetrical or it isn’t. If it isn’t, then we say it’s asymmetrical. By adding the ‘a’ we are saying it is not a symmetrical shape. We know nothing more about this shape, just that it’s not symmetrical. It could be a square, triangle, octagon, rectangle or any countless number of shapes, but it’s not symmetrical. This is all we know based on the definition we were given. We do not have enough information to determine what it is, just what it is not.

It should be, according to the grammar, but it's not. The common definition is that Agnostics aren't sure about God, but Atheists are CERTAIN there is no God. Religion in the broad sense is one's belief system, whether it's a structure of things one can prove, or beliefs beyond the physical. Atheism is a religion because it's a belief system that is certain of something, which structures your world view. Science is another religion--that the world is primarily physical, and structured in a certain way. Oddly then, it's agnostics that are not s religion, because they're just not sure: it's not a belief system. In the main, they're not saying one CAN'T know, which is a rigid belief, just that they personally don't know. Yet. So yes, the dictionary and I disagree with you.

"The common definition is that Agnostics aren't sure about God, but Atheists are CERTAIN there is no God." How do they feel about Zeus and Apollo? Are they agnostic towards them or atheistic? What complete nonsense lol.

Hey Jeff,
We're on the same page. Spirituality is what we crave and Religion is what is sold to us as the path to spirituality, but is actually just another form of control. For me personally; spirituality can be found in connecting with nature and by meditating on what's good and beautiful in this world.

Thanks for all you do and keep fighting the good fight.


It's in the name.

The two thousand years of existence of Christianity should instruct us on what it really is and what has it done in the world and to the world. As frequently said, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. And so, what have we “ate” of Christianity and what happened to us, what did it do to us? Can we pinpoint gains of Christianity for the world and humanity in its two thousand years of existence? Perhaps there will be as many answers as the number of people who will try to answer such questions. For this post I can only proffer more questions that may be relevant to our individual and collective quest for answers,

  1. We have no direct knowledge on what the world was at the time of Christ. The indirect knowledge we have that was taught to us by our elders, institutions and cultures, the world then was not at all a pretty sight. Today, based on what we know and learned, the world does not make a pretty sight either. Why is the world so dismal and very much in disarray?
  2. Before Christ ascended and left the world to return to the Father he said that greater things will we do than he did. Reviewing Christian history, there seem to be not even one that could reach his stature and greatness. Why? Did Christ fail in His mission or purpose?
  3. If the gospel and teaching that Christianity teaches today is the same one that Christ left to His disciples, then it could only mean that Christianity is a failure in its two thousand years of effort to change man?
  4. Christ said that the greatest commandment to man was to love God with all his heart, with all his soul and with all his strength; and that he should also love his fellow humans as he loves himself. Who among the Christian churches made this the foundation stone of their ministry? Were the churches more interested in enlarging and controlling their followers for more mundane purposes rather than installing and promoting this philosophy of love for the whole world?
  5. A popular word in our present day reality is the term “terrorist.” Who were the first terrorists? Did not the church burn tens of thousands of people in public places in its effort to cleanse the world of witches, warlocks and worshippers of the devil? This happened during the “inquisition” in earlier church history.
  6. Did not the church during the time of Galileo excommunicate those who refused to recant from their belief that the earth revolved around the sun? Bruno, an associate of Galileo, got burnt at the stake for this. What other untruths did the church impose on its followers? Was it not also that the church arrogated unto itself the forgiveness of sins and required its followers to confess their sins to priests who proved to be quite fallible and not the spiritual superior of the ordinary lay person? And claims infallibility of its titular head? Were these for the spiritual welfare of the people or was it to have a greater control over the masses?
  7. The two world wars that caused the greatest pain, suffering and sorrow for the greatest number of humans were fomented and caused in the Christian world. It would be interesting to find out what roles has the church played in these terrible world events. Did the church left a finger when the Germans were exterminating the Jews? No it did nothing to help or protect the Jews. Was not the church astride both camps of the two world wars?

A terrorist is "a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." As to be unlawful they are by definition non-state actors, no state -- or even a disputed state -- can be a terrorist. The newly-edited omission in the definition is that terrorist wish to force social and political changes through the creation of fear. That is, if we laugh at their insignificance and ignore them, they have no power, whereas a real army has a power beyond fear. The Church's aim in the Inquisition was not that of a powerless and illegal actor inspiring fear as their only goal, but a legal and state-supported power center that was enforcing existing laws, however disagreeable or overzealous. Therefore, no, by any definition, the Church was not a terrorist at that time. I really wish people would stop using the word for any existing violence and aggression, when really they mean "Felon", "combatant", "rebel" or the otherwise correct and accurate term. Labelling people carelessly and inaccurately, and without due process is exactly the objection we have of the Inquisition, so let's not share in their fault.

I love the weather there in Mexico, looks fantastic. I always enjoy your walk with the doggies :) Religion is a thorny issue and is the cause of so many conflicts worldwide. It creates so much hate and tension. I wonder when humans will ever agree and be on the same page with regard to religion.

Religion approaches those who are already near, but distances even more the distant ones. It is like a tribal mindset. If you of my tribe, I'll love you, otherwise I'll be very suspicious of you.

And here again, majority of the comment are trying to prove a certain religion is better than another. This topic clearly a thought provoking and I enjoyed both the video, and the comment posted below while also trying to recall what I've missed from dealing with a religion over the past 12 years.

The god of this world is a mere demiurge. We are here to be tested. Life is a test - and a very brief one!

We are dead and this is hell. What we call "death" is the soul returning to where it came from and is closer to life than this one. We will remember this in the moment of death and all the concerns of this world will look like a joke.

That was a really balanced point of view and I agree with you on almost all of it. Some of those things I've only heard out of my own mouth, "athiesm is a religion", the stuff about it being all right brained, most atheists use science to justify their beliefs which they are unscientifically certain of.

I think religion works much better if you just replace the word "God" with "Love" and assume everything that contradicts that to be an alteration by someone with an agenda. I've met some Christians who believe love is more important than a belief in Jesus, hey are so refreshing. I'd be really interested in hearing those theories of yours.

I'd also follow you much closer if you interacted a little more with the people who view your content on steemit, I try to avoid being someone's "fan". But you do have some really insightful things to say.

As I strolled today with my five completely non-compliant anarchist dogs

I loled so hard at this