January 23rd 2018 Steemit Blog Text by Jose Peixoto
Given that our existence in this particular plane is only possible whilst in full control of our most valuable and indispensable resource, namely our human body, it makes sense to study the fundamental particles from which our reality is made from, as well as how our human body works as a means to determine how we can get the most happiness out of our lives.
Further considering that an individual’s processing power is derived from one’s brain, could it be possible to heighten one’s ability to be happy if we can somehow better control our brain functions? Or better yet, can we consciously gain control of new functions, and consequently gain newfound abilities, inline with what some consider to be superhuman feats that some humans already claim to have a grasp of, whilst most others don’t?
Scientists are now confirming, that each of our brains as well as our corresponding point of consciousness, contains its own unique universe within it, further validating that we have the capacity to work through a minimum of 11 different dimensions of time and space.
We also know that everything around us is made of matter, which we’re told is mostly empty space. If an apple were to be magnified to the size of our planet. Its atoms can be considered the size of the original apple, allowing us some perception of why we are surrounded by mainly empty space.
This type of investigation gains remote comprehension through the scientific study of quantum physics. By weighing up the strange and complex world of quantum mechanics we end up at a cross road, whereby one's’ consciousness is asked to determine whether to go down multiple rabbit holes to re-learn the failed memory of our very existence during this lifetime or whether one should determine to simply follow that up in the next life to come.
If for nothing else, one should remember that quantum physics is the only science that is able to explain our human bodies’ inter-dimensional aspects. That is important in our quest for happiness because just that often hypothetical and philosophical question alone, of whether “there is more to life than meets the eye” has so much potential to eminently influence human behaviour at its very core.
Top physicists accept that our current scientific understanding can comfortably account for 5% of our 3rd dimensional reality.
Should we decide to break down the properties of matter, past common conventional scientific means of understanding, by intrinsically evaluating sub-atomic behaviour, we come to realize that a human’s sense of separation from everything and everyone around them is a mere illusion, perpetrated by social conditioning that in turn sets a variety of indoctrinated limiting beliefs into human minds, by fellow humans most of who, are in need of desperate spiritual maintenance.
These sets of limiting beliefs have led humanity to mainly accept that each being is separate from their environment. Yet, if we decide to look at what contemporary quantum physicists claim about any given solid object that may perceptually considered to be separate, due to the limiting frame of reference that is accepted by the majority of people, we come to realize that the fundamental constituents of all matter, in terms of elusive subatomic particles (electrons, protons, neutrinos, quarks and so on), respond to a phenomenon of quantum entanglement from which a vortex of scintillating energy is measured, these in turn generate fields of light that our brains subsequently collapse into labels of people, things, times and events..
The above mentioned process allows a human brain to evaluate a fraction of our universal electromagnetic spectrum, picked up from his or her surroundings by the visual cortex and translated into pictures in the mind, this is in fact scientifically quantifiable as only 0.0035% of the whole.
The understanding of this quantum entanglement paves the way for one to realize that the message portrayed by all great masters of spirituality, that have been known to manipulate matter at will, is in fact true, we are truly all connected and “one” with all of the universe around us.
In conclusion to the above scientifically proven statements, we can only comfortably explain 5% of the reality that surrounds us, most human beings mostly consider what their eyes and brain are currently able to decode and it would therefore be safe to assume that most of the humans we encounter are limiting themselves to only translating into experience, 0.0035% of what is eminently being received and/or transmitted by their sovereign electromagnetic and biophotonic fields.
It’s no wonder that some extraterrestrial races refer to us as the masters of limitation.