When we wake up in a bad mood, what works to change it?

in life •  7 years ago 

Feeling depressed first thing in the morning is the worst. What works to feel better right away? Will you read this post or watch the vlog from YouTube below to see what I do when I wake up feeling awful despite having an amazing life today?

Thank you very much to @gmichelbkk for converting the transcription of the YouTube video from GoTranscript into this beautiful post for Steemit, which is much faster to read than the video and has illustrations! 

In other words, let me tell you about my morning today.

Thank you very much for reading the writing version of day 138 of my "Happier People Podcast." 

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed 

I can tell you just simply about my morning today. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed in a gloomy mood and I didn't do anything to deserve that. I just woke up that way. I went to bed happy and thinking about opportunities. 

Now, I woke up this morning and was just feeling awful. Feeling like there is something wrong with me. Feeling like I was the bad person, you know? 

The feeling that in the past drove me to drink alcohol to numb the pain, it drove me to act out a bad day where everyone had to be wrong, and point everything out that was horrible with the world, and argue with people and make some drama. 

Because then, I could explain why I felt that way. When I woke up this morning, I knew there was no reason I felt that way, I just felt bad and that was a fact. It wasn't me making something up or trying to have some story. I felt disgusting inside, this morning. Sometimes we just have dreams, it's not our fault when we wake up feeling disgusting. We didn't do anything to bring that on ourselves or deserve it. 

Now, what do you do about that? 

I'm grateful today that I was motivated to try some new morning routines.because I realized that my normal morning routines are not going to help me through this bad mood. 

I wake up and often I feel pretty good in the morning, and this morning I just felt disgusting. I also, not coincidentally, read in Tim Ferriss' "Tools of Titans" book, the section he did with Tony Robbins. 

Going through morning routines 

Tony Robbins
has a very strict morning routine he does. He has three different exercises he does in the morning. Tim Ferriss commented on those, and talks about what he does in the morning. 

And here I am to the point of crying, I can hardly take the pain of it anymore, and then I realize what I need to do. I need to try these suggestions because that's my key to turning this around. I see that Tim Ferriss and Tony Robbins don't say that they are some magical person who just wakes up the right side of the bed every morning. 

Tony Robbins especially, makes the point that he primes himself, he goes through a morning routine to set himself up to succeed that day. He doesn't say he wakes up on the right side of the bed and feels good every morning. 

He does specific things that help him have the best and most contributing day possible. "Contributing" is not a word, well, maybe it's not, I'm just going to make it up because that is how it came out of my mouth. 

Tony Robbins has a few different things he does. One of the things is what you might call a meditation. He calls it a state or priming. He thinks about three things he's really grateful for, for three minutes, and then he thinks about God, and feels the presence of God for three minutes, or whatever you want to call the higher power. 

Then he has his three to thrive things. He thinks about three things he wants to accomplish and he plays those things all the way through. He also has some cryochamber, that he enters into which blows really cold air on his whole body for a couple of minutes. I believe that was in there too, and it might have been something else. 

Tim Ferriss has a similar routine that he does in the morning, one of which includes making his bed. There is a guy in AA who at every meeting practically says something about the importance of making his bed first thing in the morning. 

I used to make my bed when my dad told me to, but since I've moved out I didn't put much effort or care into making my bed. I'll tell you what I did this morning with these things in mind. I got up and I felt awful. I prayed, I got down on my knees and prayed to stay sober and instead of asking to be a good husband, I simply asked to be a loving husband, father, friend and family member. 

Do you want to feel bad or not?

By then, I felt so bad I was about to tears because the conflict of feeling bad and actually trying to do something about it by feeling better through prayer, the brain is like, "What are you doing? Do you want to feel bad or not? You do feel bad, why are you trying to feel better?" 

My mind actually wants to feel bad, it takes all of the will power I have got to do the things in the face of feeling bad. After that, I went to the bathroom and I realized one thing that consistently helps me feel better in the morning, is being useful, being of service, spending time with my daughter first thing in the morning, so that my wife has time to get ready because she's with our daughter most of the rest of the day. So I went in and spent more time than usual with my daughter this morning. 

I changed her, I played with her, I sat and looked at her. A lot of parents have this feeling that we need to put on this show of strength for our children. I don't. I like to be vulnerable. 

I just broke right down and cried for half the time, probably fifteen minutes that I spent with my daughter this morning because I felt that bad, and because she loves to comfort, make me feel better, just as she loves to be comforted when she is feeling bad. 

I just laid down and cried, and she was standing over me with her blanket and her pacifier, and she patted my face, looked at me and patted my face again. 

It was wonderful, and that was a good bonding time, it was nice. 

My parents didn't like to make a show of being vulnerable in front of me and my brother, although they would then break down after loud and crazy arguments. They would often break down and cry, or have a hard time after that. 

But I like just to be vulnerable, I like to get to the crying and the hurting before there's some big argument or nasty thing going on. So that's what I did, I let the pain come out of me, I felt so bad I just needed to cry it out and I avoided labeling a reason for it. 

I avoided saying, "Well, it's because this happened." 

Don't let possible fears of the future cause pain today 

My mind tries to wrap things up in things like financial insecurity. But the fact is, I have enough money today. I have enough money today! There is no reason I should have plenty of money the rest of my life. If there's a famine, so what? I'll figure something out, it might even be more interesting than things are now. 

There's no reason to let possible fears of the future cause pain today. 

When my mind tried to wrap things up in financial insecurity, I said, "No, that's a lie. I do not have financial insecurity. I have plenty of money today. I have plenty of money more than likely for tomorrow and the whole rest of the year, and probably the rest of my life." 

The thing is, when it comes to all these things like money or love, your mind can always tell you that you don't have enough. If you look at the core of it, it's really just pain because no matter how much money you have, you could have more. 

No matter how much money you have, you could have less. Even if you had zero dollars you could have more debt. No matter how much love you have, whether you have a partner or two or three partners, no matter how much love you have, you could always have more, and you could always have less, there could always be less people that care about you. 

So one key thing, I point this out because if you get stuck as I've done so many times in all the mind's rationalizations as to why you feel bad, it eliminates the motivation to try anything new. 

As I'm sitting there crying with my daughter, I realized that I've got the perfect motivation to try something new because I have a loose set of morning routines I do, I read a couple of AA books in the morning, I get down on my knees and pray to stay sober, and to be what I was calling "a good person," now, "a loving person;" and I feed the dogs. These are kind of my loose morning routines and I try to make them a little bit better too.

When it doesn't work, try something new 

Well, this morning I tried some new ones. I thought of it as a video game. For example, in Call of duty: Zombies, I used to love doing the Easter eggs. To do the Easter eggs, you have to go through all these little different steps in all these different orders. 

Now, it's clear, if something doesn't work, it's either the game programming or you didn't do it right. In no scenario you are a bad person because you can't get the Easter egg to work in the game. Either you're not doing it right or the game is not programmed right. There's no room to be a bad person when you're doing something like this. 

What did I do if the Easter egg didn't go it very well in the game? 

I would watch tutorial videos, I would follow the suggestions other people gave me. 

Now, why is it so much harder when we wake up and have a bad day? 

Why do we wake up and have a bad day and feel like we're a bad person? 

Or we focus completely on the game? 

Well, the game's just "f'd" up. Life did this to me. 

Why don't we focus on doing things a little bit differently? 

I'm grateful I did that this morning because I have not done that so many other mornings. I've had days where I got into suicidal thoughts, off and on, throughout the day, with no more of a difference start to the day than I had today. 

Everything was perfect this morning, externally. Internally, it wasn't. 

It's not that I'm a bad person. It's just that if I want to feel differently, I need to do some different actions. Just like in a video game, if I want to finish the Easter egg, there's a certain way I need to do it. If other people have already shown exactly how to do it and I do what they do, then, I haven't accomplished anything. I've simply taken suggestions from others. 

When I feel bad, I'm motivated to change. 

I took some suggestions from Tony Robbins and Tim Ferriss this morning. 

When I feel bad is the perfect opportunity to have a breakthrough, because when I feel good, I'm not motivated to change anything. 

When I feel bad, I'm motivated to change. When I'm in pain, I'm motivated to think of a different way to do things. What did I do this morning after my wife and daughter left and went across the street to have breakfast with her family? 

That's my work time then. Which is why I'm doing this podcast after they left. 

Now, it's easy for my mind to say, "Okay, they're out of the house, you have to immediately start filming. You can't waste any time." But I realized that my filming, my podcast is based on me being in a good state. I've come on here several different days and I've not been in a good state. I've created drama and I've felt bad afterwards. 

This morning I realized that all I could create would be utter crap if I didn't change my state. So, I took the suggestions. I made my bed. Now, I didn't perfectly tuck the covers in like you see in a hotel, I picked the covers up and roughly threw them so the bed looked more or less made. Functionally, it was made. I made my bed. 

Also, while I was in the room with my daughter, I did some push ups, which she thought was entertaining. 10 push ups is not a lot of push ups, but a lot more than zero. I did 10 push ups because it seems that my body likes when my blood circulates a bit. So, I did 10 push ups. 

Taking a cold shower


I read my two AA books. Then I tried something new that seemed quite unpleasant and actually I thoroughly enjoyed. Tim Ferriss says that he takes a 30-60 second cold shower first thing in the morning. 

That's what I did. 

Tony Robbins does some cryotherapy, where he's got some fancy, expensive machine and he steps in it and it blows a bunch of cold air on him. It's kind of like a cold shower, but not something most people can afford. A cold shower almost everyone anywhere in the world can afford. Well, obviously not everyone, yes, but a lot of people in the world can afford a cold shower. 

After I was dressed, I took all my clothes off, got in the shower and just cranked it up right on low and blasted it out. And, wow, it was cold, but not that cold because it's floored. The water was probably 60°F, which is maybe, 10 or 15 Celsius. It was not that cold, but compared to what I'm used to, it was cold. 

At first, it was a bit unpleasant, and the most unpleasant part was right when I was turning the water on. The anticipation of the cold water was more unpleasant than the cold water itself.

An amazing thing happened. 

I thought, "Okay, there is no way I can't do at least 30 seconds of a cold shower this morning." 

Tim Ferriss said he does 30-60 seconds. There's no reason I can't do at least 30 seconds. So, I turned it on and I actually started to enjoy it. Once the initial shock, I mean, hey, I shouted out a bit, "Holy shit, that's cold. Oh, my God." 

It was cold at first, but then my body adapted to it and after just 60 seconds, it wasn't that cold anymore. My body adjusted to the temperature, and all of a sudden it was nice and relaxing. I took longer, probably two or three minutes of a cold shower, and I got out and I felt really good. My whole body felt energized and awake. 

And guess what? 

That's the same effect that Tony Robbins and Tim Ferriss were talking about in the book I just read last night, the exact same effect. Now, I'm so grateful that when I get in a gloomy bad mood, I am more open to taking suggestions. 

Hoping to feel worse

The most ridiculous thing we tend to encounter in life, both in ourselves and others is being in a bad mood and an honest desire to not make it any better. I bet you've judged this a thousand times by other people, someone who comes to you, they're all in a bad mood and you want to help them. 

And guess what? 

They don't want to feel any better. 

Then you're just, "Why even bother talking to you?" The only result is, you end up feeling bad with them. Here you want them to feel better and all of a sudden, now you feel bad and they've done this and that, lots of drama. How often is it that I notice this desire in myself? 

This is what helped me to stop thinking that alcohol was the solution to my problems. I noticed that when I got in a bad mood, I honestly wanted it to get worse and stay worse. 

By taking a drink, I wasn't actually trying to feel better, but I was actually hoping to feel worse. That was shocking to me because for most of my adult life, I had believed the lie that taking a drink makes me feel better. But really, I noticed when I looked at it honestly, that I was taking that drink in an effort to feel worse. 

Not perhaps immediately, although now, it probably would be immediate after three years of filling my head with AA stuff. It probably would feel instantly, horribly worse. But for most of my past at first, it felt a little bit better, but overall it always felt worse. If you consider the whole thing, if you don't consider just the first drink or two, but all the things that came after it. 

How many times do we do this in the rest of our lives? 

We wake up in a bad mood and we think, "This is so unfair, I hate this bad mood," but our actions say that we don't actually want to feel better. 

We go about arguing, screaming at people, saying they're resentful, silent, pissed off, plotting to kill people, whatever it is, we go through our whole day, and if we honestly look back through our day we see that all we did was to try to make it worse. We tried to throw our suffering out on everyone else around us. 

We kept thinking that we wanted to make it better, but what action did we take to make it better? 

Did we pray to make it better? 

Did we take suggestions from other people? 

Because often other people have a good idea what will actually make you feel better. Often it comes from just changing your approach. 

I'm grateful today. 

I'm so grateful to have this to share with you instead of another rant, or instead of being in a bad mood, giving a friend, a family member, or a viewer, a hard time online. 

I'm grateful today that I tried these new routines this morning, and I feel really good. I'm excited to give them a try again. 

Be a superhuman! 

Imagine the breakthrough to have a set of routines where you don't ever start the day off bad. Or your routines in the morning are so powerful that they eliminate any bad mood you woke up with. 

That would make you nearly superhuman. That's the same feedback that Tony Robbins gets. People think, "He's superhuman." 

It's not superhuman to simply follow directions. 

When you follow directions, it's like cooking, if you want to make a delicious dish, you follow the directions, and then you get delicious food. It's so ordinary and yet, the results, if you just see them, might look superhuman if you don't look in and see how you can do the same thing for yourself. 

I hope that in sharing this with you for free that you have this ability, without buying a book or having to read or learn all the things, I have to just immediately see what's made a big difference for me in my life today. 


In summary, I woke up in a filthy mood this morning. 


The exact kind of mood that many days in my life I was suicidal, either halfway through or by the end of the day. Or I drank and caused a bunch of trouble. Or I just was a jerk and played a bunch of video games and screamed to people online all day. 

I woke up that way and what did I do? 

I got down on my knees and prayed several times. I think three times I prayed, and I did some push ups. I spent time with my daughter. I loved another person. I gave my wife a hug and I shared my love with her verbally, saying things like, "I love you." 

I remembered the tools I'd been given by reading in Tony Robbins' account in Tim Ferriss' book, and I tried those this morning. I made my bed. I made some tea here and started drinking that. I fed my dogs. I got in the shower and tried something new and took a cold shower this morning for about two or three minutes, although I said at least 30 seconds minimum. 

And here I am now, feeling outstanding, feeling wonderful. 

That is the miracle and that's a little miracle. 

A little miracle, but can miracles really be little? 

Than I could have felt so horrible just 30 minutes ago and I feel wonderful now. 

Thank you very much for reading this. I'm very grateful to have this to share with you today. 

My exercise for today is to continue to be open to suggestions. Often when I'm feeling good I close up for suggestions, and the one benefit of feeling bad is I open up. So to be open to suggestions today. 

Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful day today. 

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Jerry Banfield 

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Sir Jerry Banfield is a great teacher. I bless God for you. You have inpact more knowledge in us. Thanks Sir

A cold shower primes the immune system, maybe that's the effect you got?
You should be proud of your mental resilience to find a positive answer to your dilemma, that shows you have 'core strength'. Keep it up!

Whatever it does it gets me awake! Most mornings now I don't use it because I wake up in such a good mood and there is a lot of motivation I guess on a subconscious level to avoid the cold shower by maintaining in the loving and peaceful mindset!

hahaha yeah a part of me does always try to avoid cold showers, but if I do it, I do really feel better

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Since cryptos started to grow crazily up I also used to wake up with a great mood :D

me too :)

I was using it every day for a while when I was struggling and now it is funny my body seems to have been trained to wake up better most days after that :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The other is me, All same going from ( + ) to ( - ) and from ( - ) to ( + )
mood is like waves up and down, the key is living in the present moment if its ( - ) its Ok there is something need to be changed to be in ( + )
we have to go from ( - ) to be in the ( + ) mood, thank you Mr Jerry for your great Post +1

It surely does. Cold shower refreshes your body and brain which can make you forget youre having a bad day or if not, atleast cools down your anger state of mind.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hard exercise always works for me!

But actually, even light exercise, like a jog or a bike ride, is almost guaranteed to improve my mood.

Often, when I'm working out, I'll get a new idea and be flooded with optimism and motivation for hours afterwards.

It was during one of these moments that I decided to finally learn about Steemit and stake some $$ in it. I had been thinking about joining since it launched over a year ago, but never did.

And here I am today, reading J. Banfield instead of just watching him on YouTube.

@gigafart thank you for reading here in addition to watching on YouTube also!

Taking a cold shower and making my bed definitely work for me but only slightly, the real game-changers are physical exercise and meditation.

Yes the cold shower is very good when the normal routines are not working of making my bed!

I remember one time i woke up and was very tired, despite sleeping for over ten hours. I felt numb,utterly broken and asked myself "Why do i have to go through this" and "Why can't it just end?"

I was alone at home and it happened. I broke down in tears, i couldn't hold it any longer.
However i felt something warm inside me. In my mind i had this clear image of my dear mother hugging me when i was crying to remove my pain and give me love like no one else can. To this day I am grateful that my dear mother loved me the way she did.

And everytime i feel like i can't anymore i take some deep breath, visualize my mum hugging me and let all the pain flow down like a river.

Jerry your post really touched me and i wish you all the best for you and yout family.

@brianalex love your comment here thank you very much for sharing this story and I hope to remember it for myself next time I need it!

Awesome post jerry :)

I don't believe that you can wake up in a bad mood for no reason at all, usually that reason just isn't clear to you, but it is in your subconsciousness instead.

Bookmarked to read this more times later. Thanks @jerrybanfield for this awesome piece.

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When we wake up in a bad mood, what works to change it? #Motivation #motivationalmoments

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@lucashunter grateful for your share on Twitter in addition to commenting on the post here!

You are welcome @jerrybanfield. You are my mentor and I am grateful I can offer my little help to you. I published a post about you just some few days before you join the steemit community. I was happy you joined. Have a blessed Sunday

Damn man im right there with you. Ive been feel like shit all week on lie and its been having a toll on me. I need to switch things up and honestly this really helps man seeing others go through there issues and share whats on there mind. Its crazy how my dad always wanted me to listen to Tony tapes and got a set for my birthday and i was like ohh look thanks dad hahah now i wish i listened to him i guess we all learn the hard way! Thanks again Jerry keep your head high man! and congrats on staying sober

@adriansky grateful you shared about your Dad and the Tony tapes because I relate a lot to that! Appreciate your comment about staying sober and am lucky I am here to pass the message instead of being a statistic!

No doubt man always!
Ive been sober off alcohol for 5 years since my brain surgery and have been blessed since to still be here today looking forward on learning some tips and advice from you along the way. we all learn from one another keep inspiring man and keep up the great positive work!

Very great post, cold showers always help me a ton!

I've heard these are very effective for some men. I jump in the pool!

For me it's the opposite. HOT showers!

Yep , shower always helps :-) lol .. Spending time with my kids always helps me feeling good!!

@fifthangel you're right I am learning that if I spend enough time with my daughter each morning often the cold shower is not needed!

LOL! Indeed :-)

You are doing it again! What a great post, with a lot of great content to read. You made my day once again! :) Taking a cold shower is indeed something I do sometimes, and yeah.. it helps. Great post as always, keep up the good work Jerry!

@freddyfish wonderful comment here thank you for taking your time to both read and then share your thoughts here about it!

This post really helped me today because of all the comments I read here I was feeling a bit tired and motivated to take a cold shower again this morning which worked wonders!

As always! Awesome post! Your content always makes me think and reflect. I also enjoy the solutions you provide at the end.

On another note the steemit community would really appreciate if you would take the time and read this post


Lets come together and make steemit big! Thank you!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

What really works to change it in my opinion is how an individual has conditioned themselves to respond to such situations. If one ruminates over a depressive though their day will continue to be of that nature; however one who accepts occasional low mood as part of the balance of a healthy life and normal function the feeling can be more easily shifted. Therapy works in a similar way. Things like exercise can then be used to augment the process.

Jerry we love you if you will feel ever bad :D


Love this! @jerrybanfield you are super inspiring, keep it up!! :)

Hi Jerry,
i really love your videos on youtube, and i followed you here to steem ! keep the great job man !
actually i'm thinking about starting my own blog... please follow me :)

To improve my mood best works yoga breathing (pranayama) combined with "gratefulness" practice... just concentrating on the good stuff makes the difference !!

Hi Jerry been following you for quite some time now, and I'm very inspired by your story, I've been in a similar situation and getting on top of things now. I'm a musician here in Australia and have suffered from anxiety and depression at times, the mind is a powerful thing and when you have control of it life is great. Thanks for your positive outlook really enjoy watching your videos. Hope you can follow me here on Steemit, you might see the struggling life of a musician lol

Laughter is undoubtedly therapeutic. Cheers!

Found out it couldn't be smoked, sold it that day.

Or just do a little dance after leaving the bed or in front of the mirror in the bathroom. I do a daily dance for bitcoin and since a few days for Steem, too.


A rainy day fund with a months salary, is a great way to keep financial insecurity thoughts away.

I think the key to waking up in a good mood is to go to sleep the night before in a good mood. That energy flow doesn't suddenly change when you sleep. When it can be difficult at times, no question, I always think of at least 3 things I'm grateful for during the day and try to do some mediation or listen to positive things on youtube before falling asleep. It works!

Jerry, I watch everyone of your videos the day they come out. Good luck on everything and keep up the good work!

Doing things that we fear on everyday basis is always right way to go. Most of the times it's in small things like: cleaning your room, calling someone that you procrastinated to call, actually procrastination on all sorts of things etc.

Most important thing that I learned from Robbins is changing state . It is just deciding in what mood that you wanna be, and from then priming your body on that state. This is important "Motion creates emotion", that means that if you want to change your state, you need to change your body language, face expression and in few minutes you will be in new state. Gratitude plays huge role in changing state!

the best way it's to listen to good music and go out to breath fresh air :)

Great reading thank you, Jerry.
High and low, this is just human, but without this two status, we couldn't feel alive.
An Attitude of Gratitude is what we should never forget. Just five minutes per day, call it meditation, call it relax, but just remember to be grateful for the chance of living your life. Keep going! ;-)

hey man, some days are like this..
...smoke a joint
....go for a walk

diperation can only make you week you have to get over it thanks for shareing happiness jerry

people are complicated.
sometimes we wake up angry for no reason at all.
and taking deep breaths in and out helps to clear our minds..

@jerrybanfield rap music and quad shot of espresso my man cheers!

Just make yourself smile a few times and tell yourself you're a good person little bit basic but it works and on that note have a nice day

Thx for opening up

@jerrybanfield Wow at first let me say it was a though read:) Not used to see someone contribute so much info in a social community. Thanks a lot for that i will try the 3 minutes and the cold shower seems like a legit idea. Keep posting stuff like this! Thumbs up for this post.

Joined Steem after watching your video, This post is also too like some of your videos. Have commended in all your posts @jerrybanfield

Waking up in the morning, do meditation for about 10 minutes before you jump out of bed. Jump out of bed and prepare to go to the gym or hit the road for about 1 hour or 5 to 10km every morning for about minimum 4 days per week and will feel rejuvenated and ready for the day.

I know it's a cliche, but a morning workout will quite literally and chemically improve your mood. For men who aren't very overweight, I recommend weightlifting!

Simple, effective workout (I have no affiliation with):


Thanks for your honest posts Jerry, they are refreshing in a world of managed perceptions!

nice....your post deserve my upvote and resteem....

very good content like always

another good articel ,keep it real 😉

our brain works the way is ridiculous, it creates so much noise and emotions but actually nonsense, I do meditation in the morning and night to get those way

Waking up EARLY TODAY!

Everyone has bad days, and it is extremely difficult to turn it around. It's surrounding yourself with people with the same mind frame and that will also push eachother to succeed.

Awesome post! I've also found prayer is the best thing when I'm felling depressed

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

It's good to know even giants can have a bad day. Some of the points u covered I liked. One thing that works for me is a type of meditation where you do breathing exercises known as "Pranayama". It's like magic. 5 mins is good enough to recharge you.

thanks! CxqXUTpXgAACRsR.jpg
resteem my posts and upvote them and ill do the same 4 u, just reply done when you did so

Talking about good content, this is one of the best. Great post @jerrybanfield.

This is making me think a lot now "I realized that I actually wanted to feel worse".

Thanks so much for sharing something so personal that many people may relate to.

Great article, thanks! I am still trying to figure out, what might work bests for me.

Hi , i like you style 😊

Thanks so much for this post Jerry. I am so happy to see you join the SteemIt community.

@jerrybanfield Love your post cold shower really helps!

I like you and your videos. You use experience to make better decisions. Its mind over matter. Think positive always!! I like your logic take care Jerry

You could take antidepressants lol

Personally, having a 55" flat screen television makes me feel most happy in the morning. Just turn that baby on, flip to some cartoons, and cry myself back to sleep.

yep if i had a bad dream then only

thanks brother... im going to lose these 20lbs.

Great post. Meditation and exercise help me.

I approve of the cold shower method! This is my fail-safe. I sometimes do it multiple times a day just to get more energy.

I need to try these.

Thank you Jerry. I will implement some of your ideas into my daily routine.

Allowing yourself a little hunger to develop before eating cheers me up when depressed.

If one takes Macuna Powder daily you will never get out of bed depressed again. I discovered it last November having spent 49 years thinking about death and ways to die. Not a single day went by without myself thinking about death. It's amazing stuff and I highly recommend it.

i would say having good friends to talk to that are good listeners.

Still reading, i really like this article as well. For me once i implemented taking some vitamin supplements next to actual fruit and some excercise every morning changed it all. Glad i did it.

@jerrybanfield all your videos, tutorials and articles are really awesome. I really enjoy watching your videos and learn a lot from them. Thanks a lot for sharing useful knowledge with us.

I wish cold showers would address my social anxiety. It hard to fall asleep when ones mind is so active. Please just let me sleep.

@jerrybanfield I am going to feature you on steem is beautiful You are one amazing SteemerHero > YOU MAKE STEEM sooooo BEAUTIFUL. A new user that puts your all into helping steem community. Steem will change thousands and thousands of people's lives world wide and you are part of this movement. Bless you 100%!

yea I do just wake up some times feeling bad and horrible. You are right we don't normally want to feel better we just want to stay in a pissed off mood.
I just ran into my room and made my bed. lol. thanks for sharing your experience and now I know I don't have to be in a bad mood all day. thanks.

Most Monday's feel the same; almost you could say a blue Monday. The bad thing about feeling like that makes you want to stay in bed instead of going out and go to work. What i do to get of that feeling? I go take a small run, about 5km. That really works for me, after the run and a shower an can take the day easily!

If someone wakes me up early in the morning I often wake up in a bad mood. Recently my dogs keep waking me up and it just makes me feel angry and just ruins my morning in general.

So I can somewhat relate, I find mornings are the worst. I feel much better at night time, I even feel more energetic at night. It's almost as if I gain more energy throughout the day than from a good night sleep.

I guess it's sort of different from your situation, but I usually just nap it off or listen to music, then I feel a bit better. What usually helps me most is talking to the person I love, and my friends.

I hope your mornings will go better though! Sounds like you're going through tough times..

Anyways, reading this made me think of the song "Bizzare love triangle" by "New Order". If you don't know it, here's a lyric video on YouTube: New Order - Bizzare Love Triangle

I think you should give it a listen

~ Hope this somewhat helped!

Dang! I really needed this! I feel like I can utilize this EVERY monday!

Everyone has ups and downs. The fact that we have a great platform like steemit to share our thoughts with others makes it all better.
It's not a good idea to bottle up bad feelings.

I think you should try to be more introspective and open, just like you were in this post. It's important to know you're not the only one with these feelings, and it's even more important to know that they're just temporary. Sometimes you feel bad for no reason, and then your mind just finds a random reason. I suppose sometimes it's just neuroscience in action, depleted dopamine or unbalanced dopamine/serotonin. Whichever reason it is, everyone bounces back.

Hope you feel better Jerry!


Nice work Jerry. I did watch the previous video and thought you explained everything well. I was hoping to get your marketing perspective on the article I uploaded earlier today, called "3 Easy tips for effortless manipulation I learnt from being a Teacher!" I was wondering your thoughts on how to get more traction on it? Much love, Greatmb. Also curious on if there are any cryptos other than steem you believe are undervalued?

What job you do for living...

I love a nice cold shower in the morning to start my day. I feel so much more energized. Sometimes I start with the water warm then gradually turn it colder. Its more relaxing that way in my opinion.
Thanks for sharing Jerry!

Yes we need more content like this. My new routine has been the first thing I do when I wake up is I groggily force myself into my shoes walk outside and climb the hill next to my house. I take off my shirt and soak up some real direct sunlight. I do some deep breathing and maybe jog a little to get the heart going. After a while I go back inside I take a cold shower and meditate. I can really attest to a morning routine. Great post, keep it up! Cant't wait to see more of your posts in my feed now ;)

Very good article, i really like how thorough you explained every part of it. Since I shared similar experience would you mind telling me if that could be handy to anyone, what do you think? I'd be grateful https://steemit.com/life/@johnhamilton/handy-stuff-if-you-re-willing-to-stop-being-depressed

Very good points! Especially the cold shower works wonders!

nice 1, I like this

It also happens to me a lot of times.

Hello Jerry,
Thanks for this post. I have suffered from depression for the majority of my life and so many times I wake up, like you say, feeling like absolute hell. So many times I let it get the best of me and will just sit feeling empty and sulk rather than try to find my way out. So many times in the past, also turning to alcohol to try to escape the pain, with nothing but dire consequences as a result. And though I know some routine, some exercise, etc will help I let myself remain defeated and broken down.

I will do my best to recall this post the next morning I wake up feeling like hell. And try to use it as inspiration to break the cycle.

Will follow, and look forward to future posts.
Feel free to do the same.

Thanks again!

The cold shower is a really good habit to empower yourself, just like meditation.
It can even put me in a state of meditation, standing in that coldness.
The real magic happens afterwards though, my body feels pure after the cold and I feel extremely energized.
This only works when I'm really into it, though, it loses it's power when I'm thinking about things that don't matter.

Thank you for sharing this, it gave me some much needed perspective. I guess it is important to be honest to yourself -- sometimes we don't want to feel better, we subconsciously want to feel worse! I think I'll take a cold shower tomorrow morning

You da man Jerry. I'm a hodl'er!!!

Great post Jerry! Thank you!
Please follow me back.

Good suggestions there. I almost always wake up (after sleeping very badly) feeling like crap. Looking forward to my cold shower in the morning. Might even make my bed after!

BIG fan of the ice shower Jerry! I take one every morning to get the energy flowing. Meditation helps so much too. As does prayer, and mirroring guys like Tim F and Tony Robbins. Thanks for sharing!

Nice post, but I know a better idea to resolve waking up in a bad mood. Either don't sleep at all or just be angry all the time! :D jk jk

I totally understand this problem! Thanks for sharing Jerry.. I'm new here but as a Jerry Ban Fan, i decided to check this whole new world out!

So what works for me, and believe me sometimes i wake up feeling pretty heavy.. is doing the 8 brocades Qi Gong which only takes 20 minutes and then a a few minutes of sitting.. It changes the whole world around me! Then i just have to try to hang on with that feeling ;=)

This reminded me of myself the other day. Woke up feeling bad. Started listening to Tony Robbins. Took a cold shower as he suggested. Felt better. Decided to be supergirl. Said F*ck it and hiked up the hill next to my house. Came home and read some of the underlined portions from The 4 Hr. workweek. But seriously Jerry- why feel bad? You are doing great things. You may perhaps be the most beloved person here on steemit. Loving yourself is the key!

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